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Team Bassick - Kimo

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Status Updates posted by Team Bassick - Kimo

  1. Some meetings are better done on an email.

  2. Stopped in after the niner game. Thanks Herman for the recommend.

  3. Stuck in the house. Louann said I cant go outside.....trapped like a dog.

    1. MarioB


      Ahhh fresh air

    2. B Slaps

      B Slaps

      have a drink for me too bro.

  4. Taking the kids for their first time.

    1. MarioB


      to where bro?

  5. Team Bassick's Bass Racer Specialists

  6. Team Bassick's Secret Agent

  7. Team Bassick's Secret Weapon

  8. Teambassick.com getting an overhaul. Plan to keep the event schedule up to date as the last page. Plus with interesting posts/blogs.

  9. Tears of Red and Gold......

  10. TGIF....Its my last day at VMC/PBS. A lot of sad faces today, I will miss a lot of people. Going to celeberte my new job,which I start Monday, after work. Thinking it is a 1 shot to 2 beer kinda day.

  11. Thank god it is the weekend.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Keith77


      you're a few days late my man!

    3. MarioB


      Kimo you alright bro? today is Tuesday

    4. Neckbeard


      Tuesday is the start of mine also lol

  12. Thank You everyone for Birthday wishes.

    1. Kyblack76


      Noooooo one cares Kimo !!!..lol

      cheers mate

  13. Thank You to all my Ohana (Blood or Not) for the B-Day wishes. Spent the day surrounded by people I love.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LT.Smoke


      Didnt know today was your B-day Kimo... Happy B-day bro

    3. ALPINE408
    4. OrionStang


      Time flies, I remember when you posted a similar status last year. Happy late b-day.

  14. The following was found posted very low on a refrigerator door.Dear Dogs and Cats: The dishes on the floor with the paw prints are yours and contain your food. The other dishes are mine and contain my food. Placing a paw print in the middle of my plate does not mean that is suddenly your food, nor do I find that aesthetically pleasing in the slightest.The stairway was not designed by NASCAR and is not a racetrack. Racing me to the top of the stairs is not the object. Tripping me doesn't h...

    1. egag



      this is hilarious =D

  15. The most private wedding ever.....

  16. The show may be local but, I am up and ready.......***sucks being sick though***

    1. tdsa23


      Im sick to thats why I want be able to make it.

  17. This Sucks Ass......been up for the past three hours and can't go back to sleep.

  18. Tired of talking on the phone.

  19. TO ALL FELLOW BASSHEADS........Told the wife about my nightmare and she said I am a jerk.So in my nightmare I am cruising in my mini truck and I pull into a gas station. While I am pumping fuel someone walks up and asks for a demo. Glad to show off I jump in and say sure. The horror begins, My Flip out Alpine is gone and I'm fumbling around with some Cassette Deck by Power Acoustic pull out. NOTHINGS WORKING.....When it finally starts playing the guy jumps out and says "That's it".I WOK...

  20. To all my friends and family..........No I am not a new millionaire.

    1. will77530


      does this mean im not getting fired?

  21. Toasted my Jalapeno bagel then put garlic and herb spread, ham,turkey deli meat and slice of american cheese. OMG What a great way to start the morning at work.

    1. bcpballer64
    2. deepsilencer


      dude u made my mouth watery lol (no homo)


  23. Two rules of thumb to live by: K.I.S.S. & F.I.S.H. AKA......keep it simple stupid and fuck it Shit happens.

  24. Two years ago I would have to say was one of the best days in my life. Never have I felt so much love, pride and joy. Never thought I could love someone at first site and every time I see or think of her. I love my Anela Kaliloa so much. Thanks to all of our Obama that helped celebrate her special day. Happy Birthday My Baby Girl Daddy Loves You.

    1. SnowDrifter


      I'm assuming that was a typo for Ohana?

      Happy birthday to your daughter!

    2. 8ight


      Wishing your daughter a happy birthday, that is a beautiful name!

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