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Status Replies posted by Broke_Audio_Addict

  1. Need to get my DC Alternator recased, DC says they can do it but I'm worried they'll have it for months any other recommendations?

  2. Need to get my DC Alternator recased, DC says they can do it but I'm worried they'll have it for months any other recommendations?

  3. jee, thanks amazon. tracking says "item is on its way" wife calls me, you have a package here.....

  4. finally getting a paycheck coming in means I can fix the shit on my truck that I've been putting off for the last 6 months

  5. Got home decided to put the RCAs in since it was 40 and not raining for once. Went inside took a dump, put on my work cloths and stepped outside and it started to rain. Came in watched some Family Guy then noticed the sun was out. I went back out got the RCAs ran under the dash and to the radio, but it got cold out quick. wtf!

  6. finally getting a paycheck coming in means I can fix the shit on my truck that I've been putting off for the last 6 months

  7. Why are some members names green?

  8. Does anyone have a way of getting a hold of cody or Jeff or anyone at droping other than calling or emailing?

  9. Are the warriors going to tie or break the record?

  10. Take a shit before I go to work and as soon as I get here, got to go again.

  11. So we don't negtiate with terrorists, but Obama hangs out with with a man who's namesake is synonymous with blood shed, torture, and oppression. Lets end the embargo for baseball players, fucking stupid.

  12. Welcome back boo. Please to go to 18plus now ;)

  13. May be purchasing a singer.......

  14. Ahmed. Get your ass back here

  15. little brother you may be gone now but i will never forget you r.i.p.

  16. CTS-V is sittin pretty outside. Pictures in the auto thread when I get my butt out there to take some pictures.

  17. Fuck me, I have to make a choice......I can't even

  18. SA-18's on the way !!!

  19. SMD peeps, I need good vibes sent my Cooper-dog's way. He's struggling.

  20. outputs got broken off of the 15k in shipping....fml

  21. What can I use to mount the L4 to the pillar baffle without tearing up the MDF from mounting and unmounting for test fitting and mockups? I feel like after a couple times of screwing in and out that the threads would no longer hold it in place.

  22. damn dropin hz not supporting anymore :(

  23. Ordered a set of Toolmaker battery terminals, and got 1 battery terminal and no hardware. They come with the bolts right?

  24. I love how I have $500 burning a hole in my pocket for an alternator, but no one wants my money.

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