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Everything posted by Skullz

  1. I use welding wire in place of car audio wire, good stuff great price and i know i won't have any issues with it.
  2. As cool as you would think watching your comp on a tv might be it doesn't really work that well and the resolutions at which your forced to use with said tv can be problematic as well. I tried it for a while when i had my lcd tv hooked to my computer and thought it was cool and all but it just wasn't as good as using my xbox or dvd player was able to play movies, games, and anything else you can now do on an xbox hooked to your tv and internet. Honestly the xbox if you have one would be the better alternative to your lappy since you can pretty much connect it to your computer through the internet and play movies, videos in mp4, music without actually connecting to the tv with the lappy.
  3. If sealed is the only option you have then i would go with FI and choose the (High QTS) option for sealed enclosures cause it will have a much stiffer suspension than a regular sub will have to keep it from bottoming out. The build times on new subs can be a bit lengthy so if you do decide on fi you might not want to be in a hurry to use them.
  4. I just hope this sheds light on how hard the RIAA is trying to take control of everything the greedy worthless jerks, i see them as nothing more than extortionist who want their take of the pie but do nothing to control the quality of it. Once everyone see's what intellectual property really is then there will be no internet as we know it, cause you won't be able to post anything without some type of infringement on someones intellectual property whether its a picture, a song, a poem or anything else including items you purchased but haven't asked for permission to show in a picture.
  5. Don't know if this helps. http://musicmasteringonline.com/members/content/view/303/32/ If you happen to be wondering if your getting dc voltage from your output's then i'm not sure on how to check that other than with an o-scope.
  6. The only store i go to that charges for bags is ALDI and they charge $.06 for paper bags which is pretty damn reasonable to me to have an actual paper bag vs some pos plastic piece of crap that can fall apart before you even leave a store.
  7. Get some adapters and get some good quality 6.5's, you'll never regret going that route over doing some 4x6's. You can get mdf adapters off ebay for almost every size for a small amount, i'm using 6x9 to 6.5's in my doors so i can use my hertz hsk's after installing the 6x9's in them.
  8. PM SPL2K he has done quite a few boats. https://www.facebook.com/SpeedofSoundInc EDIT: http://www.spl2k.com/
  9. Was checking out blackmill's facebook page and seen a link to this vid, awesome song but the video is just incredible.
  10. You'll need new axles and front hubs with the new bolt pattern cause there are no adapters for converting them, either the rims have special bolt patterns for multiple sizes or they're a one size only fitment.
  11. It only detects distortion in the amp so any clean signal in will be clean signal out regardless of the ohm load the amp is at.
  12. Used 40sq ft of 60mil audio technix in my doors, some very nice deadener thats easy to use and work with. They had a good sale going on for the holiday's so i took advantage of the deals they had.
  13. Ok Using the preview will help make sure your image is shown before posting so in case your link doesn't work you'll know.
  14. Let me make one point, make sure you put something in that hand like a pen or pencil cause you have spent the last how ever many years with a cigarette going straight to your mouth so your hand has a natural tendency to go there and with something in your hand your less likely to do that.
  15. I quit cold turkey back in 05 when smokes hit 5 bucks a pack, said i would and a loss of a job and no money kinda facilitated that more than anything but now glad i did.
  16. There are two ways of owning an older car and they are proactive and reactive, regardless of which approach you take your making car payments as if you owned something newer just you can decide at what time you want to make those payments vs a newer car with an actual car payment. whether you own new or old you can't avoid maintenance on them like brakes, tires, oil changes and the likes, but with something newer you get more features you didn't have with many older cars.
  17. If i had to hazard a guess he probably used the default settings when he ripped the CD's @128kbs in mp3 format and if you have heard mp3's in 128kbs you'll know how bad they can sound.
  18. You'll run it as a 3 channel amp with the rear channels bridged and wire the speakers in parallel for the 4ohm load but it will be mono signal instead of stereo since you bridged the amp and combined the signal.
  19. Most amps aren't set-up to run single as your thinking they are but rather 1&2 are left and right front and 3&4 are left and right rear so the best you can do is set per front or rear. You can run front @4ohm or @8ohm but you cant run left and right with different ohm loads as they'll need to be the same, so if you want to you can run 4ohm front and 8ohm rears with no problems but the fronts will overpower the rears cause of the lower ohm load.
  20. Just run the RF set on the front and the O2's on the rears per channel but if your brave you can bridge the rear and run them @4ohm mono just make sure you set the power levels as needed.
  21. Single speakers or are they sets of speakers? Run each speaker or set per channel and use the fader to level out the volume to all of them.
  22. I was putting well over 150w to mine and they handled it quite well but at times i would smell the coil from excessive power so i would have to back off a tad to get em to cool off again. Good sounding speakers for the price that can handle gobs of power, but like all speakers they have their limitations also. http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_14715_Polk-Audio-MM691.html
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