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Status Updates posted by Jessica

  1. Anyone recommend some music like dream theater with lots of bass?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. aculous


      Animals as Leaders is bass heavy and prog. 

    3. aculous


      Oh and Pain of Salvation, their old stuff like one hour by a concrete lake or entropia. 

    4. Jessica


      ill check tghose out, thanks


  2. whatever hapened to paramore?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DTS909


      One of favorite voice.

    3. Broke_Audio_Addict


      They put a new vid on youtube the other day, i couldn't turn it off fast enough, the new stuff is absolutely horrible.

  3. if that is a sucker punch, i'm a monkeys uncle.

    1. Ron36


      She is a crazy bitch who hates men and she threw a punch too, equal rights means equal punches.

    2. Broke_Audio_Addict


      Equal rights and equal lefts.

  4. mst3k is back. Woot!

  5. ever notice how dual 1/0 input adapters look like subwoofer enclosures?

    1. twalker182


      Pass the bong homie.......:mexsmoke:

  6. Wife Spilled her drink on her laptop. I took it apart, seems really dry inside. Letting it sit a couple days and i hope it will still live.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. oldsoundguy


      Ha I did this a couple months ago. lol

      I had to replace the key board for 20 bucks and all is good.

    3. Jessica


      i'll give props to ASUS ROG laptops, they are built well.

  7. tub and surround are finally installed. Now to the other 100 items on the list.

  8. It started as just installing a tub surround, now it's a bathroom remodel. I may be in over my head lol

    1. Keith77


      Dura rock it and then tile it. Be done with the plastic tub surrounds

    2. Jessica


      We are tearing out tile. Fuck tile

    3. Broke_Audio_Addict


      All you have do is smash everything in the bathroom and blame it on explosive taco bell shits and sue them for damages then use the money you win to hire a contractor.

  9. haggled with verizon for 20 minutes, got $200 knocked off the phone prices and then added my ADM employee discount. Those verizon people are tight assses.

    1. _paralyzed_


      I punched a snotty little kid with an iPhone 7 and got it for free.

    2. Jessica


      i believe you

  10. anyone know of wired mouse that is made to be taken apart easily?

  11. Suppose to be a simple trip to get a tub surround, ended up buying an $1800 trailer FML

  12. just binge watched The Grand tour, ep2 through 13. now i am jonesing

  13. got a flat at Home depot, truck rolled off the bottle jack. Scared the shit out of me. Had to buy a $80 jack while i was there to get it back up. Then had to buy a $100 tire. Not how i planned my day,


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. boom50cal


      ALWAYS use jackstands when doing an oil change, or when the vehicle is ever suspended. Goofier than fuck to have a car suspended solely on a hydraulic ram. Thats one of the fastest ways to get ran off out of an automotive shop...

    3. moh.vze.com
  14. hooked up the two mayhems to a sony mhc-ec98p. wired it to 4 ohms and played some FM music in the house. It did really well for like 100 watts of power and the subs just sitting there not screwed down. lol

    1. SkarredSierra


      Lol. Nice. I always like to play with my audio shit that i have settin around too. I have an lg surround sound with a sub output that claims 200 watts at 3 ohms. I have a alpine type s 12 hooked up to it for the moment. Rattles my old windows with no prob.

  15. Am i missing something? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. moh.vze.com


      What the hell is going on around here???

    3. audiofanaticz


      I didnt do whatever your missing LOL

  16. any smart cookies here that can figure out what ADM paid for crosswind industries?

    1. Broke_Audio_Addict


      I was bored so i just did some searching and read everything i could find about it,

      In my searching I came across an email address for an executive at adm, after a few emails back and forth he told me he couldnt disclose to me what they paid for the company, he then told me that they were actually already looking to sell it and that they would be willing to let me buy the company for about tree fiddy.

      It was at that point that i realized that i wasnt talking to an executive at adm and it was that god damn lochness monster again, i told him to leave me the hell alone and that i wasnt giving no damn tree fiddy.

    2. Jessica
  17. Put it an order for some more 8ga knu wire, accidentally ordered half 8ga half 4ga lol. Guess I'll have some 4ga for some other project.

    1. Jessica


      i sent them an email. If they dont get it in time its no big deal. Im sure i'll find a use for the wire somewhere. 

  18. since my router has a switch instead of a trigger i think i will get one of this just in case all hell breaks loose https://www.woodcraft.com/products/on-off-deadman-style-momentary-footswitch?gclid=CJWt_eD3zNICFdS6wAodO2oCqg


  19. got new gaskets for the mayhems, also, got a 6" aero port sitting here. they look way huge in real life. lol

    1. deathcards


      makes tall pringles cans look like a little bitch :p

    2. Jessica
  20. my table saw is friken useless for cutting angles. 45 read 49 on the guage and the blade just walks to whatever it wants. At least it didnt kill me.

  21. cant even reply to that thread. what the heck.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jessica


      it was the one in smd announcements. on another note, the RPP2 is locked. did it reach its post limit or something?

    3. audiofanaticz


      read the last post in it, or my latest status message.

    4. Jessica
  22. is ascendant audios web page down for you guys too?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SnowDrifter


      I'd take the advice of someone who used a welder as an amp with a grain of salt

    3. hdorre


      *welders. Ive had 3 bb

    4. Jessica


      sundown? sounds like some place a nut hugger would go :p


  23. designing ports for small subs sucks.

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