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Everything posted by Kyblack76

  1. Cheers, and happy b day boss man......  

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Karkov


      Happy 35th Steve....I am 35 so i will at least give ya that, haha

    3. 2loud4uboyz


      Happy Brithday Steve, Hope you had a good one sir. Thank you for what you do. i

    4. meade916


      thanks a lot guys!

  2. Pantera for the mother fucking win !!! Rad choice chief Look great. I dig the color on the new cases even more that the old 3100s. You add a few more banks, and bring your charge up a bit, that will hold rock solid. Good shit man. Grwt comparison vid. Love the end side by side comparison. Well done yo.
  3. Crazy huh. They look "whatever untill someone is by them, ... then it puts the size of them, and the enclosure into prospective lol. Monsters... Patiently waiting for the vid of em playi.
  4. Plant shut down for the next week.

    All the shiny shoes get 8 days off,,,....  mean while, Imma smash the shit outta this OT.....



  5. Lol. Well done sir. I'm with ya,.. i had a metric ass ton of SS in the old turd,.. every bit was "B" stock. Errrrry bit, and I loved it.
  6. Rad Steve. Everyone that knows anything about me, knows how much i like a damn dog. Cut my leg off if i had to for my 3. Hell, for one across the street. Well done dude. Well damn done. (i couldnt read or even look at the posts reguarding his sibling, nope, couldnt, wouldnt do it lol) great great shit dude..... makes my heart grow reading shit like this. kudos to you, and a great addition to your family im sure. ..
  7. Steve breaking the interwebz with baby.... dig it bro... dig it

  8. Da fuq has Gunnem been??? Him and Brian hanging out or something? 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. bolanorthhighlands


      Gunnem's working on his YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnupYd2Y-1xZaVJf3LpmJLw

      audiofanaticz is working on one of his properties he rents out

    3. _paralyzed_


      And where has that nutty cripple been?

  9. Good job Tiger,.. dig that hole....

  10. Chris Cornell!?!?!????  Shit... 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. jk13


      Badmotorfinger and Superunknown will be blasting from the Alpine pull-out all weekend in the back garage. Temple of the Dog too.


    3. Kyblack76


      Been at the bar today. We collectively put over 200 bones in the juke box. Only him, or his playing today. 

  11. Check your cross over set points. Make sure they are on full.
  12. Is something up with the forum? My skin is all fubar on mobile. Anyone else seeing weird shit??? 

    1. Jessica


      you use mobile skin?

    2. Jessica


      i run dark theme on mobile cause mobile theme is, well, not good. Not sure what you are seeing on your end,

    3. Kyblack76


      Not sure what the fuck was up,.. it didn't last long. Alls well 

  13. A 150 amp alt and some reserve would be more than enough for 2k. I wouldn't even waste my money on a 14v system for 2k.
  14. What vehicle is it? Some oem alts do very well. Wire the bitch to .5 and let it eat.
  15. A- sick ass work as per man B- damn those are huge,.. bucket gives some mad perspective... damn 3- hope there is a second (or more) vids
  16. 150 dollar spl challenge. Scott Vanripper  just put that to bed. Lol. Anyone else see that fucking score off a single 105 dollar 10" ??  Good hell I give up. 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Kyblack76


      Same bro. Same. He has more time WET SANDING that fucking beast than most take time to finish 3 full builds. Mad mad mad efficient. fun as hell to watch his progress. 

    3. deathcards


      161.5 got damn bobby...

    4. Kyblack76


      fucking nuts..... taylor put up a rad score too......  i give up with these clowns lol

  17. I agree with the duck. To me, It has to be a setting of some sort being off. That amp is a proven tank. Time and time again. Also, don't worry about dropping a volt and not making any power. To the ear, you wouldn't know if you where holding 15v or seeing battery rest. Take a picture of the gain, low pass, and infrasonic dials please, and report back. Edit- and you paid someone else to turn a knob? Actually, let me re ask that. A asshole at a shop took your money to turn a knob ? That guy is a dick. Not only using his ear, but even charging you to do it. What a stand up car audio lover. Jesus.
  18. Charlie Murphy peaced out!??!?? Da fuq!? I can't find how... and hope it's a fake story. 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. _paralyzed_


      Man it would have been cool to hang with him.  His Mike Tyson lion story is funny as hell.  Well, all his stories are funny as hell. RIP

    3. Ron36


      He never got the credit he deserved because of his brother

    4. Soccerballzs


      That's Rick James Bitch.

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