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Everything posted by Ron36

  1. Merry Christmas SMDer’s

  2. EMINEM’s new album blows just as bad as the last one not even gonna waste my time to steal it.

  3. I’m running about 1k RMS to my mids for my 3k RMS to my subs and it’s about perfect.
  4. New Rittz album tomorrow guys, buy it up

    1. WalledSonic


      White boy goes hawrd

    2. Kyblack76


      I dig Ritz. 

      Anyone bought and heard it yet!? Opinion?

  5. Last Game of Throwns tonight bitches.?

    1. Skullz


      Bub Bye - Petyr Baelish

      Arya FTW

  6. That's a great dog I'm so glad he found the Meade family, love seeing updates on Baby, U got a big heart for animals like me. Animals can't pick there owners it's always a crapshoot.
  7. I love this site but some of these questions I here make me cringe 

    1. audiofanaticz


      Everyone starts some where.

    2. Wishuponasub


      I probably ask some of those questions.

    3. deathcards


      My amp started smoking is it safe to run? :p

      btw i don't know what kind of question you have read but this should bug ya. happy monday ;)

  8. I'm always a sucker for animals and kids ,they just don't know enough . Great job Steve I would have done the same thing.
  9. The Sandlot is on best movie without boobs ever.

    1. 06RTCharger


      What about Wendy Peppercorn?? "Lotioning....oiling....oiling...lotioning...I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE!" Lol

  10. My wife got me hooked because she said there's boobs in it now I'm committed after however many seasons and there aren't that many boobs anymore, I even think I saw a penis on one episode.
  11. Gurgling and hissing fires are fun can't wait to see how this turns out.
  12. If u still have your stock ALT u could pull both regulators out but at that point might as well put the stock ALT back on until u get a new regulator . I would pull out the H.O . Regulator and look at the brushes to see how they are worn I'm betting there pretty much gone.
  13. Order a new regulator or burn everything up your car is not made for that .
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