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Status Updates posted by ChillMasterWill

  1. after many years of use my Phoenix Gold PLD1 Line Driver finally quit, I wanted to try something different so I bought a Rockford Fosgate 3Sixty Line Driver, it's so strong & oh so clean, work, someone has to do it, may your day go bald head smooth, later...

  2. after my 3 week break I have 2 DB Drag/IASCA Shows this weekend with my youngest basshead, I'm ready to compete & give demos, got some goals I want to accomplish, Team Deadly Hertz, Team SKAR Audio, BASS LIFE! we all get angry, it's normal, we just can't stay that way, let it go & have a good day...

  3. after you've experienced good & bad you need to decide how you want your life to be, in order to do better you must want to & start making better decisions in your life, learn from your mistakes, don't let history repeat itself, they say keep it 100 I ain't got no choice, I can't help it, may your day go bald head smoove...

  4. ain't it "funny" how folks w/"competition" systems/speakers/subs etc. never compete or just come to shows to watch and talk about what they have in the parking lot but not in the lanes and everyone wants a super loud system, head unit, speakers, subs, amps and installed for like the cost of a bottle of water basically nothing, those ideas get on my nerves like distortion....

  5. ain't nothing like a clean ride, a smooth bald head & some kids ready to ride, road trip, the truck's packed up, me & my kids are headed on our lil family summer vacation, fun, father & sons, Rolling Thundering...

    1. boom50cal


      Have fun and be safe Will!

    2. TheBetterMethod


      Sounds like the good life! Enjoy it Will!

  6. Ain't nothing like a clean whip, clean rides drive better, yep riding clean,like the magazine, hell yeah!

    1. OrionStang


      Yeah buddy, car wash before the show tomorrow.

  7. ain't nothing like a good workout, mood is super accomplished, swag's on full attack!

  8. ain't nothing wrong w/making mistakes we're all human & are gonna make em' just don't keep making the same ones over & over again, have a good day my friends, later...

    1. White Lightning

      White Lightning

      best known as Trail and error

      Stay thirsty my friends

  9. ain't nothing wrong w/trying to make improvements in your life & wanting to do better, don't let anyone talk you out of it either & have a great day!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Soccerballzs
    3. 2loud4uboyz


      I myself enjoy Will's comments. He hits it on point a lot.

  10. ain't nothing wrong with being different, stand out, do what others won't, that's the way I am, may your day be outstanding, later...

  11. all a hater should do is motivate you, real talk...

    1. scooter99


      SPEAK IT! And the larwd said: "all a hater should do is motivate you"!

  12. all bassheads are goal oriented, we want MOAR!

  13. all bassheads want more bass "A-S-A-Please" Si Roberts, LMAO dude's hilarious...

  14. all great installers have brainstorms, I'm letting my ideas for Project "Thump In The Trunk" a Dodge Stratus w/2 Killer 10's, rain down, SKAR FTW!

    1. SnowDrifter


      Do it!

      It's always great when someone has some loud 10s because no one expects it

  15. all I've got to say is SBN is 9 days away, I know some work better under pressure so if you're doing a build, hurry up an git er' done BASS LIFE!

    1. White Lightning

      White Lightning

      yep, its got to be done or its my ass is in a sling ...

  16. All my basshead bros if you don't have the newest DECAF Zip number 33 I strongly suggest you get it, got some smooth beats on this one, just sayin...

    1. evermaxx


      Where can I get the zips?

    2. Leo1103


      google is your friend lol

  17. all of my status' are meant to be inspiring to those that are catching hell, I catch hell also, I just don't post about it, somethings are just not for the internet to "see", but being how I'm such a positive person I use it to become stronger, diamonds are made from years of high temperatures & pressure deep inside the Earth & after they're made one of the hardest elements known to man plus they shine, so get your shine on & have a good day

    1. 97Jetta1637


      diamonds reflect light.

    2. MrSkippyJ


      and can be man made quite easily!

      lol, just messing with ya Will.

  18. all that loud music's gonna ruin your ears? huh? what did you say? I said all that loud music's gonna ruin your ears? huh? what did you say again? I said all that loud music's gonna ruin your ears, my ears are fine I just wanted to see how many times you was gonna repeat it LMAO!

    1. notbagd
    2. scooter99


      That shit never get's old! I use it all the time!

  19. all three of my parakeets are playing nicely in their cage nicely & chirping to the music I'm playing, hell yeah(I had one til a customer gave me the two she had after I did an install for her earlier today, customer appreciation)

  20. all us bass heads at one time started off wanting just "a little bump in the trunk" and then that changed to wanting much more louder...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bigsix


      Totally true man.. Started w/ one 10 on like 150 watts 13 or 14 years ago.. now its two 15s on 3k goin in and already thinking about next build..

  21. all your losses teach you more than your wins, you can't get better by winning all the time, losses are to he looked at as setbacks that you can comeback from, attitude is everything, have a day full of comebacks, later...

  22. always be a work in progress, yeah in the BASS LIFE, keep getting progressively louder, hard work pays off...

  23. amazing how folks always want audio for cheap...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Nate Futuristic

      Nate Futuristic

      best buy is 60 for a h3adunit i thimk

    3. KillaCam


      You have to figure though Will, a lot of people don't know what an acceptable price for an install is. They're taking a shot in the dark on the price.

    4. Jessica


      I get the same thing man, people ask if i have anything for sale, i tell them the price and then next thing you know it's "I'll have the money 47 weeks from now".

  24. amazing how folks who don't Jack Shyt about you, have so much to say & sad part about it is, most of it's all BS & lies but they tell it like it's the truth like they know WTF they're talking about...

  25. an this new DELL Latitude 10 Tablet's freakin awesome, had a super accomplished day at work did my biggest install put 7 streams of video in a customer's home, hell yeah, NERD LIFE!

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