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Status Updates posted by Real96SS

  1. Well Eddie Fountain took my baby away from me today.Say goodbye to the Impala

  2. Well found out today me and the wife will be having our first son.Since were having a new edition had to get a bigger vehicle. So the X5 took my money :( and now my build will really be slow.Baby bedroom build time LoL

  3. Well going to go ahead and upgrade power now.So selling both 9k's now :(.Dont want to but need too

  4. Well had surgery on my foot so now I cant work on my truck for the next 2 months.Sucks balls but gives me time to sit down and order some stuff.

  5. Well sold the batteries and now to sell the subs and last Alternator.Then its on to bigger and better things :)

  6. What does psst stand for and why do people post it in topics with nothing else behind or in front of it?

    1. sayhuh?
    2. mikelbolton



      Please say something, thanks.


    3. Nate Futuristic

      Nate Futuristic

      pussy stanks so terrible?

  7. What product do you guys use to edit your videos and give them a more professional look?

    1. Cox


      sony vegas

    2. REVOofRustler


      Sony Vegas Movie Studio HD

    3. Dwn4BassAlan


      yea, Vegas too. But it's expensive unless you're an expert pirate from the carribean (if you know what I mean)

  8. Whats the best alternative for externally regulating alternators? I have had 2 of the Transpro blue boxes stop working and one started smoking. Down to one now so only one alt charging the battery bank for now.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Real96SS


      The last one that went out was running 2 alts before it decided to start smoking LoL. Now im down to one which Im trying to make sure it didnt kill an alt in the process

    3. Kyblack76


      vcm ? How im gonna roll

    4. Real96SS


      Last I checked XS didn't have the parts for the VCM's yet. May have to run a MLA module for the time being

  9. Where are all the videos of the new lvl 5 and 6's?

    1. CJ18


      Check out corona_jeff's build log for the Level 5 15s

      Chode has the LEvel 6 18s

  10. Where are the DB-R reps?

    1. DaJuice


      Right! I been trying to get a hold of them since last Thursday.

    2. Real96SS


      They finally emailed me back yesterday letting me know that my amps were going to be shipped out today.

  11. Which XS battery would be best for bassboxing? D or XP?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CJ18


      I would go with the D series

    3. CJ18


      You will have the instantaneous power if you want to run dbdrag and the reserve to bass box.

    4. Real96SS


      Im going to try and mainly stick to bassboxing but I know I will end up trying other formats.CJ you already know what I'm trying to power so you think 14 D3100's would suffice for boxing?

  12. Who can guess if I gained or loss by putting the BTL's back in? Now how much of a gain do you think?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Real96SS


      The BTL's obviously must have a stronger motor.Unless you guys know something I don't about the PSI subs then the quality wasn't a problem because they took a beating for quite sometime.Im not the speaker expert but I would think the motor made the difference.

    3. OrionStang


      PSI isn't "shit", they just aren't on that Fi/AA level.

    4. Real96SS


      That's kinda harsh.School me because I haven't heard anybody complain about them and I see alot of people using their recones.We all know FI makes great products but lately its been hit or miss with them.

  13. Who can tell me what exactly is the factor in if a sub will or will not work in a 4th order or 6th order?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kyblack76


      Also, i was told, that a "certain" driver was meh in a 4th, but killed a 6th. Im lacking the knowledge, but in for the help

    3. Real96SS


      Yeah man reason why I'm asking.I have heard that other woofers wasn't designed for a 4th but they still did well in one.Im putting mine in a 4th and I guess we will find out for sure.

    4. Kyblack76


      yes sir...

      I dunno. But, id like to...

  14. Who in here have tested their setup with and without fuses and what was the difference?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. _paralyzed_


      The difference is you can start your car on fire without them. If you want a flaming car then I say leave the fuses out.

    3. Real96SS


      Questions not for me but last I checked you can start your car on fire with fuses. I have seen multiple times where the fuses didn't blow when either a wire arced or an overcurrent condition happened and started a fire.

    4. White Lightning

      White Lightning

      most likely too high fuses.

      I normally run under what I actually need so if the least little thing happens, blown fuse. I'd much rather replace fuses than burn up equipment or vehicle.

  15. Why is it that when I order a battery directly from XS the box comes in perfect condition but when I order from sonic it looks like sombody been playing soccer with the damn battery.At least the batteries are okay but boxes are fudged

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Herokight


      Had that same problem with my last order. Box was beat to hell, everything inside was fine.

    3. Real96SS


      I dont think its the shi[pping company, I think thats the way it comes from sonic cause the box thats on the outside has been fine both times

    4. Herokight


      Mine came in two really big boxes taped together with a metric shit-ton of tape. So yeah, I'm betting it came from sonic like that. But it was also slam packed with packing peanuts.

  16. Will inverting subs in a 4th order lower your SPL score or change anything?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. KillaCam


      That seems like a big difference..

    3. n8ball2013


      put it on the meter only way to tell.

    4. Real96SS


      Im going to when I can find somewhere to do it because my neighbors aint too fun of it anymore LoL.Im going TL it both ways.Just didnt think it mattered since I see people running them like that all the time

  17. With a 4th order where are you suppose to set your ssf and crossover?

    1. Hugh G. Rection

      Hugh G. Rection

      depending on your tuning, im gonna take a wild guess and say somewhere between all the way down and all the way up.

    2. Real96SS


      Sorry my tuning on port side is 48hz.Reason I asked is because of 4th orders being able to play a wider frequency range than a regular ported box.If you tune it the same as a normal ported box then I'm good.

    3. Hotdog


      Tune the sealed chamber for low end and tune the loading wall for high end

  18. WTF is up with all these companies and there terrible customer service?I don't know about you but I like to get responses to my emails and phone calls after I have given someone a chunk of my money?

    1. OrionStang


      A lot of it is staffing cutbacks due to the shitty economy.

    2. Real96SS


      That sucks because us the consumer don't know this and we end up finding a different company that always answers

  19. Yeah man I want to get the bowtie painted white but its something I will have to do myself because the Italians will look at me crazy if I ask them to do it LoL.26's are perfect for our body styles.Heck your rims look super nice on there.Man I got lucky with this build because I started right after I sold my Impala SS so I had money to spend on whatever and i used most of it for this build.

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