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Status Updates posted by JustinWilson

  1. I am off to my first exam this week...wish me luck...it would seem I need it right about now...

    1. 97SSBlazer


      get off SMD and go study :)

  2. Goodnight, tomorrow will be a very long day!

    1. OrionStang


      My tomorrow starts in only 4 hours. Back to School sale truck to unload FML

  3. My greatest weakness in the whole wide world is banana bread...delicious, moist...banana bread!

    1. Chris Hammer

      Chris Hammer

      Banana bread is amazing. I make it once a month or more.

  4. ...feeling slightly sick and career fair prospects didn't help...all money is on Donaldson Company of Bloomington, MN...they seemed the most promising and friendly.

    1. n8ball2013


      what are you trying to get a job in

  5. Never drinking again...yup

    1. HatersGonnaHate


      Woke up and your farts smelled like burnt condoms, eh?

  6. Intro to Philosophy...yeah dropping that right now!

    1. Kyblack76


      Don't.... You'll Iove it.

  7. RANT for the day, your SOCIAL SECURITY CARD was never intended to be a form of identification! I have every single form of legitimate i.d. needed to leave/enter this country, establish identity in a foreign land, etc....still can't get my IL Drivers License without my social security card, they use the number to confirm your identity, not sure why I can't tell them the number I have had memorized for like the last 10 years, nope they need the cruddy original shoddy paper that a counterfeiter...

    1. Broke_Audio_Addict


      Actually the drivers license thing is so they can track you down for child support reasons.

  8. 24 hours of driving later! Who the fuck said I wasn't spontaneous?

  9. Look out we got a badass over here #letskillcarl

    1. ThatGuyWithAJetta


      yeah carl is turning into a little a-hole

  10. My sneezes should be classified as a war crime...seriously...the intensity rivals that of a surprise attack on a small defenseless African village...

    1. IBleedMusick


      I see your African Village and raise you a small atomic bomb. My sneezes are just as bad sometimes they are worse when I am in a quiet room.

  11. Stayed up for 27 hours, all-nighter was a lot of work but it was also fun...I got a 2 hour nap and I feel like I have been hit by a plowtruck.

    1. Need Bass

      Need Bass

      Impossible, all the plow trucks are here in wisconsin working their @$$es off lol :P

  12. Hey Michigan TECH, FUCK YOU! You are the reason I didn't get my number one job pick! I sent the request for transcripts to be sent to them and they tell me they never arrived! This is 3 weeks later!

    1. n8ball2013


      WElcome to the real world.

  13. On my path to better health Jack Daniels stands in the way...

    1. Lbox88


      That son of a bitch.

  14. God I missed Limp Bizkit...

    1. Socky


      me too, im always rockin his shit. Love the chocolate star fish album.

  15. Hit a 151.6 at my first event and still rolling

    1. OrionStang


      Nice. I hope I get a 50 tomorrow.

  16. Today I am leaving politics to the like-minded, can't handle the radicals on either side at the moment, truthfully there is some middle ground, I call it reality...please catch up to me so we can all be better off.

    1. OrionStang


      Is this the 3rd or 4th time you've said this today? Fuck facebook.

  17. Does anyone in the Houghton area want a ride down state (Saginaw area) this upcoming friday? It will just be for the weekend, I need to attend birthday parties and a car show.

  18. Okay today sucks but I am getting new tires on my car :)

    1. BeatBox


      heck yeah, come to discount tire and ill hook ya up!

  19. 96 oz of Gatorade down...that fixes lastnights problems...now how do I prepare for tonight...

  20. Investment Analysis exam today at 2 then going to Chicago!

  21. SigEp Formal 2012...Classy!

  22. Just applied for a internship position at Donaldson Company, would be very very pleased to get the position. Bloomington, MN is a nice place to visit anyhow.

  23. gn, APMP board meeting early early early!

  24. If you haven't read The Hunger Games Trilogy don't start during finals week...TOO MANY CLIFFHANGERS!

  25. Just took an hour and a half to fill out an employment consideration survey for Edward Jones. Wow was that intense.

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