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Status Replies posted by Kyblack76

  1. Of all the things that got fixed, you finally did away with the self like button, FUCKING HELL YA!!!!!

  2. Of all the things that got fixed, you finally did away with the self like button, FUCKING HELL YA!!!!!

  3. Truck is now on a 4/7 drop. I'm extremely happy but sore as hell

  4. Ahhhhh.. my skin is back..... thanks Kyle/Steve. Much much gooder 

  5. Someone jump in the chat room. Let's see how it runs. 

  6. Someone jump in the chat room. Let's see how it runs. 

  7. Ahhhhh.. my skin is back..... thanks Kyle/Steve. Much much gooder 

  8. Ahhhhh.. my skin is back..... thanks Kyle/Steve. Much much gooder 

  9. Brother Hunter Dorre ???? Did you really just win my amps ?????

  10. on the ohio turnpike heading west, around mile marker 235, Alicia at the service center gas station is fine as fuck.

  11. A local chevy dealer has a 2015 z28 for $46k brand new, car stickers for $76k, damn......

  12. My department has finally done it. They finally found a reason to terminate me. I'm going to talk to the Assistant Director before I sign my termination papers. Talked to my old boss and he said what they're doing is fishy so go and talk to the ass. dir. They decided to make me homeless 3 days before Christmas...fun

  13. when your job gives you a month of vaca cause you have been there so long but you cant take a month off cause it will cause to much hardship.....

  14. Hmmmm. I ... may..... acutally ....... take some time off for the holidays. First XMAS that i wont work in almost a decade. Now, what to do ????

  15. Would you buy used ear buds if they were high end?

  16. Would you buy used ear buds if they were high end?

  17. It takes so much self control to not build my system now, spring needs to get here now

  18. Got my Fi-day 15 in today.. Not sure what im going to do with it lol

  19. knockin the teeth out tha tooth fairy!

  20. SMD site lagging or just me?

  21. SMD site lagging or just me?

  22. Again very unhappy with how some companies do buisness. I have 3000 dollars worth of your equipment in my truck.... You'd think that you'd at least answer me when I ask a question as to where my stuff is that you are repairing. Been out for 3 months and haven't got an answer as to where anything else is

  23. Got the sub in today. Girlfriend opened it and was very excited.

  24. 15% off on Fi subs

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