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Everything posted by Hollowstylez

  1. Those things are pretty spiffy. That battery looks good under the hood. Haha it rhymed.
  2. After you sand your fleece you can put as many layers as you want without sanding in between. As long as it hasn't dryer you can add layers. But once it cures then you would have to sand it. But otherwise you've got it. This is mat. http://us.m.yahoo.com/w/search/lp/web/mmimage/detail.bp%3B_ylt=A0S02RfP14tPOGYA4wVqOy4J%3B_ylu=X3oDMTI5MGFrMzAwBGNiaWQDBGNvbmNlcHQDBGNwb3MDBGNzZWMDBHBvcwM4BHF1ZXJ5A2ZpYmVyZ2xhc3MgbWF0BHNlYwNpbWFnZQRzbGsDaW1hZ2U-?i=7&q=fiberglass+mat&s=0&iu=&.intl=us&.lang=en&.sep=fp
  3. Make sure fleece is stapled before soaking with resin mixture. Fleece needs it to be where you need it to be and stretched as tight as possible. Then soak, then mat and then apply more resin mix to the mat. But if you let the soaked fleece dry before adding the mat you should sand it a bit because some resins can leave a waxy film once cured.
  4. I use Popsicle sticks if im mixing in a small cup or a paint stir stick (free in the paint dept) broke in half the long way for bigger containers. After you put the hardener in with the resin mix it like a crazy person but be careful not to spill cuz it sucks to clean up. I usually put a piece of cardboard down on the table so I can just throw it away after. Cut up a bunch of squares and rectangles that are a few different sizes before mixing your resin and hardener. I like to spread my pieces out on the cardboard and resin them up and then put them on so they are kinda pre soaked. That's just me though. Have fun with it
  5. I like that you tested that 300x1 i think those are sweet little amps. Cool vids man.
  6. I love my Rivi! This car will not give it up easily, haha. Taking the dash apart is turning into slow process.

  7. Its a beast! Haha You are going to have some fun with this build man. In it for pix.
  8. Damn that vid is pretty interesting, I guess i need to plan to buy more wire.
  9. That is a big ol van man. Haha those rims are pretty crazy but they do give it some personality.
  10. Sweeet! I like how the wiper just floats and seems like it doesn't even touch anything. haha
  11. Damn bro. Sorry to hear about your dad, he must have been a hell of a guy. Well getting back on your caprice will help keep you your mind occupied, and it may be tough, be we got you man. My condolences to you and your family.
  12. Hells yeah! After I saw this thread I had to go check out my frig, but I need to go shopping. Haha
  13. Oh that's cool. These subs seem to perform pretty good from what people have been posting.
  14. Nice vid man, you build the box and what you tuned to? Just wondering.
  15. Really interesting thread and I think its all good stuff to know. My experience with running lower than spec resistance killed my first amp and I didn't really understand why, so I've been running no lower than spec ever since. Thanks guys.
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