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Everything posted by Krakin

  1. Got approved to job shadow an electrical engineer inside of the plant's grounds and in their labs. Was told that besides me, pretty much only high level businessmen get to go inside.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Krakin


      I would really like to to my EE degree, but do I wanna go into nuclear power? Prrooooobaably not, haha. It used to be a great place before 9/11, but now it's locked up like Fort Knox. I'm still surprised I get to go as far as I do.

    3. revoracing247


      EE is a good degree!

    4. bigmizzle99


      I worked at a nuclear plant during summers when I was in college. I worked in maint one year and tried desperately to get into containment during the outage, but never did. Nuke plants are cool!

  2. Tonight has consisted of calculus to the beat of The Vitamin String Quartet. One amazing group, check em out if you haven't!

  3. I'll see if he forgot to cancel the subscription, I hope he did. Lol If so I really want to play, because none of them get on PC anymore....... Edit: Nope the server is offline now..
  4. He stated that he is only hurting the teams that are working on the development and with his leaving it will help the game. He also stated that the game has gotten so much attention and funding that it will become an amazing game no matter what.
  5. If you're having a stressed out day, just remember the sloth. They don't do shit and they haven't gone extinct. I'm sure you can take a nap. :)

    1. Amart88
    2. deathcards
    3. KillaCam


      Are you saying that I need a dose of rape for the day?

  6. I have a server with a couple of friends till the 25 IIRC, game is great! There should be an update (pretty big one) soon. So if you get it hit me up and you can hop on TS.
  7. Well, I'll be a conformist and throw my profile up on here as well. http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf4/user/x-Krakin-o/
  8. The stupid video of the American dollars and the end of the world has been going around my facebook.... The 10 has been turned upside down......... Stupid

  9. Finally beat Far Cry 3. Most amazing ending I have played, right next to Spec Ops: The Line.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Amart88


      I got the good ending first.

      Was a sick game.

    3. Krakin


      I got the good ending, really glad I got that one.

    4. gally


      thumbs up for farcry 3....spec ops has a nice ending too....

  10. The pole-vault world record has finally been beaten! 6.16m! Beat the 6.14m record set in 1994! One week short of being a 20 year world record!

  11. Time to whip out Far Cry 3 and finally start the road to beating it!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Krakin


      I have an impressive 131 hours on the game, I can't remember if I was trying to do every little thing I found, or what lol.

    3. Azagtoth502


      That game got me into poker again lol

    4. Casket


      Beat SP 6 times already, on my 7th play through atm. All items gathered...

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