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Everything posted by ROLEXrifleman

  1. Just want to make sure that it is OK to DD-1 an amplifier that is connected to a resistor bank. Looking to test if there are any changes in distortion point with the amp under load or at "idle". Thanks for any information you can provide.
  2. LUST, makes a good man want to do very bad things. If your under 30 and not married you don't get it. Why am I typing this at 2am? Damn....

    1. WastedTalent


      I sir, am under 30 and not married, and do get it. It's like when you see one fine girl and can't tell if legal or not so you pass but you REALLY REALLY want it... You contemplate of how to but then those bad thoughts (jail, labeled, etc) enter your mind cause might not be legal. Very similar. Not identical but similar.

    2. Katt


      ^^ Exactly me, and my thoughts.

    3. KillaCam


      makes me spend too much monies

  3. You know you can download the test tone cd for free from the d'amore web page right?
  4. haters gonna hate. when you see it youll laugh your ass off.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SnowDrifter


      Steve's "all my ink" thread

    3. scooter99


      Never mind just saw it..............Scared for life!!!!!! I'm going to go look at fat chick porn to try and erase the images!

    4. ROLEXrifleman


      They zapped it, but I'm pretty sure they know it was all in fun

  5. It's gotta do with your settings not the site. My pc has issues like that that I'm to lazy to address yet the 3 other computers I use have no issues. I don'y know if it;s the level of browser we are using or what but trust me, it's not the web site.
  6. If i used a ceramic wire wound resistor or aluminum one as the starting load, could I use my old school accumatch to change the impedance and increase power handling with no ill effects to the testing?
  7. I'm bored. Gonna be a long 7 hours left on shift

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kyblack76
    3. n8ball2013


      and then doughnuts.

    4. ROLEXrifleman


      Not sure about the doughnuts, but coffee is on the short list.

      Wings were great btw

  8. Are we talking 5 gallon bucket or some other size? I'd hate to build this thing and get the wrong reading cause I used the wrong bucket. How bout the concrete?
  9. 12 gauge CCA for speaker wire runs, use it or loose it?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ROLEXrifleman


      cause its CCA and I'm over thinking it

    3. Karkov
    4. alaskanzx5


      depends, for door speakers? I would use it. for subs I would use 8 gauge.

  10. I feel like shit. I cant shake this cold/flue from last week!!!!!!!

    1. CNF Kevosinn

      CNF Kevosinn

      tell me about it....

    2. Lbox88


      Same here, wife and I both caught something from the kid.

  11. 30 degrees outside... No garage, snow on teh ground...Perfect day to start working on the Firebird. Build log to start sometime today

    1. Karkov


      Hell yea man! got to 20's here today, feels like T-shirt weather, can finally get work done, that's a 50+ degree swing from what it was...

  12. I am in need of money for luxury spending. Will you help me?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. OrionStang
    3. KillaCam


      Pick a different career lol

    4. Ninja_v1.0


      jou have more money in guns that most have in their house knegrow

  13. Just curious if anyone is running these subs sealed and what their impression is. Otherwise looking for Sundown to let me know what it recommends for a sealed enclosure. TIA
  14. I called SD about my X12's and all the ideas i was given broke down to 14 square inches per foot
  15. Liars!!! Liars with no proof that all they do is run their mouth and when they get called out on it run like bitches or always have an excuse
  16. A crown xls250 on two zv4 15"s in the house... Things might get interesting

  17. Single sub setup here I come

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Keith77


      in the firebird?

    3. ROLEXrifleman


      Ya, in the firebird. For the amps sake I hope impedance rise brings it up to at least 1!! lol I gotta see if I can get creative and get the airspace. I'd hate to have to do one X12

    4. Keith77


      I see a lot of Fiberglass in your future

  18. Thanks for the info. i think I screwed myself with this car and subs. I don't have a lot of real estate to give and refuse to loose the back seat right now. And I'm trying to use the Zv4's instead of the X12's
  19. 4" is probably internal. i'm still working numbers to see what my options are with these Zv4's I have and the firebird I just picked up. I'm not sure how high I can build up till I hit rear hatch. I'm trying to squeeze cubes out of places without dipping into the rear seat area.
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