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Status Updates posted by boom50cal

  1. VVT cam gear goes on tomorrow night. All that is left is new struts(have one, waiting on the other) and my build will finally commence!

  2. Back to the single-din side..man I've missed using this sweet little Clarion CZ501.

  3. ughhh selling shit locally is so frustrating

    1. Joshua Dumas

      Joshua Dumas

      im having the same problem...

    2. WastedTalent


      That's why I said GFY and keepin it lol. If someone wants and buys? Sweet. Otherwise, I'll have a vehicle someday I can use it in.

  4. One 10 sold, working on selling the other. C'mon and sell, I want a 15 from the trunk!

    1. OrionStang


      I got a BNIB SP4 with your name on it.

  5. bidding on a Clarion CZ501 on ebay.. hopefully I get it cheap. Tired of double din. Need somewhere to put a pair of VM-1's in the future anyway :)

  6. Getting a little burnt out on having a double din. Sure it's cool to have a touch screen and shit, but it's basically completely useless for me...

    1. Krakin


      Only time it has been worth it to me is on long trips.

    2. mgameforever01


      I've had one so long i feel weird having a single din, i had to change back.

    3. rockFord_Expedition


      I love my double din but wish I had a volume knob instead of buttons.

  7. Somebody altered the EQ on my computer.... mother fucker. Or my Audio Technica ATH-AD700's are taking a shit.

    1. Krakin


      You just have old man ears now.

  8. Parting the mud truck out after I pay it off next week. Hydrolocked and rusted out big block... Such a fun $1500 toy.

  9. I'm glad smartphones have GPS's now because people just don't fucking understand how to get to my house...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Swordlordboy1234


      Have them call for phone sex instead

    3. boom50cal


      bitches comin over to make me food. too busy playing bf4 to do it myself lolol

    4. WastedTalent


      That's no way to talk about your mother and her sister.

  10. Tx2k > SBN. Lockhart Memorial Show > SBN. Lockhart Memorial show = Tx2k awesome level.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wood


      I'm SO mad I couldn't make it this year and I had EVERY intention on going!!!! Next year its DEFINITELY on my To do list!!!

    3. Wood


      @Jeff its only THE baddest Car meet ever!!!1 no car less then 600hp can even think about getting on the track... but we talking BIG boy status for the most part, like 1000+ hp cars

    4. boom50cal


      Yeah, craziest car meet in the world. Everything from 300hp turbo bikes to 2000hp Lambo's and shit. LMR 'Vette. Not a 0-150 race. it's 60-200+

  11. I can theoretically fit a 15 in a 4th from my trunk...hmmm. see how the 10s do first

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Swordlordboy1234
    3. boom50cal


      I want one of bryans sp4's! if he upgrades lol

    4. Swordlordboy1234


      he won't upgrade... He is pussy. :peep wall:

  12. 3 of my friends on BF4 are playing on a server all the SMD guys got banned from last week. ell-oh-ell oops

    1. deathcards
    2. Krakin


      Don't be makin' fun of da lawd!

  13. Would like to ask everyone to keep my dad in their thoughts as he goes in for an interview to be an Automotive Repair instructor for the local vo-tech. Thoughts, prayers, wishes, anything and everything is appreciated!

    1. Kyblack76


      Hope the best for him mang ..... :)

    2. Tecomah


      wishing him luck!!

  14. Bullshit 4 hour shifts on a Saturday. Atleast I got to sleep in and recover a bit from last night... 3-7 FTL.

  15. My dad brought my sister home an 09 S40 2.4i. Fuck yeah, fuck the Mini

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. OrionStang


      Better choice than the Mini, no doubt. Is that 2.4 n/a?

    3. Keith77


      They are Turbo

    4. boom50cal


      Nope it's a 2.4 non-turbo car.

  16. Hell of a time in the SMD bf4 server :D

    1. Krakin


      Too bad you suck!

  17. Any body in the dallas/frisco area wanna meet up for a demo session around 9:30?

    1. evermaxx


      y must u b 6hr awaaaaaaay lol

  18. 3-4 ft water hole + stock F-250 = presumably dead F-250.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ROLEXrifleman


      no, I think its Fellatio On Redneck Dick

    3. scooter99
    4. boom50cal


      Ya'll shoulda seen the hole I sent that son of a bitch through. Lmao. Water coming up in the cab, exhaust completely submerged. Kept running for a good 30 minutes in the water then it died. Pulled it out, started right up. Tried it again, hasn't started since LMAO

  19. Pissed at justsuspension.com for fucking around with my return of my strut. Could be going to the Conroe show tomorrow, since everything got worked out for work...BUT NOPE. They fucked me around on my struts.

    1. Keith77


      Thats exactly why I dont buy car parts from the interweb..

      Savings is not worth the hassle

    2. Swordlordboy1234
  20. Sometimes, when eating a hotpocket, you can just envision that your asshole is going to be crying later. Hope I tear the toilet at work up...not much better than taking a paid shit.

    1. Keith77


      Not once have I thought of that

    2. boom50cal


      cause you're always thinking of ass.

    3. Keith77


      yoga pants. Yumm

  21. CNGraphix kicks fucking ass. Completely blown away by the quality of the stickers and the ease of application. 10/10, thanks a ton Carbon.

  22. Got an alternator for my F-250 for $20 today. And it works. SO FUCKING HAPPY. 65 AMP ALTERNATOR FTW!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. iwannabeloud


      65 x 4=260

      20 x 4=80

      Quad = Quadruple

      Quadruple = 4

      Hypothetically speaking, he could do a quad 65amp alt setup for $80 and have a total of 260 amps

    3. DubNDodge
    4. boom50cal


      thought I got my math wrong there.... but its a pos trail rig so quads are silly. maybe dual 3g 130a alts so I could use factory ac compressor for onboard air.

  23. A few m3's, a 650 coupe, quite a few new ss's, a bunch of mustangs, and 4 diesels. successful night of racing in the 408 3rd gen.

  24. The store I work at sold $500-600 of strawberries in an hour. $4.69 a container. We're paying $2.15 a container. PROFIT! Busy as fuck!

    1. Jessica


      At my work we made dog treats that sale for $2 a piece on the shelf, make $400k worth every 24 hours. Profit?

    2. boom50cal



      We're pullin 42% right now in my department for the middle of our 2nd period. Projected at 40 flat, may actually get it.

  25. A new rule should be put in the SMD forum rule book: don't fuck with n8.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. KillaCam


      Yeah, I kinda like when people fuck with N8.

    3. boom50cal


      having the rule there would be even more nice, considering that when it happens, just means more fucktards didn't read the rules.

    4. SoundFreakk


      Rules? which rules are you talking about? lol

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