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Everything posted by SnowDrifter

  1. When life gives you lemons, stick two in your shirt and pretend they are boobs

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Casket


      Any more than a handful is a waste... lol

    3. Karkov
    4. WastedTalent


      whoever says anymore than a handful is a waste just has never had them tig ole bitties. My 2 cents.

  2. I had the opportunity to see one of these baskets on an M1 lv6. In person, of course. Boy oh boy do they look NICE
  3. Mine came with a clamp for the ground. But I know that they've changed lead styles a couple times. If it really bothers you, grab some replacement leads for a klein multimeter. It has point probes with clips that screw in
  4. Will it work? Yeah. Will voltage be great? No. I'm assuming you are running off the stock alt since you didn't mention anything about a high output alternator. As with anytime you are running on battery power, be mindful of voltage drop induced clipping.
  5. You know when you could *swear* you heard someone calling your name, but no one really was? What if that means you are in a coma and your family can't yell loud enough to wake you up.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Keith77


      Put down the pipe Chris!

    3. alaskanzx5


      wait! I could be in a coma right now? dam, all this car audio ive been learning could be face info my mind created to keep me busy!

    4. alaskanzx5
  6. Sending you my bill for therapy *****it didn't happen it didn't happen it didn't happen it didn't happen it didn't happen. I didn't see it I didn't see it I didn't see it I didn't see it I didn't see it I didn't see it *******
  7. Just when I thought I'd seen it all. Furries. Dafuq?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DubNDodge


      Lol didn't you see that on 1000 ways to die? Some guy was stoned or drunk icr, found a furry group orgy. Well he wanted in on it. Then there was a wild bear near that and well... name of the show

    3. Chris Hammer

      Chris Hammer

      I'm good...people can do their own shit I don't need to be a part or even know about it....looks about as great as being a brony

    4. Borris The Blade

      Borris The Blade

      You just now heard about furries?

  8. 1. Certified Mode (test stops @ 1% Distortion) @ 1 ohm (7,900 watts) 2. Non Certified Mode (test stops at Clipping) @ 1 ohm (8,200 watts) 3. Non Certified Mode (Test Stops @ Clipping) @ .8 ohms (9,500 watts) 4. Dynamic RMS Burst Mode (Test stops @ clipping) @ 1 ohm) (9,200 watts) 5. Dynamic RMS Burst Mode (Test stops @ clipping) @ 8 ohm) (10,200 watts) Total: 45,000 watts. P.S. Holy amp batman
  9. I have to say it's one of the most used tools in my audio-toolbox. Good stuff!
  10. Well it's official. Got an RMA for my alt today. 390xp here we go!

    1. CNF Kevosinn

      CNF Kevosinn

      those things suck I heard...I can only run 2 10k's @.5 off one of them its bs.... hehe enjoy ;)

    2. Kyblack76


      Good stuff.... let me see a pic when ya get er....

    3. Swordlordboy1234


      I wish I could fit one of those.

  11. I'm not XS, I don't work at XS, and I don't want to put words in their mouth. But as a matter of personal opinion, I like to charge between .1C and .25C. Where C is the capacity of the battery in Amp Hours, generally erring on the higher side unless it's really hot out and the car is sitting in the sun. Or I *just* finish driving it. Or something along those lines that would cause battery temperature to be high Ex: 100ah battery @.1c is 10a, @.25c is 25a. So I'd charge between 10 and 25a
  12. Does the battery charge setting have different amperage modes? Or is it fixed at say... 60 amps?
  13. Btw I'm jealous of this. Makes me want to sell my current one and get the upgraded version lol
  14. You'll be fine. Unless the batteries are all flat dead or something lol. But that's because the charger will stop charging after 10 hours, if the batteries havent been charged by then. Topping off: It will work great
  15. My car sounds like it has a supercharger on it. Used alt that I got has some noisy bearing whine to it. Good for +50hp maybe?

    1. WastedTalent


      Nah bro, the whine is good for an extra 75 hp... minimum. Just like brake squeal helps stopping distances by 85%

    2. Kyblack76


      gets the bitches

  16. 8k, stock alt, caps, 1 battery. We'll see how this goes

  17. I'll also add: With your batteries wired in parallel so they are a 12v system, not a 24v system, there is no need for any sort of charge controller. Just hook them up and be done. Wouldn't be a bad idea to see if your rear battery even holds a charge first, there's a chance it could be damaged. Pull it and charge it, let it sit overnight, voltage should be around 13v While you are at it, do the "big 3" upgrade for your car. Add onto existing factory cables, don't replace them 1. Upgrade your alt positive to battery positive cable 2. Upgrade you alternator's ground 3. Upgrade your front battery's ground. And be sure your wiring is configured for a parallel connection before doing this!! If you don't, sparks will fly
  18. Not to sound like I'm making a jab at OP, it's not my intention.... But he's a military electrician. I'm a 19 year old kid fresh out of high school. He should be schooling me
  19. Woahwoahwoahwoahwoah Unhook your back battery NOW. Do it IMMEDIATELY Wire in parallel, not series.
  20. Here's the issue with self tapping screws on thin sheet metal It pulls up the metal it's attached to, lifting up the terminal so you only get contact around the inner ring of your terminal. See below Black = sheet metal Gray = self tapping screw Red = ring terminal See what happens? Poor contact area, source of resistance and voltage drop. Ideally, you want to ground to something fairly thick, such as a strut tower or frame. But if you need to ground to sheet metal, you should put washers on top of the ring terminal, and on the opposide side of the sheet metal, that way the terminal and metal are sandwitched between the washers, ensuring(insuring? don't kill me grammar Nazis ) that there is no metal deformation and as much contact area as possible
  21. Where are you grounded at right now? Does your car have any strut towers you can ground to? And self tapping screws don't cut it for car audio grounds just FYI Pull out your multimeter. Negative probe to chassis ground somewhere on the car. With both the car on and car off, give me the voltages for: Front battery Both sides of front fuse Both sides of rear fuse Rear battery Amp I also need to know: Where is the negative of your amp wired to? The battery or vehicle ground?
  22. If you are a military electrician... Why can't you diagnose this? Grab a multi meter and start testing connections And what is "crimped the right way"?
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