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Status Updates posted by Bigsix

  1. New Years Party starts now for me... Don Julio Blanco and a fatty

    1. Purplehaze


      Sounds like my kind of party!

      Happy NYE bro!

    2. OrionStang


      Mmmmm, fatty sounds nice.

    3. Jd1102


      arggggg i wanna fatty but gotta pass pee test cognac it is for me! happy NYE

  2. Nice hot tub, some candles, Fifty Shades of Gray, mmmmmmm nice night for the big man.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. dog24fret


      lol. When I was able to drink. It was Jack straight up or shine. Never got into flavored party sodas :) .

    3. OrionStang


      Did you really just say Boone's Farms?

    4. Bigsix


      Adam, I have a wife, that shares a girlfirend with me. My wife likes to watch me do the deed with girlfriend. That book is beginners level my friend.

  3. Nicest day of the year thus far, and instead of working on the Lincoln or riding the beast, Im taking the kiddos to see their great grandma. FML.

  4. Now the wait begins. Hope my new bike makes the journey across the country safely.

  5. Oh FML world class hangover in full effect. Sweet. Time for more of the "hair of the dog that bit me". A true Champion never gives up. I "will" be opening this beer in a sec and I "will" be right back at it!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Bigsix



      Bouts to Irish Car Bomb my liver.

    3. Jessica


      wait a minute! you arent chillmaster! lol

    4. Kyblack76



      here here...


  6. OK.. So the sunny ( but cold) weather got my ass in gear. Time for the Lincoln to come out of it's slumber. Some gas, filled up the low tire and she fired right up. Goes into the shop end of next week to get a tune up, and have the split heater core replaced. The best part is...

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. HatersGonnaHate


      Port area out the ass lol

    3. Kyblack76


      15's man...

      Oh.. and LOL

    4. Bigsix


      looks like the 18s would be feasible, but to close to call, 4 15s it is.

  7. ol' lady made the best chicken for dinner... Im bloated

    1. Kyblack76
    2. Keith77


      What did the girl friend make?

  8. Oof.. Brain feels like jello. Late night last night.. of of course the kids were awake at the ass crack of dawn to look for all their hidden easter goodies.

  9. OOO! On my way to go pick up a new bang-bang!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LT.Smoke


      No he means a Boom Stick... Aka Gun lol

    3. purplesyrup


      ahh a new one tine ay?

    4. Bigsix


      RIA MAP1 MS, CZ 75 clone... 9mm ran a few mags through it right after taking possession, nice shooter.

  10. Ooooooo wheeeee! Don't nobody go in there for a good 35-45 minutes.... My bad.

  11. People that ask a question about something, then don't get the answer they are looking for, but are given sound advice from people with much more experience, then get all butt hurt about it annoy the shit out of me.

    1. Chris Hammer

      Chris Hammer

      Hmmm..sounds like a regular forum occurance to me. Newb piss you off?

    2. dog24fret


      Agreed. I love laughing at those like that.

    3. Bigsix


      Actually not a newb in any way, a well known member got all butt hurt in the gun forum and wanted his post taken down. Not our fault he shoots like a pussy.

  12. Project "Rifle McNugget" (aka 7.5 inch AR pistol, the poor man's SBR) is well underway.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Keith77


      Pics or it didnt happen LOL

      Cant wait to see the finish product

    3. Bigsix


      It is, if you think things that go boom.

    4. Bigsix


      Pics soon enough, not much to look at yet, as I still dont have ALL the parts yet. Supposed to go pick up my free float fore end tonight, but Im feeling lazy.

  13. REPENT Sinners, for the End of Days shall be upon us tomorrow. The lord shall striketh down ye of now faith and the sky will fall and rain blood upon your heads. The end is upon us!!!!     LOL.... There. I feel better now.

    1. Bigsix


      ya.... All I can say is if shit were to actually hit to proverbial fan tomorrow,  good. I could use a nice vacation from work for once.

    2. Nate Futuristic

      Nate Futuristic

      i took my vacation for today and tomorrow lol fuck if im gonna be at work and something does happen

    3. Bigsix


      I have to work tomorrow, but the kids are staying home from school with mama and they aint going anywhere till Im home. And the prepper in me is saying to load up a cpl AR mags and haul that bish around in my trunk for the day. Just in case.

  14. Sincw no one had input on my post in the amp section, I put my big boy pants on and made a decision on my own.. gonna grab a Zapco AG650.6 tomorrow to run my doors

  15. So for todays mid-work day distraction, I shot up a hot water tank, with the fellas that rent the back half of our building. Fun fun. The 23c definately tames down the 40 cal snap

  16. So wifey comes outta Walmrt, and low and behold some asshole hit the brand new car... Awesome. Door is damaged a little, needs a whole new fender, and the front bumer cover is damaged too... Awesome!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. OrionStang
    3. tdsa23


      I just hope he doesnt have so cheap no name Ins they are a pain to deal with.

    4. Bigsix


      well funny thing is... if they can get me a plate Ill have the douche bags address in seconds.. I can registrations at work...

  17. So yeah.... My garage just caught on fire.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. bass4thetruck


      why did you let ghost do you electrical?

    3. Bigsix
    4. Bigsix


      for the most part Ill have everything normal by tomorrow. some new conduit, some romex, new outlets and a mess to clean up.. not as bad as it looked

  18. So.. just read a news story " Naked man shot to death while eating the face of another man"... Happened in Florida.. Drug indiced craze? Or is this the start of the Zombie apocalypse I have been so patiently waiting for?

  19. Soooooo....Im now a sundown fanboy...using an old box that isnt anywhere near right for them, and is tuned retarded high..but damn do these wang...cant wait to start the new box build.

  20. spring cleaning today. took almost everything out of the garage and condensing, tossing and re-organizing all my shit. fun fun.

    1. HatersGonnaHate


      You can reorganize some of the cool stuff to my house. You've got my name, you can find the address.

  21. Sundown 18 gets a new home tomorrow and I get a new 12 and some cash.. time to start laying out another box to give me back some trunk.

  22. T-minus 4 hours until my Harley is at my house. And it figures we get a lightweight ice storm this morning. FTL. So much for a first thing ride huh?

  23. Thanks again N8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. n8ball2013


      no problem put it to good use

  24. This beard looks damn good.

    1. Kyblack76


      face filter...

      dig it..

  25. Time to start lookin' at 22's for the Linc..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bigsix


      22's will fit no issue. The coils will settle about an inch from what Ive read, but the are sitting about an inch and a half higher than stock( so once they settle, ill still be a touch higher than stock). Already done measured and with the proper backspace etc, theres room for 22's all day. 24's on a town car is when it starts not workin..

    3. Bigsix


      Just going to be on some rubberbands most likely

    4. Keith77


      I wasnt talking about clearance I was talikng about the cushy ride you lost from taking the bags out. LOL. I know its not huge differance but the air suspension is so nice on those. Like riding on a cloud.

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