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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/02/13 in Posts

  1. Seriously though, no one can say, but the e'8s are a very nice sub if you are on a budget. I'm sure they will make you very happy.
    3 points
  2. Ordered 5 amps, they are in my town at UPS as of yesterday, have to wait until Monday, FUCK THAT!!!!!
    3 points
  3. Working overnight and not getting to sleep next to my fiancee and be home at night with my kids Fuck that
    3 points
  4. ive started battery shopping. but I haev to decide if 2 grand in batteries is worth it over paint and body work that I want done this summer
    2 points
  5. chinese new year, fuck that i want my pwxs now!!!!!!!!!!!
    2 points
  6. Always working my ass off just to scrape by FUCK THAT!!
    2 points
  7. you want to toss your cigarette out the window and have it roll in front of my Tahoe, sparks and all........FUCK THAT
    1 point
  8. Imma pm you about batteriesNot using the FUCK THAT thread correctly! FUCK THAT!!!!!
    1 point
  9. Wow, I don't see where I broke any of those rules, so thanks for being a tool to a guy new to the boards. I just imagined that in the Sundown forum that someone would own a set and maybe post their experience. I know damn good and well there is no magic calculator that gives a termlab score before you do the install. This was not a comparison thread as I specifically stated I wanted to keep it about the e-8s.. No wonder I haven't tried to get back into the car audio community... Yes I stated my goal was to exceed my old system, but I didn't ask if my proposed setup would break 138, 140, 142.. etc... Without having a box design picked out you can't even start to look at the exact numbers... I was basically trying to see if anyone had the subs and what they were getting out of them. ie.. if someone is hitting 150db with them then they can get loud... setups will be different and vary drastically... but if I built an identical box, with an identical electrical system in an identical vehicle... I could reasonably expect at least ~similar~ results... no? I might not hit 150 with the same setup but assuming all specs are identical, we can agree I would almost certainly be louder than 130, no? I also asked how they sound at lower freqs, and maybe I worded that wrong too lol.. But.... I can tell you first hand that Boss Shallow mount 10s sound like poo once you get below about 45HZ in a sealed box that meets the recommended size by the manufacturer, so I would think that someone could say "the e-8s" are capable of playing low freqs like a champ" or "they are nice subs but not really the best on the bottom end" or whatever the case may be. And I know that can be at least someone calculated using winisd or several other programs. I compared the sa-10s to my old Boss 10s and can easily say the sundown subs will perform better at lower frequencies when following manufacturers recommendations for the enclosure... I doubt anyone would argue otherwise right? If somehow I did violate a rule that I didn't see in your ohsokindandhelpful post.. then I apologize and will take my questions elsewhere.
    1 point
  10. We can't tell you how loud they will be. Flat out.
    1 point
  11. My truck is 15 years old in the northeast. It needs some love. I can't roll around on 24s looking all ragged with the beat pounding
    1 point
  12. Crescendo at SBN instead of shipping out all of our speakers... FUCK THAT!
    1 point
  13. Carbon not following the rules of the FUCK THAT thread.... FUCK THAT!
    1 point
  14. I'm hoping this is photoshop. FUCK THAT.
    1 point
  15. n8 running optima.... fuck that
    1 point
  16. finding out that the terminals on your batteries under the wall are not staying tight and having to order new ones. fuck that finding the terminals you originally wanted but could find no where at the time so you had to buy twice fuck that Realizing its going to be a fucking hooker to get the batteries out ot change the terminals and then get them back in. fuck that
    1 point
  17. Having to wait to file my taxes because I am going to college..... F that. Not getting ANY DAMN STATUS on my tax refund because the IRS is that slow....alaskan knows about that haha... F that!
    1 point
  18. Having allergies every single day FUCK THAT!
    1 point
  19. what about keeping a wet cell battery upfront to start the car and run maybe a 4 channel on it and a bank of AGM's in the back for the sub amps (cheaper than buying a AGM for upfront) But why do that? Just get an AGM for the front. I know you might be on a budget, but find another way. Consider the cost of an isolator vs. selling your front battery and buying an AGM. Or either downsizing or eliminating the rear battery altogether
    1 point
  20. Good video. So many people think they need isolators without understanding why. The fact of the matter is: most people don't. And the only folks who benefit from it are, as you mentioned, people who play for extended periods with the car off. Like at an indoor show or something
    1 point
  21. how are dd1`s messing up amps? i have used mine in alot amps from cheap to expensive amps and i never had any issues. i went to a local car show and i pulled out my dd1 showing a friend and people at the comp had me set there amps with it everyone was happy. so whoever "claims" the dd1 screwed there amps are totally bogus user error.the only amp i couldnt tune was a warhorse and after researching the warhorse i found out y.
    1 point
  22. Missed this thread for 18months....Fuck That!
    1 point
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