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Everything posted by Kyblack76

  1. Well then. I want 2, in the end, but, quickly nabbed one. Thing has already shipped. Jesus. Guess i need to look into some low end, faster than i thought.
  2. Holy digging up that past..... well done dude lol
  3. Was waiting for the "peel" vid.... Jesus my guy,... jesus. Insane. Flat out, insane.
  4. Holy shit. Good hell that is clean as fuck. The little things, like the fastener depth, (because that type of shit,would stick out and show like a mother) is just soooo on point. Wicked looking... just wicked.
  5. Slick boss... wicked slick. I work at a medical device company, with 108 injection presses. Work on them, and the robot take out devises all day, errrrryday. They look tits mate. Good shit.
  6. Fuck, that's cool mate. And, again, me being me, I absolutely LOVE the blue. I'm always in the minority, as most love red,.. but dude, that blue. Fuck yes, especially popping on those D'Amore boards. Fuck yes. So choice.
  7. We'll see. Been outta the game for a bit. I'm hoping the Satori's fit lol. Meh,.. well see. Cheers.
  8. D'Amore 4 chan showed up. Got some Satori's, from Madison sounds on the way, with SB tweets comin also. Guess I'll get to work soon. Cheers all.
  9. Well see. I ordered another one. 4 chan this time. Tony also said, his T series boards could be ready for release/sale, around March. So thats dope.
  10. I saw Tony D, post up some new "clean class D" boards. Even he, admits, class D, ... is meh at best, but, he took measures (filtering) others dont. Also, the price, is amazing. I sanged some.... anyone else? Mine is out for delivery , as i type. I want to use 2 of his "clean D" boards, on my mids and tweets, in my 4runner install. Got some second skin, to toss on the doors, thinking about some Satori mids, with some nice tweets..... Anyone else score a TD board??? I will post a pic or two, when they arrive.. Cheers, happy holidays, and all that shit to all.
  11. They are rad... the blue he shows, is fucking awesome. I love my blue.
  12. Weird,.. I measure, and stick the biggest fucking cell I can get in. I got a d3100 in a stock Acura (yes, up front) I look at space, not their guide line, and stick the biggest fucking thing I can wedge in.
  13. Welcome to the forum bro. That said, maybe look at the time, posts where made. This shit is 10 years old. Before a few call you out for "bumping" a old as fuck thread,.... im here to just tell you,.. look at thread dates. Cheers.
  14. Highly doubt the belt has anything to do with it, if your "charged", or, over battery rest, the alt is really not even doing anything, charge wise, hense, belt slip wouldnt be a concern. Id be a bit more worried why the voltage fluctuates when you rev it. Again, i highly doubt your pulling much of a amperage load, to make the belt "slip". Have you spoke to mechman? Those elites are pretty damn bomb proof from what ive seen though.
  15. Thats dope. I was one of the first, to get the OG IMSG, and over the years, of builds, and competitng, used the hell out of it. It still works fine to this day. Good shit man.
  16. Damn bro,... packing that joint. Good stuff man. (holla when you need space, and wanna unload the honda,... lol, love that lil rig) Keep on, keepin on bro.
  17. @SnowDrifter  Hey boss, check our dm's buddy... sloppy kisses. KB


  18. Looks like its doing what its suppose to now mate. I dont see anything weird.
  19. Acetone, or some rubbing alchohol. Meh, just a decent clean will do you fine. That shit sticks like no other.
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