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Everything posted by audiofanaticz

  1. PM me a screen shot of your payment for the Bronze membership Qcoleman and I can apply it if the system is not doing it automatically.
  2. Nice, but I dont agree 100% with 3rd party sites stats all the time. I say that because the one site claims I make a few hundred a month, when Im not even a youtube partner... lol
  3. Since grown men want to cry about something that is not being handled by the mod staff "because they are friends with the mod" but yet they dont even report the issue you all can take a 24hour vacation....

  4. ahhhh..... Yup now that Im on a computer, I seen that I banned your Daviddto account, along with your PioneerSPLBoss account for trolling and starting crap assuming you can get away with it.. You know I was going to merge the 2 accounts together, but after reading the notes its not worth it. So at this moment I don't think you deserve a name change. Maybe if you can stop acting like a dick and have positive posts I will reconsider. Thanks.
  5. passengerside front window wont stay up, the rubber gasket keeps falling off, and that little metal tab that goes over the window on the outside vanished, also the side rear door apparently said FU to its trim, the dome light on the ceiling fell off even tho there is zero roof flex, and Ive still yet to figure out what this loose metal in my driver door is that is rolling and bumping around....

    1. audiofanaticz
    2. juan777


      My window gets stuck when its up, it would suck if it got stuck down

  6. There is already a member with that name.. Did you make another account?
  7. I mean, 2 volts on my saz-4500s is about 120 watts, which is not even noticible by the ear, or a several hundred dollar piece of gear for measuring the spl of the vehicle... 2 volts on a tiny 2 channel is going to be like 5-10 watts.... lol
  8. There is always going to be a difference in voltage between channels, and even amps, hell I have 4 5000watt monoblocks in my truck and one of them makes 4 volts more than 2 of them, and another makes about 2 volts more. If you really knew what you where doing you would volt match the channels, just like I volt matched my amps so they are all playing the same, not bitching on a forum like you know what your doing but have no clue. Components have tolerances and none are typically the same, typically as long as they are in their targeted tolerance group ( +/- 5% for example) the part is considered ok by QA. Brand name aside, a lot of mosfets that are inside amplifiers only come from a couple different places, so the insult to Rockford or better yet Sonic is not needed, especially since they have nothing to do with the build quality or components that are inside of the amplifier that they sell. But Im glad to hear you got your amp back today, and instantly bought a new one from the same manufacture that you are dissing........
  9. I had people offer me great amounts of money for my prototype hlc-1, one guy even waved $200 cash in my face.. But I wont sell it because I need it IF or when I put a small setup back in my car. There is one that doesnt distort, and Im trying to remember myself because I need one for an upcoming install
  10. any image service will work fine, as long as your using the direct link to the picture. so google images, facebook (if you right click the picture and click on view image and use that link), imgur, imageshack, photobucket, etc. or you can use the direct option as well for sharing photos on a forum that has code copied into the link. There is no preferred, I used photobucket for the longest time myself, but switched to imageshack due to them allowing high res photos, and dont they dont take 20 years to load your album some browsers wont let you right click and paste, the option does not show up, however ctrl c and ctrl v works just fine.
  11. Looks like the picture button works fine for me. so it must be something with your computer, or your not using it right. where are you trying to use the pictures from?
  12. Some amps you must connect both positive and negative cc-1 probes to the positive and negative speaker outputs, other wise you will get no signal. This goes for the dd-1 as well. Common for amps with tiffany style rca's on the amplifier or differential inputs. Several users posted that their dd-1/cc-1 don't work, and they say they have crescendo amplifiers, and doing it the way I said above works, even if its not a crescendo amplifier, due to the negative speaker output on the amp typically being a common ground. Not going to lie, every time I use my SMD tools, I go straight for the positive and negative speaker output, because I know it works every time, with or without differential rca's.
    1. rockFord_Expedition


      For real. Go vote everyone!! A classic car with a modern system vs. a modern vehicle with old school gear.

    2. Karkov
  13. and bant

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. _paralyzed_
    3. magillaru


      damn, I was looking forward to seeing where that went.....did he ever post a picture/vid of his clamshell?

    4. Broke_Audio_Addict


      It's hard to post a pic or bid of something that doesn't exist.

  14. The only difference between a stock NSv3 and a ZV4 is the spider, coil, and motor. Since the motor is the same, your left with a spider and coil. IIRC the NSv3 spider is a little bit stiffer due to the couple more layers that are pressed together. The ZV4 uses an 8 layer aluminum coil that comes in dual 2 or dual 4 The stock NSv3 coil is a 4layer aluminum coil that comes in dual .7 or dual 1.4 Now a stock NSv3 gap is huge, the coil is huge, fitting the stock NSv3 coil into a ZV4 I dont think is possible (im saying that because I never had to tear down any of their new drivers personally so dont know the exact specs) However the NSv3 gap can be shimmed out a varity of different ways to use almost any coil from the multiple different versions of the Z, X, or NS line. The different shims and the ability to change these options are to suit the woofer for the owners wants and needs to give him the best possible woofer in his setup. But lets say that the NSv3 coil fits into the ZV4 gap , the increased power handling would be about 400 to 500 watts conservatively. I say this because put the higher wattage coil into a weaker motor does not always automatically mean more power. The first issue your going to have is the motor and the strength to convert the power to output, not only that but if that motors cooling cant keep up with the added power you will smoke the coil. Also just because a coil from a higher powered woofer is used doesnt mean its just so that the woofer can handle more power, sometimes its for the response that is wanted out of the woofer, such as a different moving mass, a higher fs, maybe a tighter gap to change the bl.
  15. if its showing signal, and picking up the 40hz and 1khz track, and your volume is on max, it maybe that your headunit is distortion free at max volume. Several headunits are.
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