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There alive enough to threading to sue me for using there logo lol

wtf? elaborate?
Well as most of you know i make stickers with carbon and we used there logo but changed it for the customers needs because the don't make sticker that are worh a fuck we posted a pic of the new logo and then a few hours later got a big thing that they will sue if we don't take the photo down off fb that was a few weeks ago

duh copy right logo

Better watch out for monster you will get a letter probably not asking you to stop but a court date...They are asses like that

not sure why you guys didn't get permission first anyways most companies will allow it without wanting a profit from them

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Personally, I have never had any issues contacting Fi directly and neither did my buddy when he ordered his.

I have never needed to contact AA because I run the btls.

I am sure they are really busy and I know how many times that is said....

And what has gone on in the last couple threads this last week or two like AMI said, quite possibly had something to do with it...

I will still buy Fi though. Great subs!

fisigggg.JPEG?raw=1 Crossfire_Car_Audio2_265_zpsd219cf51.PNG ablogo_zps4c550ed1.PNG?raw=1 download%204_zpsecsgajxi.JPG?raw=1 Audison-Logo_zps3f7b2a7f.JPG?raw=1 sundown_bg2_zps1d0951fc.JPG?raw=1 orionsmalllogosig_zpsf8d08612.PNG?raw=1 KaptionLogo_zps06c2a555.JPG?raw=1 


Wanna ride bikes?

On 9/16/2017 at 3:28 AM, Jake Pace said:

Oh i know how a 12v system works I did take 3 years of electronics in High school hands on and some in college and also worked on cars in college an always got A's to B's in each class. 

But oh well enough dealing with ppl who have probably not even lived as long as ive been into electronics!

On 7/8/2013 at 4:01 AM, Banshee421 said:

Do horns get low

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Ya know after thinking about it I'm not even going to make any comments here. It's actually entertaining watching so many people make comments about something they have no clue on earth about but that's how shit goes most of the time.


When your at the top everyone is coming for you, friends, family, haters and even those who don't know you.. my advice.. KILL EM ALL

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NoFearX18 said:

Nick will bang just about anything.....LMAO....pun intended

On 4/13/2010 at 9:51 AM, meade916 said:

i was like DAMN, Chode is hardcore! he makes james look like a friendly person LOL!

trainman0978 said:

I dont know who is worse with the buttholes Chode or Big P...





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It was nick like always lol

You guys are NOT the only ones that had that happen... There was a previous sticker guy on here that received the same threat for making unliscensed FI decals

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I loved my Fi woofers. But I decided to go with SSA this round mostly because of the CS. I knew Fi builds their subs so quality would be good. I just had no luck with contacting Fi for support. SSA bent over backwards to help me. Emailed back within 20 mins. It's been 5 months since I heard from Fi themselves.

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