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Status Updates posted by gally

  1. playing battlefield hardline BETA on X360..who is on?

  2. snowing for 4 days straight today...im getting tired of this snow..

    1. gally


      cant even start nothing...and its -6 degree celsius over here

  3. gonny start to build me a box for 2 12s each of the 12inch sub would get separate chamber but both ported...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. rockFord_Expedition


      I think Ken is questioning that the OP actually has the equipment.

    3. MrSkippyJ


      oh i know. Just trying to be funny!

    4. gally


      equipement is here its just that i wont work in the colldness and the snowy weather makes me to hold up on all the things.. also the subs are going to be the old radioactive 30spl series..and im not that of a picture guy...but if you gugy insist ill send you the pics on ocassion

  4. snowing all day...i came from work just a while ago..so in the motning lets go take a ride with the quad

  5. not a PC fan of gaming...but stick bettween PS4 and Xbox 1...also Bloodborne on PS4 looks magnificent...any tips?

  6. So today i came to work with my new motorcycle and a couple of coworkers told me to get serious and to step off the bike...they also told me to buy me a Piaggio MP3 scooter...guess not many people loves the raptor 350

    1. Miguels
    2. gally
    3. Miguels


      are they legal to ride on city streets? when you said motorcycle i though you meant a 2 wheel bike..

  7. i want PS4

    1. Keith77
    2. Keith77
    3. gally


      i wanted a Xbox one at first...but except for halo ps4 has many more damn good looking games...

  8. octne numbers...so we have the standard of 92, 95, 98 and a 100 octane gass choice...but somewhere you can get even a 110 octane gas? i know i usually take the 100octane which is like 3 cent of an euro higher than of a price of 95 one...but the motor also seems to wokr smoother

    1. Tarball


      yeah, in the stats 92ish is called premium and it goes down from there. SOme places have higher rating but its stupid pricey.

    2. Broke_Audio_Addict


      Premium at bp is 93 and Sunoco has 94.

      The states also rate the fuel differently,

      the same fuel for you guys has an average rating of 6 to 8 points higher than what it would be rated here so 92 here would likely be 98 or 100 for you.

    3. Katt


      We've only got 87 89 and 92/93. And 100, a few miles out of town, thats expensive. Wish we had higher octane here lol. My car would love it.

  9. 2 12s an the aero in the midle...how does this sounds?

  10. 2 gzrw 30spl sound beast...tuned at 38 but gets down like a champ---also gains were set with an DD-1 and it works even better now..but how would it sound a 15 incher of the same series with a 3˝ VC??

  11. a guy on our street left his dog for 4 days straight outside when it was Freezing -17°C per night...today we went to the owner and told him about the dog...he tiped us off as he would call the cops..then his neighbourgh came and took this guys dog into his house...fuck that shit when you dont take care of your animals

  12. first snow over here...its been snowing for all the day..over 15cm of snow, just today....need to warm up my 4wheeler to get me some fun :)



      you need one of these.

  13. is a gopro hero camera good for bass??

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. gally
    3. Omega5002


      I hate the way it attenuates the bass to the point where you can't hear anything else.

    4. MrSkippyJ


      not sure there is a good one though.

  14. so today i saw a guy in my garage trying to steal one of my ATVs...beat the crap out of him..then he told me he was a cop...after a while the police came and i told them what happened..the cop went to the guy and gave him a slam with the batton...the Cop then apologized to me and said it was his son...fuck my life..the guy(s) live right next door to me

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Miguels


      wright a letter and give a copy to all your neighbors. let them know they have a thief as a neighbor. they will eventually move out again

    3. Rich Schenk

      Rich Schenk

      Get a alarm and a restraining order. Get a big dog also.

    4. PaulPumpsBass


      Crazy... at least you caught his ass. Now you know what other precautions you might want to take

  15. what do you all think of GZRW 38SPL??????

  16. planning to buy me a single 12, with at least 2000RMS , with high Xmax, and that is not heavy as shit..thinking about the GZNW 12X

  17. how do you people like GTA for PS4 Xone??

    1. Ram


      i have a ps4. i dont really notice anything different than from 360. im not a big time gamer though.

    2. gally


      cause i keep hearing the gameplay on PS4 or X1 would be in first person??

    3. LoudBimmer


      first person is fun for about first hour. Afterwards it's just same game with better graphics.

  18. so plasti dipping or just taping or nail polish on a tearin subwoofer sorround would work?

    1. thefourth


      Nail polish, yeah... Sounds like a good idea. Might have to use that trick

    2. audiofanaticz


      shoe goop from the back side of the woofer.

  19. should i TAPE the sorround or no?...friend gave me an old sub...and the sorround has started ripping at some points..so should i tape it or no?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ahmed Johnson
    3. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      Gunnem, he did a hell of a good job with that shit. Plasti dip that shit and he's all gravy

  20. im getting a Ground zero radioactive 15 soon...and some wood for my 12s..

  21. gonna repair my quad in a couple of days..need some things to get fixed, lube the parts and change the oil...also need to go for a ride as i havent touched the ride for about 4 months...

  22. thingking aboout Ground Zero Radioactive 15SPL...looks nice..but already have 2 12s Radioactive SPL and anotehr 12 comming...but a DD

    1. OrionStang


      You change your mind more than I do.

    2. gally


      sure but...i might be going with either 1 15 again or with 2 12s for a change..need a battery upgrade soon

  23. so a nice friend is buying a new Astra..did not know if she is gonna get the 3 or 5 door version...

  24. finally home today after 5nightshifts...feeling like shit...also my sub is gone..sorround its ripped, and its beyond repair...also recone is about 450€ which is a no no...so i ll buy another sub

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Broke_Audio_Addict


      You're assuming you know how many hours she works.

      I also used to put in over 100 hours a week without complaining, don't complain just be happy you're working is the point.

    3. Karkov


      All you want to do is argue so fuck it, I'm out

    4. Broke_Audio_Addict


      Not trying to argue just making a statement, sorry if you took it that way.

  25. was taking a break from sport for over 2 years..had health problems, and now im a little better.....also..gonna start doing sport all over again..was having 84kilos..now i have 96...need to gain some muscles.

    1. OrionStang


      I have 151 kilos. LOL

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