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About notorious97200

  • Birthday 06/13/1971

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    MARTINIQUE (French Caribbean Island)

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  1. That's a really nice system. Congratulations ! I stopped upgrading when I had my first regulated electrical system in a car. The voltage wouldn't go above 13.7 v. An HO alt wouldn't have change nothing for me at that time. Maybe it's possible now. Good luck, OP.
  2. Hi guys ! I'm back. I want to know what's new in this car audio world !

  3. Try to check the settings on your amp, or on your head unit. Where did you set your SSF ? Maybe it was moved too high ?
  4. My recone kit for my FI N2 15 ?is on hold at DHL since friday : carnival time here, everything is closed until tomorrow !!!

  5. No problem, pics will come ! From the SecondSkin HQ, to Miami, then Panama, Venezuela, and finally MARTINIQUE ! what a trip ! I am impressed by the thickness of both products ! I did not remember the Damplifier was so strong. And the sheet of LLP : that will be difficult to use on my doors, but it should be effective. Those really don't look like other poor products I'm used to see.
  6. DHL called me this morning : they are ready for delivery. Told them to keep it at their office until I can come by, at lunch break. Install coming soon, I hope so !
  7. Ordered b stock damplifier and a sheet of LLP today. Hope it will be enough for my front doors, and the trunk.
  8. No cry, no butthurt here ! Do it OP, if you have enough battery power. You have a good alt, you may need 2 big AGM : one upfront and one in the back, at least. (That is the amplifier I want to run on my Zcon 15.)
  9. You can do it, or you can run the amps strapped (like it's only one amplifier). Is it necessary ? I don't think so. You may need more knowledge and experience. Go to the RF page and see if those amps are strappable. I think so, but you'd better check.
  10. That is a really nice install. You must be proud of you 2 ! I bet he will be very happy with the 4 SMD minis. I'm tuned in for the new box. It should be amazing, once again. I loved the first amp rack : hidden but beautiful.
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