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Status Updates posted by hershy314

  1. If I get a mechanical valve during my surgery in a couple of weeks, would that make part cyborg?

    1. oldsoundguy
    2. DLHgn


      I believe so!

    3. hershy314


      Guess in a couple weeks y'all can say you know a cyborg lol.

  2. Just got home from visiting my Grandpa in KY. Wasn't able to get much done like I wanted too, stupid mower decided to break down. $170+ to get it fixed. Being the good Grandson I am I paid for it, and cause he had done so much for me a number of years ago. Like giving me a place to live when I had no where to go. Anyway today before leaving to head back home he mentions that he has to get rid of one of his cars, a 97 Crown Victoria P71 (police car). I'm not sure what I'm going  to do with it just yet, but an audio upgrade is going to happen. I can't wait to get it back home so I can really look at it. 

  3. Just got off the phone with my lawyer a little while ago and it sounds like good news. He was telling me that if I agree to saying I was disabled starting in mid June instead of April the judge will grant me my disability. If that happens, which it sounds like it will I wont have to go to court next week. I told my lawyer that I would take the deal, been fighting this way to long. I should know more hopefully by Monday. My court date is Thursday, Will be nice to have some kind of income again. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. hershy314


      I'll give you the short version. I was born with a bad heart, 36 years later I've had two major open heart surgeries. Both needed or I wouldn't be here today. Plus a host of other health problems. 

    3. Ron36


      I read your story a while ago crazy how people on  disability and seem normal but then people who need it have to fight for it , shits crazy hope it all works out brother I remember when u were posting about your 2nd surgery not that long ago glad to see u doing better.

    4. hershy314


      Thanks brother, it is crazy how this whole thing works. I am doing a little better since the surgery. Still trying to get used to the new limitations I have, as if I didn't have enough limitations before lol. All honesty I almost did not answer that call Friday, only cause it was a number I did not recognize. My caller ID showed it as a Topeka KS number, but I'm glad I did. 

  4. Just learned the house I grew up in is sitting vacant right now. Hmmm makes me wonder how and if I can get back in. Hell I'd spend my whole back pay to do it.

  5. Just over 2 months after open heart surgery and I'm still here. Well duh, I'm typing this so yeah. Surgery was a success, got a mechanical valve tickin away inside me. Seriously sounds like I'm listing to an old analog watch 24/7. Why hasn't it driven me crazy yet? Well, I'm not sure. Another bit of good news, well possibly good news. In July I have a hearing about my SSI. If I get that, my life will greatly improve. 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Jessica


      grats man, keep on keepin on

    3. hershy314


      Who knows, maybe with all this extra time I can do a crazy build.......eventually.

    4. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      That's good to hear

  6. My surgery went well on Tuesday, just got home today. I actually got back sooner than I thought I would. I was told I'd be in the hospital 6-8 days, instead I was in there a total of 5. Would of been 4, but I knew that my brother and his family wanted to see me and my cousin and aunt wanted to see me, so I stayed one more night. Here in about 8 weeks I'll be back to doing all the things I was doing before.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Karkov


      Glad everything went ok!  Scary shit, or it would be for me.  Even with insurance I dont wanna know what those bills are gonna be.  How long before you can listen to bass?

    3. hershy314


      Thanks guys, means a lot. Yeah it was scary for sure, but having gone through once before it wasn't too bad. Really the surgery wasn't the bad part, it's the recovery that'll get ya. They gave me a little pillow that when I have to cough I have to hug it. If I don't, the incession could tear open. I do get pains and stuff cause of the surgery, but that's to be expected. As far as being able to listen to bass again, I'm not sure. I currently have no beat, hell I don't even have a ride. But what I do know is that, I can't do anything strenious for 6-8weeks, cant lift anything over 10lbs for like 4 weeks.

  7. Next week I'll get all the information about my SSI and all that good stuff. Finally got an income again and can get these stupid debt collectors off my back. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Broke_Audio_Addict


      Then don't feed the vultures, use it for your necessities.

    3. 06RTCharger


      Change ur phone number too if u can. 

    4. hershy314


      I'm going to use it for rent, and bills. Really all I got to pay right now. but the back pay is going towards whatever I want, which oddly I have no idea what that is. 

  8. Today was a good day, the main source of my stress is some what out of my life. My mother and her bf finally split up. This was something I saw coming a few years ago, but both were to stubborn to admit it til recently. I mean this dude would sit around for the past 2 years and basically drink from sun up til sun down every day almost. It's one thing to have a few drinks, but drink nearly a case a day is crazy. I mean it was nearly impossible to deal with the man when he was drinking. Today there is no alcohol in the house. More importantly no fighting. That was something I really hated having to deal with. Sure couples fight, but almost everyday over the smallest thing is not normal. Really only thing I miss are the dogs. A yellow lab named Molley and a pug named Katie. Molley was my buddy since the day I had to move back in with the parents. Saturday she is going in to have a tumor removed, or at least that's the plan. I hope it works and she recovers. 

