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Status Updates posted by Emmet

  1. "The burban finally makes a comeback..." TDH password protected. Dammit.

    1. Kyblack76


      lol.. i tried that twice myself,... bummer...like you, im very curious...lol

    2. scooter99


      Me too!  I wanna see!

    3. HatersGonnaHate
  2. Seems to be a lot more new members these days...

    1. SnowDrifter


      I don't see that as a bad thing

    2. lifes a BOX

      lifes a BOX

      With the way things are going the Steve Meade and D'amore, popularity growth is inevitable.  Car audio innovation at its finest, I joined to be first in line for smd subs v2

    3. Emmet


      Not at all, it's brilliant seeing the site grow. It's just a little odd going into a thread and sometimes not having a clue who any of the "users reading this topic" are :rofl:

  3. I wish I had a ps3 just to play the last of us. Looks too damn good.

    1. TRTC360


      speaking of that, i'm currently online and see my friend is playing it, now i'm interested in it, fuck I wish I had money

    2. Kyblack76


      wanna buy one of ours emmet?

    3. Trey_Dog650


      I have one for sale as well emmet

  4. Protip- Don't mix absinthe and bacardi 151. I feel like I got hit by a bus.

    1. HatersGonnaHate
    2. Watch the bass

      Watch the bass

      Try Jaeger with Pernod!!!

    3. Kyblack76



      reading all this made me ill...

  5. I really really want a 2 door tahoe.

    1. mrd6


      thats my dream spl car haha, they just look like they were built with a b-pillar wall in mind

    2. purplesyrup


      I like those 2drs, dont see them all that often either.

  6. I swear youtube brings out the stupid in people.

    1. KillaCam


      They go full retard on that there youtube.

    2. SLAYER1805


      People are so ignorant on there, its ridiculous

  7. Even though I knew it was coming... I was still a little sad earlier when I came on and got the "we are upgrading the site" notice excellent work though, shits lightening fast even all the way across the pond.

    1. Kyblack76


      Dude,.. i got more done at work today, than i have in weeks..... sucked...

    2. Chris Hammer

      Chris Hammer

      I resorted to games on my phone :/

  8. My boys 21st last night... 5 got arrested. Fuck.

    1. HatersGonnaHate


      21st birthday: You're doing it right!

    2. Rockbrook


      fuck yeah he's doing it right lol

  9. Bollocks it anyway, R.I.P. BB King.

    1. Kyblack76


      where you been Emmet ?? good to see you around

    2. Emmet


      School and work, no time lately lol. Been lurkin just not posting, same to you bud :thumbsup:

  10. I'm wearing a suit drinking absinthe on smd. I feel sophisticated. Drunk as fuck, but still sophisticated. Bitta early preparation for my boys 21st tonight. Have a good weekend fellas.

    1. Kyblack76



      Cheers mate.

    2. 8ight


      I don't see anything wrong with your current predicament. Carry on.

  11. Quick tip, type ss before youtube in the address bar to get a download link for the video. Eg www.ssyoutube.com/xxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. Raptorman


      This is a fucking gamechanger thank you

    2. Tecomah
  12. There's just something about getting drunk in a suit...

    1. KillaCam
    2. BassHead1990


      lol where you can hammered and you still look good. haha

  13. A fella walks up to a girl and says "The names Bond" "James bond?" "No, polybond, I'm here to fill your crack" 60% of the time, it works every time.

    1. Ram


      i usually dont comment on these status', but that was horribly clever. LoL

  14. Got blunt?

    1. Kyblack76


      puff puff give mang....

  15. Woke up to find my dog missing, somehow busted out through the cat flap during the night. Spent a good 2 or 3 hours driving around only to find him in a farm near my house playing with some cows. Little fucker. Interesting morning, at least he's back. Happy christmas folks ^ ^

    1. RCP Audio

      RCP Audio

      glad you got him back!

  16. Just found a shop in my town that sells 180 proof absinthe... R.I.P. liver

    1. OrionStang



      One of the last parties I had in Germany included some great absynthe I picked up in the Czech Republic. Have fun LOL.

  17. I'd just like to say a quick thanks to smd. As a source of knowledge and a community you have taught me a lot. I don't post all that much but you better believe quite a bit of my time spent researching something is done on this very site. Realised you don't really get the recognition you deserve. So just thanks to all of you.

    1. Nates_Veloster


      x2. Love this place. Probably a little too addicted.

  18. That feeling when you realise the 4000 word assignment you thought was due tomorrow morning isn't due till next week. Getting drunk time.

    1. Lbox88


      Hell yeah, that used to be a great feeling.

  19. Gettin lit round an open pit fire. Cant beat it.

    1. Lbox88


      just have to add good music, good food, and then it's :good:

  20. I hate painting. Waiting till it dries just so you can sand it down again to fix some little bitch imperfection.

    1. Leo1103


      what are you painting?

  21. Well... it's that day again. I woke up and had a breakfast of egg, bacon and jaeger bombs. Gotta start as you mean to continue. Hope wherever you are you have a good one! Happy paddys day fellas.

    1. 8ight


      Round 3! Glasses up!

  22. Tomorrowland it is... Anybody else making the trip to belgium next year?

    1. Crandis16


      lol, not me. I've wanted to travel to Europe at some point

  23. Ran across a shop already selling christmas stuff today.... Balls to that.

    1. Kyblack76


      Just made a horrible mistake, and went to wallmart. I was looking for places to hang myself with Halloween shit. Never again.

  24. Realising how cynical I am is directly related to how much time I spend on the internet. Old people didn't even have the internet, imagine the generations after them.

    1. 8ight


      It sure does have a way of taking the fun out of everything.

  25. I go on facebook drunk I want to murder stupid fuckers. I go on smd drunk it feels like being at home... Well done smd. Brownie points for you.

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