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Status Updates posted by Bdurb

  1. I'm super paranoid. I hate being alone in this house. I swear I hear someone walking around. Luckily I have this .32. This sucks.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bigsix


      N8 you know Im on the prowl.

    3. Raptorman


      I feel like any sort of gun could kill someone...

    4. KillaCam


      Stop being a pussy, there ain't nothing to be scared of. ;)

  2. What happened to the good ol head on a spear and torture days?? People had somethin to be afraid of then. Now you get fed and a place to sleep.

  3. New years resolution, YOLO

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. IBleedMusick
    3. 08tahoe


      Your new years resolution is "you only live once".. That doesn't even make sense. :Doh:

    4. Kyblack76
  4. I wish i was off tomorrow. I would much rather spend the day with someone special. at least ill get to see her for a bit before work :)

    1. BeatBox


      thats why you ask that special someone to spend the night :good:

    2. purplesyrup


      Beatbox is exactly right

      and his name explains what to do when this happens

    3. lifes a BOX

      lifes a BOX

      Dont worry mom will be there when you get home lulz jk

  5. sleep, we need to settle our differences so we can see each other more often.

    1. Adam'sButthole


      *sob sob* I miss you already. Please come back!!!

    2. KillaCam
    3. Kyblack76


      drink.. and or drugs....

  6. Got the soon to be bobber in the garage with the help of my awesome gf: )

  7. Ok I went to church. I'm good for the year.

    1. Watch the bass

      Watch the bass

      How is the line of the song

      "Go to church if you scared"lol

    2. BeatBox
    3. soundstream15


      you should go more often my man=)

  8. i just realized i am installing 500 watts of tweeter in my car. i may die.

    1. purplesyrup


      wheres the thumbs up button

    2. kickass audio

      kickass audio

      wait till you listen to some rock or music with a ton of treble. your ears may bleed. lol

    3. mrd6


      and then you will cry lol i hope you can balance that out!

  9. Ain't nobody takin my guns.

    1. Miguels
    2. Watch the bass

      Watch the bass

      Than there would be taken

      by "Noone". Yeah yeah Nobody

      and Noone are the screwing couple of the world!

  10. Omg Ohio it's snowing. Lets all drive 10mph and cancel all surrounding schools.

    1. SnowDrifter


      Lol sounds like Washington. But it's more like: It's snowing, lets start everything late and have everyone drive like it's dry out

    2. IH8PunkRok


      doesnt sound like the Ohio I grew up in. It was more like "blizzard conditions and 3 feet of snow? Drive normal."

  11. I should call it a night. I'm sure the neighbors don't wanna hear saws and grinders running all night. Back at it tomorrow. Redid the sealed side and it's now at 5 cubes. And now literally my entire rear is a box. From the back of the front seat there is nothing but a ton of wood. Gettin crazy in here.

  12. Doors- did these awhile ago, first time doing fiberglass fab. Not terrible butninthink I can do better.

    1. Neckbeard


      hurry up and finish! >< i want you to win SOTM

  13. I hate it when political sides go for low blows. CNN referring to a gop member as a racist for the shuck and jive comment. I couldn't do politics. People criticizing your every move, waiting for you to screw up.

    1. SnowDrifter



      Poli - Many

      Tic - parasite

  14. These Jehovah's need to get out of my neighborhood. We don't want none!!!!

    1. zydrix


      i dont see a problem with jehovahs witnesses. there not hurting u

  15. KnuKonceptz is the bees knees!!

  16. I know most of you would much rather.not here about me getting wood, but I got the supplies to do the fourth :)

  17. Dont ever eat at panda king by kroger in liberty township. its sketchy, dirty, and has a new york subway station feel to it. i feel like i have general kung pao in my stomach right now. its probably the alley cat meat that got to me. disgusting people!!

    1. New2Dis


      lmao that sucks man xD

  18. Fourth order is really coming together. Top is on, fiberglass is drying, bracing is almost done. More angle to go in once I get screws. Box weighs a good two hundred pounds already. Bondo, paint, false floor and trim panels tomorrow. Got a lot done today :)

    1. n8ball2013


      way to waste money and resources on angles in the corners.

  19. Where da snow at?!!

    1. dog24fret


      Plenty is snow :) and now ice :( in north Texas.

  20. 1 of two subs ordered :)

  21. I want my sub and amp here!! I hate this mediocre typical hamilton amount of bass.

  22. I love the guys at the Chinese buffet in tri county. Egg ro? No im good thanks. EGG RO!!!! Its like ok geez bro don't yell at me. Then you eat everything.

  23. With the wonderful help of a good friend i will be getting up at a reasonable time to make progress on my fourth order. :)

  24. Gonna get some rest. Get the false floor done and work on reinforcing the everthing tomorrow. Also fedex should be arriving with goodies!

  25. Officially on Team Clearly Louder. :)

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