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Everything posted by ChevyBoy95

  1. truthfully, those 4x6 mounts in the back pillars, i would cut them open a bit and use some .5in mdf to make a baffle to mount some 6.5s or 5.25s into. would be more user friendly in the end, and they have a decent mounting depth to work with also.
  2. audacity's clipping just tells you if it is over 0db iirc. It doesnt check squaring off of the wave.
  3. maybe the coil can handle 1500rms thermally, but the suspension isnt stiff enough for 1500rms.
  4. To double the loudness you need 10 times the power. 400 Watt´s is to hear but gives the sound something what i call solidness. pfft. he didnt say double the loudness, it is about being noticeably louder. Usually to hear a "difference" in general loudness the somewhat rule of thumb is double the power.
  5. diamond, killian has like an octagon or hexagon shape, cant remember.
  6. parallel than series the coils you would think, but i have never dealt with quad coils so not 100%.
  7. Yours are in a sealed box, his are in too small of a ported box, and the ports on his box also look laking in the size department.... sealed box and ported box= nowhere near similar broski, going to have different requirements for each. I understand apples and oranges, just reaffirming the box is to blame. Since mine play well low and i know my box is built well, although not a popular style. ported shouldn't even be remotely compared to sealed, they are two completely different things. affirming that the ported box should get lower because your sealed one does is completely irrelevant.
  8. if it is in the truck maybe the trunk flex mixed with port orientation is causing the waves to do something unusual. trunk fanning back and forth on the port maybe. but bottoming out is a LOUD knocking sound.
  9. then you need to wire the B+ and REM together if you have no headunit in your home. what are you running the amp off of? a battery? a battery and a charger? etc? edit: i would keep the gain as LOW as possible since you dont have probably remotely enough current to supply the amp. And cranking the gain is not something you should do to compensate if it doesnt get loud.
  10. usually that is always caused by port location as far as unloading goes.
  11. the only thing, if he has the + and remote connected together, makes me think this is in his home.
  12. gain is probably too high. B+ is your 12v constant, like positive from the battery Rem is remote, which tells your amp WHEN to turn on B+ and REM are two completely different things, you need both for the amp to turn on. REM or the remote comes off the back of the headunit and is usually blue with a white stripe. B+ or battery positive (12v) comes from the battery
  13. dont worry about your cars resonant freq if it is just for daily.
  14. bigger port does not always mean louder. But bigger ports due usually have higher tunings there for higher burp scores in 44-70hz range. for daily you want 33-37hz probably.
  15. the measurement is down the MIDDLE of the port.
  16. i want to see how these cones vs. the paper hold up against the spl burp monsters. Always see subs shredding at the triple joint and cones folding, would be nice to see since the cone will hold up. might be seeing some decent increases in scores.
  17. cut a sonotube into 4ths and use that as a "45" and it will maintain the port width through the curve at all points, just have to get the right size.
  18. LOL, it is totally the jackasses faults who got out of the car on the highway. seriously, how fucking dumb are people?!?
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