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Status Updates posted by WastedTalent

  1. For anyone/everyone who's following my mom's thing... 2 fractured vertebrae. No idea how but that's what. Txt if want more info!

  2. Glad I applied. Already heard back from a job and interview Tuesday. Roughly $200 extra a month if I recall right.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WastedTalent


      Don't think I'd enjoy it but need out of the job I'm in. And if it includes a pay raise? Why not?

    3. hershy314


      makin more money is always good

    4. WastedTalent


      Not when your happiness is involved. Not for $200 extra a month (if that's really what it is, i can't recall). I'd rather say screw that $200 and keep happiness but... either way, unhappy so eh. We shall see Tuesday.

  3. God forgive us because we do not know what we do, we only do what we see.

  4. Good health is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die.

    1. Raptorman


      And consequently, the most sufferable.

  5. Got my vm1 (no extra adapter :( ) and then lost delivery date on other package. Wtf? Fedex, you suck.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. ghostrider59927
    3. meade916


      its no big deal to take care of you guys in any way possible....i have no problem backing up the products and everything that comes from being in business. Plus you guys are my boys, i want you to be happy!

    4. WastedTalent


      And Keith, that's why I continue to be a SMD fan. I know Steve never rushes things (except my order ha!!) but always puts out top of the line quality products. I mean sure, only products I have of his are vm's but his entire product line is top notch. And then customer support? I'd have to say quite honestly, best out of any company. Up there with Verizon (We all know VZ has some tight customer service)

  6. Got new tools, got roller otw, shit about to get serious next weekend. Now to continue the bottle... Have a great day all.

    1. WastedTalent


      Wasted has few ideas in mind... can I act upon any? Stay tuned...

  7. Haters these days are so funny, haha. Talkin spit, blah blah blah.

  8. High 60's this weekend. Sound deadening this weekend looks likely. Time to get rid of what I call The Jackhammer, gotta read the lease first. Think I remember something about no car stuff in there.

  9. Higher than a kite, thanks to work. Put stuff on the carpet, on the tiles, on the concrete, smells everywhere you go.

  10. Hmm. One package here in Denver, but yet won't be delivered to Aurora until Tuesday? Lame!

  11. Hmm. What to do at work. Crash an ex's facebook? Remind her of how so perfect her now ex was as she's preggo with another dude's baby?

    1. OrionStang


      At least you have that option. I have to go move freight and teach retarded just-out-of-highschool kids how to put the right product in the right spot. Some of these motherfuckers really are dumb as rocks.

    2. WastedTalent


      Find it funny cause she left me for him, who was 10+ yrs older, they got married (within like 2 months), and moved in together etc etc. Then I just found her dumbass on facebook and she changed her name back, new relationship, and preggo. So no idea if he cheated, he left, she cheated, no idea. But her ex threatened to beat my ass when they first got together. I really want to be like "Awwh, and he was so perfect!!! What happened? He turn out not to be quite so perfect? Lmfao...

  12. Holy ballz... TRS is fast. Ordered Friday morning. Delivered Monday night. Just gotta find out if in the box or at apt manager.... HOLY BALLZ that's fast

    1. SnowDrifter


      Yup their c/s is awesome too

    2. WastedTalent


      Twas in box. So yea. Wow. Look like some high quality stuff. Just gotta see when to install... I'd say weekend but... birfday. Idk how sober I'll be... haha.

    3. audiofanaticz


      Super fast because they are based out of GA and in stock, not waiting over a week for items coming from China like other companies. Only HID company I will ever use any more!

  13. Hopefully... this is the last fix for the car for awhile. Tired of things going wrong on it that are not due to modifications. I can handle fixes due to mods but things such as tires? Really?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jessica


      i have an 87 accord you want to talk about nickle and dime?

    3. Soccerballzs


      Seems like as soon as it is paid off!!!!

    4. WastedTalent


      I'm only saying that cause unlike you all... it's a new car. I could see if it was a 96, 91, 87. Lol. One advantage of new, as doesn't need starter, battery (well does, but long story), pumps, filters, etc.

