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Ahmed Johnson

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Status Updates posted by Ahmed Johnson

  1. anybody know of a good brand of power inverter to go with

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. WalledSonic


      Complete with an industrial air cleaner lol

    3. Jessica
    4. tyma1026


      Ive been using a duralast 1000 watt inverter for the last two years or more with no issues.

  2. No cop at the hearing and I'm still liable. I love the justice system

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Miguels


      better off paying the fine..

    3. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      I know. It wasn't even a real court until I gave them jurisdiction. I know that shit now and can't wait to get a noise ordinance ticket.

  3. Will crack ever make a triumphant return

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kyblack76
    3. frogcase2002


      Eventually. Once heroin dies down a little. They like to take turns

    4. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      I hope so otherwise I wasted a lot of years coming up with the perfect recipe, lol

  4. Can I get workers comp or disability of some sort if I'm sprayed by a skunk at work, lol

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Soccerballzs
    3. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      Lmfao. It was the swishers that lead me to that question.

  5. So with this war getting ready to happen, we pretty much won't have an election right

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ahmed Johnson
    3. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      If I was President, I'd hustle us right up out of the national debt, lol

  6. Who should I start, Mark Ingram or Steve Smith in the flex position in a PPR league

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. tdsa23


      No problem good luck

    3. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      Steve Smith got one point for me, thank god I started Ingram over him in the flex. He got me 15

    4. tdsa23


      Your welcome lol

  7. Going to my first hockey game tomorrow, still don't know what icing is

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      When i hang out with my boy from work he always picks the bars with hockey on, I'll be real I like the atmosphere but when I'm drunk they move too damn fast.

    3. Soccerballzs


      The more beer the better the fights are!!!

    4. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      Lol, I'm going with a big ass australian and his boys, I have no other choice but to drink. We gonna be looking like the 2014 ghostbusters and shit

  8. I don't feel bad for Bobby from SOA after watching the Bears

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      I've seen better coaching in a game of madden.

    3. OrionStang


      With the names on the roster, I just can't make sense of it.

      I will say Cutler has lost his mojo, though.

    4. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      Trestman and the coaches to me is the biggest problem and yeah Cutler is done.

  9. Who watches preacher

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SkarredSierra


      The first season is good too. Id recommend some binge watching.

    3. Ahmed Johnson
    4. SkarredSierra


      Just got caught up on preacher. Poor hitler. Lulz.

  10. I tell one of my buddy's I quit smoking and he acting like it's the end of the world, lol

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      I needed to get angry to take care of some business and old pothead Ahmed was too peaceful, lol

    3. Kyblack76
    4. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      Mothafuckas forgot I used to be a goon Kyle, lol

  11. Just watched last nights episode of SOA. Found myself curling up like a bitch hoping Jax wouldn't it.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hotdog


      Maybe that is why they called him Juice. He sure got a lot of juice

    3. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      LOL!!! Pumped with it the last few times I saw him.

    4. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      Chibbs is gonna get killed in the next episode. I have a feeling he's gonna take the mayhem vote for Jax.

  12. I need a list of super expensive tools. My boss wants to burn the budget before the fiscal year, lol

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Broke_Audio_Addict


      Get a bunch of hilti power tools.

    3. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      I don't think we have a hilti nail gun, lol. Good one 

  13. I finally got rid of that whining noise in my trailblazer. I guess I can leave the bose amp alone.

  14. Karkov, this is the hotel with a roller coaster

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. _paralyzed_


      But did you find a swisher hook up yet?

    3. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      Yep!!! I'm back home now, but I first tried to holla at a chick who was a lesbian, she hooked me up. I found this other dude posted up in the studios who had some.

  15. I told my 5 year that today was about Jesus and not presents. She said, "Who's Jesus?" Talk about a proud daddy moment, lol

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      I wish I was getting a Christmas bonus, lol


    3. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      I don't mind them believing in Santa since that shit will stop before they become adults but Jesus is the never ending fairy tale, lol

  16. I'm about to go out, clothes wrinkled like a MFer but my Jordans are clean, lol

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. tdsa23
    3. _paralyzed_


      I wear reebok pumps.

    4. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      LOL, kyle. Man I'm slapped. tsda, jordan 3 green and white

  17. Sick baby means no sleep for me

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      Thanks Jeff. I got 3 and a pregnant wife, it's rough right now. At this point I'm hoping death's cousin gives me a sucker punch, lol



      Dam. Yeah i would say thats rough. If she aint gonna get her tubes tied it might be time to get a vasectomy.. Unless you plan to have more kids that is.

      Stay stong!

  18. I didn't know Gran Turino was this good. I gotta watch it with the cuss words

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Broke_Audio_Addict
    3. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      I just didn't think I would like it. That car is bad ass. This movie so far is good as shit.

    4. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      Also, the racist shit he's saying has me rolling. I never heard half the shit he said.

  19. I might go by my wife's parking lot at work full tilt, just to let her know I'm thinking of her, lol

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      n8, you gonna fuck around and shake the foundation and cause it the garage to cave in, lol

    3. Jessica


      my wife hates loud bass, but she saw a kid at the school with his radio blastin and she said she almost cranked up mine just to show him up. lol

  20. Passenger side temp door is stuck on cold. What size Boss amp do I need to help with the heat?

  21. Went up to the flea market where they sell POPS speakers. I don't understand how that b.s. got all my people thinking it's the shit.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. evermaxx


      12" subs that say 1200w for 35$

    3. Jessica


      i once saw an amp bieng sold from one of those "tool" vans. it said "supper" amp. I shit you not.

    4. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      None of that shit is new either. He takes all the old shit and rebuilds them. I bet they are a whole bunch of different sub parts in one

  22. Anybody heard of cande shop alternators

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. rockFord_Expedition


      Sold out the back of a gentlemans club near you

    3. Leo1103


      Id run tenney before cande shop from what ive heard

    4. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      Damn! I don't want one. I saw a few people running them on Facebook and was curious. It looked like an airbrushed OEM.

  23. Doing my daily trolling on FB and a dude came at me trying to fight. He used to live in Chicago. Long story short he found out who I am and now we're friends, lol

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. deathcards


      ahmed puling 180's

    3. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      It was like an 8 hour troll fest, lol

    4. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      The best part was when he started gang banging on the computer. That must've added like 2 hours of fun for me, lol

  24. Do not drink tiger blood, it has AIDS in it.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      I'm not at all and it's not funny, except it's him.

    3. _paralyzed_


      Is it still cool to snort tiger blood?

    4. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      What would Charlie do

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