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Status Updates posted by TylerParrish

  1. Do you think there will ever be another round for 18+? I'm turnin 18 in less than a month and some dumb fuck messed up everyone's chance a month ago >_>

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Chris Hammer

      Chris Hammer

      Ive got plenty pics of my ex for 18+.(soccer and cross country runner)....I'm 22 a paid member and still no access though...

    3. stevog


      show some of the stuff to a mod and maybe they will see if your worthy of joining.

    4. Chris Hammer

      Chris Hammer

      I got bent over shots lingerie frontals haha...might not be everyones cup of tea cus she was skinny.

  2. saz-1500 for 2 memphis mojo 15's (the orange M basket ones), think i can make a profit?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. J R

      J R

      hmm.  Chances are they're 6 DVC.  None the less a pretty fair trade.  If so, they're rated at 1000rms 2000peak.  The exact info is hard to find for these I had to contact Memphis I could email it to you.  Make sure theyre not madmax's.  If they are don't even think about saying no to him.

    3. TylerParrish


      they aren't, believe me, they aren't. If it's a fair trade i prolly won't do it then...i have no use for em, i can't fit em in my trunk unfortunately :/ just seein if i could make a profit from the trade

    4. J R

      J R

      just saw that your only asking $270 for the amp.  If that's the case the trades in your favor, but may take a while to sell on craigslist and such.

  3. Well, that escalated real fast :o

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TylerParrish


      Maybe, once, a very long time ago....say 4 years. But we won't get into Tyler's past addictions :P I see your de-escalate real fast and raise you to a fluctuation

    3. WastedTalent


      I see your fluctuation and raise you to... the top of my mouth is hot, hot pockets! Lmfao, just saw Tpain vs Kev Hart rap battle and got that from it. Hilarious.

    4. TylerParrish


      ughhh, they're both soooo bad. I gotta go watch some shitty youtube vids, i need a good laugh

  4. How do you change what the title of a post says?

    1. Captain Stupid
    2. Azagtoth502


      click "full editor" then you can change the title

    3. TylerParrish


      Thanks guys, time to go test this out

  5. I don't think it's possible to ever really have TOO many install items laying around, especially zip ties, God i love zip ties.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Katt


      I wish i could of had zipties, would of saved me 140$ for a battery. f car audio.

    3. TylerParrish


      I experimneted with handcuffing once, seems I wouldve gotten more pleasure out of using the zip ties

    4. WastedTalent


      Lmfao, didn't even think about that. Was thinking way more freakier. Touche sir, touche.

  6. New Sundown 50.4 comin' in  a few days to match the 1500 :D anyone else love their Sundown products?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. TylerParrish


      Yes, they are, can't wait til I can upgrade to the 3500. I'm nothing but impressed with Sundown and Skar

    3. kandiman71874


      new 50.4? more like a refurb maybe unless jacob had one laying around that he missed and you got lucky enough to pick it up. They havent made the 50.4 in a minute..

    4. TylerParrish


      New to me....buying from someone on here though. Not new, but "new"

  7. New Sundown 50.4 comin' in  a few days to match the 1500 :D anyone else love their Sundown products?

  8. Anyone know anything about MoneyPak?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. TylerParrish


      I just got it for adding money to my PayPal....guess it's not so simple :/

    3. Endgame


      try and add it to mine lol

    4. TylerParrish


      lolol, I'm good, I'll just add it to my mom's when i help her make a PayPal tomorrow.

  9. Anyone else hate people trying to scam you on eBay and Craigslit?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Crandis16


      LOLOL I've never had that, gotta be expensive

    3. Watch the bass

      Watch the bass

      They suck 500 € from me for a used RF 2500 bd, didn´t get the item, adress was fake.

    4. TylerParrish


      Last 3 people asking about my old phone said "I've provided an extra 70 USD for you to ship to Nigeria" and then there's no money in my PayPal >_> like, why even bother wasting my time, I don't ship til money is in my PayPal

  10. Why is there no like button? I mean facebook sucks and all....butttttttt.......

  11. i think i could live off fruit snacks, hot pockets, and dr. pepper

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TylerParrish


      with the amount I work out, and my age and metabolism, I'll worry about it when the time comes and live it up while i can :D

    3. WastedTalent


      So in other words, the amount you fap, the number of times per day you fap, and what you fap to keeps you a slim jim. Gotcha!

    4. TylerParrish


      Basically. I'm tryin to set a new record with 11 times in one day, but I don't think I have nearly enough spare time or ....well yeah, to do that. Haa xD

  12. New volt meter installed, wish i could take everything back outta my car and re-install it al so i could get a build log started...but I'm lazy and its raining

  13. anybody else really wanna try out some 8's?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. HatersGonnaHate


      Sounds about right. I've got my level 3 10's at about 35hz, in about 3 cubes. Sounds great daily, gets loud when I need it to.

    3. TylerParrish


      i know, i know, ive read your build log :P glad to hear, i cant wait to try em out. Absolutely love your build btw

    4. HatersGonnaHate
  14. For every bit of hate in my heart, i have double the love, it's just suppressed by....everything.

  15. engine swap? or turbo? that is the question

    1. SnowDrifter


      Turbo engine swap, duh! :P

    2. TylerParrish


      i wishhhhhh, but a turboed v-8 is a little overkill at 17 0_o. I'm leanin a little more towards turbo since the stock v-6 block can handle about 350 hp without any real modification. It's a beast in disguise

  16. Finally manned up and got a gaming laptop, nowww...what games to play? :o

  17. How am i supposed to tell whether or not you're cute if everyone of your pics on is edited? Stoppppp thatttt

  18. Today fucking sucked

    1. SnowDrifter


      Today you got fucked and sucked?

    2. Ecco


      Wanna cry about it?

  19. Start loging off of your shit bro.#Hacked.

    1. Emmet


      Im sorry, but walking up a computer where someone is still logged in is not "hacking", stupid motherfucker.

    2. SnowDrifter
    3. IBleedMusick
  20. goodbyeeee henderson, hellooooo new bern.

  21. Finally, a functioning phone yet again :D I guess just message me if u need the number.

  22. "Okaaaaayy" - WizARD KhalIfa

    1. SnowDrifter


      You two got a 'thing' going on now?

  23. I wish i could say I still had faith in humanity...just so I can say I no longer have faith in humanity. Fuck you, Henderson.

  24. I will defy nature for you.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TylerParrish


      pussy whipped, by an x-box.....you guys are over thinking this.....i just wanna play x-box.

    3. OrionStang


      Its not that serious.

    4. IBleedMusick


      You will defy nature for an x-Box....yeah cancel what I said pussy wouldn't whip you with a ten foot pole. I think Tyler may possibly be a virgin.

  25. let insurance lapse, get in accident, and get speeding ticket, and insurance goes down $50 a month? WTMFW?

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