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Everything posted by mgameforever01

  1. The new maid is awesome she even irons pillow cases

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. OrionStang


      Does your maid perform "additional" duties?

    3. mgameforever01


      Mine don't do that, but they do have some around for extra duties

    4. PaulPumpsBass


      Ahhh... so you're a civilian contractor in Kuwait? You work for CSA Kuwait? I'm doing the same here in Afghanistan (if the first 2 questions are relevant).

  2. Looks good, I'll keep an eye out to see how it comes along i may need different subs
  3. this is a bad ass charger, once I get back, im going to be picking one up.
  4. Black Audi rs7 is looking real tempting

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MrSkippyJ


      so its not tempting. you just can't buy it right now. much different.

    3. mgameforever01


      No, I could if I wanted my parents have a power of attorney that's why it is temping, I want to have them do it but I don't wanna spend that kind of cash unless I get to drive it first

    4. MrSkippyJ


      you are saying it's tempting, meaning you might regret it later.

      So what about it will you regret?

  5. Just curious on how long it takes once your purchase a membership to get approved? I purchased the gold last Monday. Thanks.
  6. im excited, build should be started very soon, but as im deployed, car will be in good hands at, Audio Innovations

  7. im confused i tried to order fi audio subwoofers but they will not ship to my address in cali, not sure what the problem is

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Keith77


      Since you are deployed maybe someone will see this and help you out.. I would if I could man

    3. mgameforever01


      thank you, its ok ill just wait tell I go on leave, I should of left a card home so my brother could of ordered for me.

    4. magillaru


      Checking in to see if you got things sorted out....didn't know you were active duty. You could try getting everything done through email but that would involve sending your credit card number (probably not the safest route). I would still email them and explain you don't have phone access and see what they could get things working on their site. Be safe and thank you for your service!

  8. If you love to ride, you should watch the documentary "why we ride" it is a great documentary.

  9. looking for a good paint shop for my car in or around fresno ca, any recommended places would be helpful.

    1. mgameforever01


      or any good places that do wraps.

  10. never live in kuwait it is not cheap at all.

  11. sad day took out my whole system :(

    1. jdshott
    2. Rich Schenk

      Rich Schenk

      That sux know how u fee l still have nothing in mine just bunch of equipment chillin

  12. Interesting fact, we always see in the past never the exact present.

    1. Dwn4BassAlan


      You could theoretically argue it's impossible to live in the present at all. But as far a visual processing goes, 80ms seems pretty negligible, since it takes 100-400ms just to blink.

  13. I really wanna do 2 team FI 15s in my trunk but space is killing me :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. mgameforever01


      yeah, well right now im running to lvl 5s on ampere audio 7500.1 but wont get to finish my build before deployment

    3. OrionStang


      How about, don't worry about it for now, go make that deployment money, then re-evaluate the build when you get back.

      Wish I could go with you, man.

    4. 97Jetta1637


      break out the sawzall

  14. I feel bad for those who believe politicans actually tell the truth

  15. i test rode the bmw s1000rr, and ducati 1199 panigale, the bmw much more rider friendly, but the ducati still looks amazing

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. mgameforever01


      nope but the ducati is just not a good everyday bike, the bmw's power comes on much more smooth.

    3. Karkov


      BMW s1000rr my dream bike, if you get it take pics. and vids.

    4. __d_a_v_i_d__


      hp4>all liter bikes.

      im fine with my triumph! tho i do miss the cbr

  16. i wont even get to finish my build dam, im heading overseas again

    1. rockFord_Expedition


      Damn. Thank you for your service and sacrifices.

  17. i need a house out side of cali, mabey old plantation home in louisiana

  18. i give up im gonna go live out of my car, stay at school libary, walmart allows you to camp, and gb3 has 24 hour gym with showers im good to go.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. boom50cal


      longbed truck with a campershell ftw.

    3. mgameforever01


      all I have is a car but I can make it work, ive been deployed I can sleep in some crazy places lol

    4. CNF Kevosinn

      CNF Kevosinn

      ive done it before

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