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Everything posted by Krakin

  1. "Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please." -Mark Twain

  2. "Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time." -Thomas A. Edison

    1. alaskanzx5


      if you do not succeed the first time try try again.

  3. "Men are not prisoners of their own fate, but only prisoners of their own minds." -FDR

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jessica


      how is than any different than in the past? before SS people ad to save up for retirement or not retire. I for on am saving up for my own retirement, i am not counting on SS.

    3. OrionStang


      Nobody said anything about SSI. Things are way different from the times of FDR, do you really need a breakdown?

    4. Nick580


      We are not all born equal unfortunately. I think the quote is really saying that your only limitations are the inhibitions in your mind. The world may have changed yes, but you still have free will and the choice to be happy

  4. "For a 0 dB SPL the change in balloon diameter is 6x10-10 inches, which is about 1/10 of the diameter of a hydrogen atom. The sensitivity of the ear is truly mind-boggling."

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Krakin


      Well I hope you don't think it meant 50 inches. That would be quite a bit of distance to cover lol.

    3. SnowDrifter


      That really is hard to imagine something that small. 1/127,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 of an inch

    4. ChevyBoy95


      yea, unfathomable.

  5. With a little under 2" mounting depth, inverted, and 35mm x-max at 70% BL, you are getting close to 3.75" without exceeding 70% BL I suggest -without looking at how it will affect airflow- trying for 5-6" internal minimum.
  6. So uhh, fliped our kubota on its side on about 500 feet or more of downhill ice... My girlfriend and I are fine, but the driver side door will need replacing.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raptorman
    3. Krakin


      All that maters is that we are both okay, my shoulder and her leg are slightly bruised, but whatever.

      The door will be easy to fix as there are no electronics in it.

    4. DubNDodge


      scary shit. i flipped a polaris sportman while going down a icy path when I was 13. had it rolling down the hill behind me while I was sliding on the ice. still have those images in my head.

  7. That 1TB 840 EVO should be amazing! Got the 120GB version and wish I could have gone for the bigger faster ones.
  8. Bought AC3, I am sad there are quite a bit of glitches and what not in it, but whatever paid $14 for it.
  9. Having less than recommended port area still works, you just have to look at each setup and determine what you are trying to do and what sacrifices you are willing to make. Couple of examples: David Moore was doing 154+ on 2 RE MT 15's with a total of 48 sqin of aero port. In the great 12" challenge years ago, they did 150 with a single BTL 12" on 5000 watts with a single 4" aero.
  10. The boxes that I have seen JoeX post use the same formula's. Bkolfo4 builds his enclosures with it CleanSierra has built many boxes which I assume they all use the recommended minimal vent area. But do remember that these suggestions are not golden, Small stated in his second paper that the formula is only accurate up to +10%, and must use a reasonable radius for flaring. He later states that an acceptable limit is to design to 5% the velocity of sound. I however can only reference work done and documented, as I haven't been able to find the time to test it all myself.
  11. Was not a typo. 60 square inches + 10% is the best you can get without testing multiple boxes. For car audio you can go on the smaller side, but do risk chuffing. Smaller than that can risk chuffing, compression, and other unwanted disruptions.
  12. 60 in2 of port + 10% A single 8" aeroport will do well, flaring it will make it much better.
  13. I may just buy them since they are so cheap right now. The steam sale philosophy.
  14. How are the Skyrim DLC's? Too bad there isn't too much I want after the summer sale.
  15. SUCK IT GROUND NOISE! Built a ground loop transformer and very very audible noise completely vanished!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. fosgatefan821


      Do I have to put behind radio or could I plug into amp ?

    3. Krakin


      Looks like the basic same thing, isolaters aren't too hard to make, but might try and find a review on it.

    4. fosgatefan821
  16. Can AutoCAD have any slower servers....

  17. My room was getting really freakin' hot last night, which is weird since it is so cold now. Well eventually I looked down to see my gpu fan was only running at 50% while gaming, having a 65c card for a few hours sure does heat things up. lol

    1. Socky


      my tv and computer act as a heater in my room, i think i could turn the heat off and be fine as long as i have those two running lol.

    2. Krakin


      Lol I was almost sweating and I didn't even have on the heat.

  18. My neighbor asked what he should get for a sub setup, I offered my opinion for some gear and offered to help him install it. Doesn't take my advice and makes his dad install it.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. DubNDodge


      I always ask for a budget before I give them any advice. That and tell them for every watt your system is, it'll be about a dollar in cost

    3. Krakin


      Well I did that, I literally picked out everything he needed and then he just went with other stuff that cost the same. And was so lazy he made his dad spend the whole day installing it.

    4. pioneerforlife


      I know someone just like that. Suggested some nice AQ/SQ subs and for the same price he bought some kickers off the shelf from best buy lol.

  19. Common sense is the ability of commoners to "sense" what is true and what is untrue, without having to think about it. As a concept, common sense is similar to consensus, the philosophy that if many people believe something, they cannot possibly be wrong

    1. Soccerballzs


      It is like Fox News so many Elderly people believe everything they say.

    2. Neckbeard
  20. A child's threat to start a shooting at the middle school in my town caused over 70% of students to stay home today and highly upgraded security present. Threats were made online and the IP has not been able to be tracked yet.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Krakin


      29 names were listed, i think 10 more were added tonight. 12 extra police officers were present at the school.

    3. Dwn4BassAlan


      wow, but they don't know who the kid making threats is yet?

    4. Krakin


      Not that I know of. It was someone on ask.fm named "RMS Gossip Girl".

  21. Don't have the T/S parameters but got the dimensions from EMF. Edit: My lord almost 2" tall surround...
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