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S.O.T.M. Winner
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Status Updates posted by OrionStang

  1. Cameron Diaz is looking fine as fuck for her age. New movie looks retarded, but she is hot.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. OrionStang


      She probably worked hard for this last horrah! I'd beat it down. Might even jerk to it.

    3. iwannabeloud


      I'd put a ring on it.

  2. So many know-it-all noobs the past couple days. Ask a question, then argue every against every answer they are given.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. pioneerforlife


      lol I like that valley of shit idea.

    3. n1ghtsn1p3r


      Hay guise, am i expart? I ain't nevar instawled befoar. :P (I did lurk for a long time though lol)

  3. US playing so conservatively. Fucking get some shots on goal.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Miguels


      they let portugal score when they had the game.. since Germany tied against Ghana they are still in it.. they just need a tie or if they lose they need to score to advance by goals.. all around it looks like USA might advance

    3. OrionStang


      If we lose to Germany, we are done. We had that shit on lock, pisses me off.

    4. Miguels


      US always play conservative and sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt.. i cant believe they let them tie it

  4. Where's that tool locator thread? Id like to find an RTA in SoCal.

  5. Really want a p99rs. If im not gonna have big bass, I want the cleanest, purest, realest sound I can get.

  6. Damn, Tony Gwynn passed away. Lost the battle with cancer at 54. RIP

    1. Kyblack76


      Got upstairs at work to watch the World Cup, & they where give a lil tribute to Gwynn. His stats where insane. Something like he had 40 strike out season, and last season, 3 players had that IN ONE MONTH! UN fuckin real. ... Rip TG

    2. pa-pa-platypus


      the man was the king of contact.. and a great person never heard anything negative thing about em.. sad news indeed

  7. Happy Fathers Day to all the SMD dads. And Happy Birthday to the US Army, 239 years old.

    1. Miguels


      Happy fathers day too all the real good fathers

  8. Passed over. Once again. What the mother fuck?

    1. SnowDrifter
    2. Lbox88


      The electrical job you posted about a while back or a different one?

  9. Don't know if it's been said already, but why can't new topics be made in the AA section since i was reopened?

  10. Well shit, got a phone interview in the morning. Im excited, sure, but also a bit nervous. We're talking six figures starting salary. My stomachs in my throat LOL.

  11. You all make sure you thank a service member this weekend. Especially if you know someone related to a person who made the ultimate sacrifice. My bro's will never be forgotten.

  12. Any other race fans excited as I am about tomorrow. Waking up at 4am to watch the F1 Gran Prix of Monte Carlo. Then the Indy 500 at 8. And finally, the NASCAR Coca-Cola 600 in the afternoon. Coffee and donuts for the F1 race, then 4lbs of chicken breasts and thighs on the grill for the rest of the day.

    1. matt14


      And coors lite? lol

    2. Kyblack76


      CBS news this morning. The old man is hitting Colorado and checking out how its doing with the weed thing, then the INDY 5hun and budlight on out....... Half here, half at the water hole. Enjoy man....

    3. evermaxx


      should be good!

  13. Who's the fucking pussy that invented Chelada. Taking an already bitch beer like Bud Light and watering it down with tomato juice. Would probably take a 24 to even begin to feel a buzz. *Wife bought a 6-pack of them.

    1. Miguels


      mexicans did.. they used clamato and lemons back in the day. now they invented them stupid cups with powder chilly and shit. the budlight michelada beer i dont know

    2. Jessica


      i rink 100 proof rum with soda, ratios vary, to hell with some beer that might be 6% alcohol.

  14. Spending too much time on Trucarbon.net, so many things to waste money on.

  15. Ever get that feeling that its time to just fuck off your job, fuck off most the people in your life? Im at that point. It may set me back initially, but should benefit in the long run. Sorry Mom, but our family is fucked up. Fuck you, Target, I can find slave labor anywhere.

  16. This comp claim has become an official clusterfuck. Makes me wonder if its a truly broken system, or if they just act this way to discourage people from pursuing a claim.

    1. OrionStang


      So glad i've been studying business law over the past couple months. Im broken, and my manager and HR rep are both saying they knew I was hurt, but didn't know it was work related.

    2. Cardboardcat15


      It's to discourage pursuit to claims. After seeing how long shits taking and all the runarounds personally from workers comp i'm flabbergasted they actually still exist.

  17. The Raiders defense just got better. Defense wins championships, right?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. matt14


      Ken, I like the pick a lot. We need to build the defense first just like the good teams do. This defense does have some potential, but I dont expect much this year.I can see them possibly getting Derek Carr tomorrow, which Gruden and Kiper both praised highly

    3. OrionStang


      Yup, I like Carr too.

    4. matt14


      Only way they dont take him is if the Texans take him, which would be wierd considering that they drafted his brother years ago

  18. Its gotta be UPS record. I shipped a 70lb woofer at 430pm Monday from SoCal, it arrived this morning in Utah. Less than 48hrs, i've seen it take 3 days within my state.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Kyblack76


      The vape guy? ??? I know sunset. I'm 10mins from it. It's cool. No worries.

    3. OrionStang


      Yep. Hell, there's only like 5 members in Utah LOL.

    4. Facekicker


      "the vape guy" ...... hahaha thanks

  19. Reposting this because it wasn't meant to be a joke. So, why can't avatars have bad bitches, ass and titties, and such, yet every time Ahmed posts I have to look at a greased up buff dude. Pretty gay double standard.

  20. So, why can't avatars have bad bitches, ass and titties, and such, yet every time Ahmed posts I have to look at a greased up buff dude. Pretty gay double standard.

  21. Kudos to Adam Silver for dropping the hammer on Donald Sterling.

  22. Finally got my MRI results. Severe muscle strains of both quadriceps muscles with slight tearing in the upper/outer region of each. Explains why I can't walk and the excruciating pain. Already missed a week of work, and will miss at least two more. Last thing I want to deal with is workmans comp, but I do pay into it.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. n8ball2013


      I learned the hard way. I somehow managed to sprain a sacroilliac joint and kept playing ball on it. It was so bad my wife almost called the ambulance when the pain woke me up.

    3. OrionStang


      Sucks I can't take anti-inflammatories due to other meds, I wake up many times a night if I move wrong. Just waiting to see how Target is going to accommodate me.

    4. Cardboardcat15


      workers comp dude. Fucking joke if I ever seen one. Sister's man been on it for a while, nothing but delayed checks and phone dodgeball.

  23. 14lbs of boost with a ridiculous cam? Or 8-rib belt swap, 20+ lbs of boost, and a more streetable cam? Damn 91 octane limitations are killing me.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Cardboardcat15


      I had no clue gas was seriously that much of a setback

    3. deathcards


      depends there are cars out there with 600+hp on pump gas depends on parts used

    4. OrionStang


      Exactly, thats where the cam decision comes in.

      The current plan we are considering will make around 550whp on 91, 565 with race fuel booster, and well over 600 on 108-110.

  24. So, SHCA is sold out of all 1/0 OFC and CCA. How the fuck does a company let that happen?

  25. Got a nice pair of 16oz ribeyes for tonight. Thinking mac n cheese and baked beans on the side. Just in the mood LOL.

    1. Kyblack76


      Sounds fuckin good. Salivating over here ......

    2. boom50cal


      adopt me god dammit. I could go for a kenne bell mustang and some steak.

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