  9. Tomorrow morning I'll be checking into the hospital, finally getting my much needed heart surgery done. I'll be honest and say that yes I am a little nervous, but more excited than anything. I will be getting a mechanical valve put in. Did this for a few reasons. One reason being that they last a long time, basically it will last me the rest of my life. The other reason is well part of my first reason, and that's I don't want to go through this again. Yes this is my second open heart surgery, and I know what to expect. It's cause I know what to expect is why I don't want to do it again. In the end it will be worth all the pain I'll be in for a few months. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Broke_Audio_Addict
    3. oldsoundguy


      Good luck man. Will be thinking about you tomorrow.

    4. Ron36


      Get well soon brother. 

  10. After a month in this new town I finally got an interview

  11. After being out of work 8 months I finally have a job interview. I hope I don't screw this up, I really need the money. It's at McDonald's, it's a job. Can't complain.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Soccerballzs


      Anything to get your foot in the door. Try Management there brother did it and made good money almost 50000.00 per year. Not bad for Mcd's

    3. Raptorman


      A job's a job! Good luck man.

  12. After over a year of searching for a full time job, I may have found one. Interview tomorrow.

  13. After over a year of searching for a new job, it might be over. Job interview on Monday.

    1. Josef344


      Congrats on the interview!

    2. hershy314


      Thanks and good luck in Cali, had some great times out there before

  14. Age 33 wasn't that great of a year, hopefully age 34 will be a better year.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. hershy314


      yeah I know. and I know what is missing. getting it is easier said than done, but not impossible.

    3. Karkov


      it will not be a better year.

    4. 2loud4uboyz


      Why Flame ChillMasterwill?We make our on paths in life no matter who says what .

  15. Always been told if you want respect you have show respect. Well I've shown respect ever since I moved to were I am yet they have yet to show me any. Really the only one I really to show respect too is my mom, but I show it to everyone in the house. Is it too much to ask for the same in return? At this point I am hoping for something to be wrong with my heart just so I can leave town for a week or two.

  16. Always nice when you send your laptop off to be repaired, and week later find out they claim they never got it. Not sure what's going on.

  17. Anyone know of a place that lends money to those who have bad credit? Trying to get a loan of about $600 so I can pay my rent and avoid getting evicted. Serious need of help.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. hershy314


      Well I have found a couple places nearby that are about $100 cheaper than where I'm at so going to try my luck there.

    3. hershy314


      Contacted one place, it's about $100 cheaper and a two bedroom so might possibly get a roommate. I know it would help out a lot to get one, but haven't had much luck with roommates in the past.

  18. Are there any good headphones for under 30?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. hershy314


      earbuds would be ok, that's what I usually get.

    3. hershy314


      Decided to give the soundqubed earbuds a try.

    4. OrionStang


      They are great for the price, very happy with the purchase.

  19. at the new job, so far not bad. then again it is my first day

    1. jrussell9109


      give it a few months haha, then its usually down hill from there

    2. hershy314


      well today was pretty boring. no body called in for parts really.

  20. Being back home put me in a little better mood. Probably because I had there what I don't have here. A bed, control over the TV, walking distance to everything. Sounds like stupid stuff, but when ya don't have it. It's not stupid.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. hershy314


      Anytime I've moved I wasn't working at Panera. Haven't worked for them since 2011. Reason I left home is cause I got canned from where I was working (oddly enough a common question I get when I visit is "when are you coming back"). Plus I was already a month behind on the rent. I was kinda dumb with money back then. I've gotten smarter over the years.

    3. OrionStang


      Just giving you a hard time, man.

    4. hershy314


      Thanks for that

  21. Came close to winning a new-ish car today. I had a key, stuck it in a little bit and the lights and chimes all came on but couldn't get the key all they way in to start it. Oh well, even if I had one I would of turned around and sold it. 2013 Kia Sorento was the prize.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. hershy314


      Since I couldn't pay the tax, title and that crap I would gave the key to another person. But really Kia's aren't that bad.

    3. MrSkippyJ


      you know its bad when you have to advertise the warranty!

    4. hershy314


      Name one car company that doesn't do that.

  22. Can't believe the luck I'm having. I just landed a job back home, and a place is not far behind. 2013 is a good year and it's just began

    1. LT.Smoke


      Patience pays off bro...

    2. hershy314
  23. Completed my last day yesterday, saw my final grades and happy to say I'm no longer a college student.

    1. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      Congratulations mang

    2. tyma1026


      Congrats. Make good with that degree.

  24. Could be getting back into my own place again. All depends on if everything goes the way I hope it does. No I won't be heading home just a place better than where I am.

  25. Crazy stuff. Finally got a new phone, so first thing I do is try to figure out what went wrong with my pizza order last sunday. called the store and got to talk to the regional manager who said my next pizza is free :) also called the customer support line, who is refunding my order. Apparentlly I some how gave the driver a 21 dollar tip.. Uh no,

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