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Status Updates posted by ghostrider59927

  1. i can post but i cant edit my post?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. cjvue


      Scroll to the very bottom... left hand side

    3. ghostrider59927
    4. cjvue


      lol.... my red carbon is working again now

  2. first day of work was awsome

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Miguels


      i rather not get ghosted

    3. ghostrider59927
    4. Miguels


      how many butt connectors did you go through today?

  3. i can now solder wires correctly. all my 1/0 has been and heatshrunk for now and half of my 4ga has been too. i love my new job except when the say here drive this 100k+ car outa this tightass spot

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ghostrider59927


      and im not saying I didn't learn anything that's far from it. im doing a bunch of stuff and learning so much already.

    3. Neckbeard


      i had to drive a huge f350 dually through the tiny ass shop doors when i worked at a audio shop. Nearly pissed myself

    4. thefourth


      Congrats on the job bud

  4. just through in the assassins creed 3 game i won from here lets see how bad i suck

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. WastedTalent


      Should play Dishonored then. Beat that entire game without killing 1 person.

    3. Raptorman


      The Darkness II is awesome just sayin.

    4. ghostrider59927


      well after 3hrs of playing i found out 1 thing... i cant read shit off the screen with a 12yr old tv FML going to take it to granparents house tomorrow and play it off the SPARE 55in flatscreen and ill let yall know if i like it then

  5. my american pro amp played its last notes last night :(

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ToNasty


      you cant be serious

    3. ghostrider59927


      im not. happened at work too at night scared a lot of ppl, and no one knows why it did do it too. everything was wired up right with new wire

    4. Ballen194
  6. well i now know ive lost SOTM so... time to get a 1000watt rms amp. once i sell my stuff :(

  7. well i posted some updates on my build log. new trick and the start of my amp rack

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ghostrider59927


      what about this month february

    3. Raptorman


      Chode will post it up ina few days.

    4. ghostrider59927


      hopefully its deadner i need some now badly

  8. and the mixing table broke after an hour of use piece of 200$ shith

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ghostrider59927


      going to. thinking of getting some hydraulic crimpers to do 4 ga and 1 ga

    3. Carbon


      You should man! ^

    4. purplesyrup
  9. just bought Psyph Morrison Diamond In The Mudd cd will listen to it tomorrow

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Smoove


      Even a sealed low profile 10 hits on that track

    3. ghostrider59927


      yeah i have no amp so i wont know for a while

    4. n1ghtsn1p3r


      Even my stock speakers hit on that track. I can't wait to get some subs in there

  10. well its 12:15, guess no sleep before work tomorrow since i needed to be up at 3am

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ghostrider59927


      lol yep just using this time to look up different subs and such

    3. Carbon


      Welcome to being an adult

  11. well im sick again so. time to go through steve UIBL of his builds :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Leo1103


      read the tahoe build log if you want to kill some time... the non ubl version

    3. Carbon


      I'm waiting on a spool from ups...bored as hell

    4. ghostrider59927


      already read it long time ago

      then chat with me on plug

  12. hmm should i just get a 1000-1200 wrms amp or jump to the dc2k?

  13. well dang there was an explosion at some plant by where my grandparents live. all i know is that there 60-70 dead and hundreds injured

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fosgatefeind


      holy shit. i was hearing a little bit about this. didnt think it was that bad

    3. Miguels


      that was fucked up man

    4. revoracing247


      that video honestly creeps me out some. holy crap! pause the video at the right moment and you can see how big it was. just shocked...

  14. looks like ill soon get an extra 50$ towards my rebuild. lets hope i keep getting more jobs :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ghostrider59927


      i do work. but that pays my bills most of the time. this is side work i do after work. installing audio system for ppl. im charging 50$ for everything radio subs amp and wiring. since i dont have to make anything

    3. Jessica


      I'm not saying you don't work. I'm saying get to work. Kind of like "good on you".

    4. ghostrider59927


      yeah cant wait for more of these. im going to use these installs as a resume to the local audio shop

  15. PURPLE POWA MOFO'S caps adds DB'Z

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ghostrider59927
    3. purplesyrup


      Some one ghost rided a stolen suv into someones house 2 days ago, threw a brick on the gas petal

    4. WastedTalent
  16. well im ordering some 1/0 tomorrow for big 3 yeah

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ghostrider59927


      well im lucky then mine is coming with a fuse holder and fuse

    3. HypnotizedMind 91666

      HypnotizedMind 91666

      Receiving shipment> ordering

    4. MrSkippyJ


      WTF does I've been had mean?

  17. off to the best job in the world

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Carbon


      Watch the bass knows whats up!

    3. n8ball2013


      Off to remove the ststus updates of the most annoying person on the planet

    4. Watch the bass

      Watch the bass

      What the hell, have Chill Master

      Will to do with that? Only that

      his nickname relate to my experience of the best job in the world.

  18. well got my car metered finnaly today and scored a 138.7 on music

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raptorman
    3. ghostrider59927


      thanks guys its really not bad for a 5$ sub ad 60$ amp. but i want 40's+ so im going to try and double my power

    4. Carbon


      This is the perfect making for a "priceless" add :D

  19. is 1/4in thick enough to use bolts on copper?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ghostrider59927


      ok link of comparison in log, got something storming around in my head

    3. SnowDrifter


      Yep it's plenty. Don't crank it down but it's more than enough to hold

    4. ghostrider59927


      ok depending on how things go tomorrow time to buy some cheet

  20. i wish i was doing an install right now im bored out of my fucking head

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ghostrider59927
    3. Mlcantin


      Nothing I just wouldn't be able to work at night. Sorry if I offended you.

    4. ghostrider59927


      when i installed my radio in my car was at 1 am. and you didnt offend me. my proplem is that i love doing installs but i havent been able to for weeks now

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