  14. How to cite sources on a paper...when you're giving information you know and don't look up? This is why I hate writing papers.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Emmet


      You can't really cite yourself, if the information you know is actually correct it will have a valid source confirming somewhere. That's how they know the information is right and you didn't just make it up :P

    3. DubNDodge


      ^ exactly. I wrote up a research paper on car audio. Even though I knew everything I had to find where my knowledge was backed up. used bcae and this site along with others. It's a pita but it has to be done.

    4. WastedTalent


      Well, I must say I'll go with what Dubin says. PITA!! Lol.

  15. I has a problem, keep checking status of package even though delivery is 2 days away :(. 12 pound package from Tucson, AZ. What can it be? :-0

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. k3n12ock
    3. Semper


      0g wiring, 4 channel amp?

    4. WastedTalent


      Eh, still checking the tracking status haha. Left Phoenix today though so it's on it's way here! Wee. But it's... none of those. Definitely not a fleshlight, HAHA!! That'd come from Las Vegas bro. Not Tucson.

  16. I knew she had problems, I just didn't know she had that many... Glad it's done and over. Just now to remove myself from situation, hurry and hire me! Lmfao

    1. ProMaxx316


      ok you're hired!

    2. WastedTalent


      Sorry, but fappin at home won't get me shit. Lol. $100 a week is all I need... but I'm being a bad mofo and lookin for a full timer. Yes, that means I'd be working 2 full time jobs. Ya hurd?

  17. I may have found an alt. Woot

  18. I'm excited for today cause we gettin rid of this 1°F Hi bs. Finally gettin to 30's. Gonna feel so good...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Amart88


      I cant wait until it warms up here. At least above freezing.

    3. Karkov


      I can't wait either, the high is below zero here again today and weekend, FML

    4. WastedTalent


      Twas a super nice day Karkov. Whenever you get the same weather, it'll be nice. Car temp says it was like 44 at one point, fucking so nice.

  19. I'm looking clean, dressed with that fitted hat. Poppin bottles with the homies, lemme get a sip of that. I'm gettin tipsy but I'm not an a-a-a-alcoholic.

  20. I'm that much closer to graduating from college. Still 1 week left but 71.4/72 (99.17%) is my current grade. 100 total pts so getting AT LEAST a 71%. Not sure of current grade in other class.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. standardcabspl


      i feel you there...i still have 3 years too

    3. Bump4life


      and im a sophmore ahah

    4. WastedTalent


      I think I'm right around a sophmore. After these 2 classes, think I'm for sure a sophmore. Idk. It's university of phoenix where a freshman can be 60 years old and a senior can be 22. Doesn't matter to me haha. I just want to be done...

  21. Idk if Sonic comes on here often, reads statuses or anything, but let's go Sonic! Approve/Deny my price match pwetty pwease! (Yes I know, business hours and such so probably Tuesday before any answer but still hoping and wishing it's Monday). Entire build may be delayed due to a delayed response.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WastedTalent


      Unlike dat dem der falcons... *shrug* Lol

    3. WastedTalent


      Thought was a Mon-Fri type business? Lol

  22. If I stay awake, gonna buy myself a volt meter today. Otherwise, probably wait til weekend. Yay! Hate gettin off work at 6 am and nothin open til at least 730 am.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. WastedTalent


      In a sense, guess a volt meter is a DMM... part of one at least. So eh, I'll leave it at that lol.

    3. KillaCam
    4. WastedTalent


      Ain't got enough money. Lol. Pushin for a DMM is a reach at $14 with tax. Lol.

  23. If package arrives at my place, pics today. If package goes to landlord office, pics tomorrow. Either way, PICS BE COMIN!! 12lb package from Tucson... Muahaha.

  24. If these men represent the law, I'd rather be an outlaw.

  25. If this tax refund is real, HO alt will be purchased soon.

    1. Nate Futuristic

      Nate Futuristic

      Mine is delayed for awhile... Stupid deductions

    2. WastedTalent


      I have yet to actually file, gotta wait for my college. Make sure what form they sent me is accurate. If so? Over 3 G's. Not bad for single and no house or anything.

    3. Nate Futuristic

      Nate Futuristic

      Google 2013 tax delays I bleive the college credit is also delayed... I'm in no rush for my money from the state... I owe the gov. A little under 100 bucks lol

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