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Status Updates posted by bass_stalker

  1. first hint as to what i got comming for my jeep, i just bought 4 of these for it first hint of whats comming in for my jeep, 4 of these are going in it http://www.vleds.com/6k-white-amber-dual-color-type-2-changing-switchback-92-turn-signal-bulbs-3157-3157na-3357-3457-4157-4057-1-pair.html

  2. gave lights down low a try, here's the result.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. 98GCLimited


      People will talk shit cuz its not setup for off roading and probably say he ruined the jeep. I am a member on JeepForum I know how the guys are over there. Larger diameter wheels with low pros wont go over too well and the headlights too probably. lol

    3. bass_stalker
    4. CommonSyns


      IMO Jeep forum is useless.. Troll away at that forum.

  3. 1 box down, 4 to go with 2 installs

  4. 2 days till i'm finally 18, too bad everyone already thinks i'm like 20

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bass_stalker


      wow thats some shit

    3. Purplehaze


      You guys are funny!

      Like there's any difference between 21 and 25.....

      I remember when I was looking forward to getting older too. Trust me, your thinking about it too much.

    4. locomanny569


      I wish I was 16 again no bills and a gas tank always full now I got bills wtf

  5. about 5 seconds from lighting this damn cherokee on fire

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. pa-pa-platypus


      kick it and walk away for a while

    3. Karkov
    4. Dwn4BassAlan


      Careful I hear the cherokees have the creeks and the yamasee tribes backing them up. Could be dangerous :D (hopefully the joke can lift your spirits some, pun intended)

  6. another day falls to the darkness, while another night is lost to the light, i begin to contemplate my flight as day takes the night.but i end up in another day of blight

  7. anyone else find it annoying when someone has a vehicle for sale and they just put their phone number on the forsale sign. why not put the price on there

    1. Neckbeard


      and then you call and its some crazy number and you seem like a dick for not wanting to buy it then

  8. anyone else use pocketholes to assemble their boxes

  9. anyone have a white audiotechnix sticker floating around they would be willing to let go of?

  10. anyone know what album wet dolphin is on?

  11. anyone wanna see a video of that 20hz song from zip 31 in my jeep?

  12. arg, merry christmas me hearties, hope ye get some glorious booty

  13. at the point where i just want to give up

    1. Kyblack76


      If you do..... then what?

    2. OrionStang


      It really can't be that bad. Wait 'til you're on your own and your fam isn't there for you.

    3. Amart88


      We all have those days. I have them quite often.. lol. Find something else to focus on. chillax.

  14. big shoutout to ProMaxx316 for sending me a bass knob and cable for my diablo, i owe you one bro

    1. ProMaxx316


      hey man thanks for the shout out. and no problem at all. Maybe 149's now? ;-)

  15. bored, broke, lonely, and pissed off

    1. audiolamb6


      i hear u there and there aint shit on tv

  16. business is pickng up, 6 installs on the list so far for this week with 3 more possibly comming

  17. check out my build and help get project antibling some bling for the new year

  18. cleaning out my usb, 800+ songs to go through

    1. OrionStang
    2. bass_stalker


      well yeah a 4 gig usb doesnt hold much

  19. club meeting in about an hour, probobly gonna resign because i'm tired of dealing with the president's stupidity.

  20. college orientation in the morning, no bass though, i dont get why my mom and dad hate my jeep

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. WastedTalent


      They take it away from you or what?

    3. bass_stalker


      nah i still have it, my mom just said we're going in her truck, and my dad complains about the jeep when he wants me to give him a ride for some odd reason,

    4. WastedTalent


      Haha, that sucks. I feel for ya though, my mom hates my car but I'm the only one with a ride so if we go anywhere, she has no choice.

  21. covered in transmission oil, fucking sunfire

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rebel4055


      Been there, done that. three or four times.

    3. MrSkippyJ


      is it a requirement to be covered in transmission oil to fuck your sunfire or does that just make it better?

    4. bass_stalker


      not my sunfire, atleast the cavaler i did friday didnt get me that bad

  22. crusin the coast tomorrow

  23. damn facebook finally forced the timeline on me

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SnowDrifter
    3. Miguels


      it did the same to me, one day i logged in and there it was, cant even go back to the old

    4. dog24fret


      Sucks! Did it today.

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