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Status Updates posted by scooter99

  1. Ok, here I go to work on the beast! Pressure's on from the wife to get it rumbling again!

  2. Man what a big day yesterday! Made HUGGGGEEEEE progress on the beast!! Go check it out if you're interested in motor building. Very happy with how it's comeing out!!

    1. Miguels


      I'll check it out later

  3. The Beast 3Fitty may start going back together tomorrow!! Hopefully in the next wee or so I'll have a rumbling 460 again!! I can't wait!!

    1. Kyblack76


      no shit? go get it kid

    2. rocking.that.eclipse


      So ready to see another of your builds up and going

  4. Well shit. Things hit a pretty serious halt for me. Got my last piece delivered today that I ordered. This was ordered a long time ago. But, I'm out of money, and now have priority things to get for the truck. So frustrated!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. OrionStang


      No money and wife issues. Fuck.

    3. scooter99


      Actually it is my wife. She doesn't see things my way. If I had a wife like yours, I'd be all good. We'd be driving matching trucks. But no, my wife thinks I should put street tires on this F250. Ummmm don't think so! Sorry waste of money! So instead of the "house" buying tires, I'm on my own now. Is what it is.

    4. ToNasty


      scott you dont want one like mine. She gets a bad ass truck and i have to hid the face i spent $300 on a few batteries haha

  5. Ok, front stage 90% purchased. Waiting for the other 10% to be released next month to purchase those. Conversion has started!!!

    1. rockFord_Expedition
    2. will77530


      by chance do you need some custom pillars sir i want to build some and your localish

    3. scooter99


      I don't think so. I'm not 100% sure what I'm doing as far as format or layout yet. But I'll hit you up when I do and maybe we can work together on it.

  6. WOW what a weekend. Sold a bunch of gear and funding is almost complete for the new amps. Had a great golf lesson yesterday. Then today I spent all day revamping and rewiring my nephews truck that wasn't working. Amazing how many people out there have NO CLUE what they're doing. I think Ghost got a hold of this one!!!! He's a happy boy now though!! I'm off to bed. I'm exhausted!!

    1. Moreno93


      LOL at the ghost part

  7. Oh this friday keeps getting better and better. Entertainment galore!! Now, I just need to get off work so I can start drinking!! BRING ON THE WEEKEND!

  8. Ok, it's in motion. Make room on the bandwagon for my fat ass to sit down. I'm coming aboard!!

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Soccerballzs


      Ampere taking care of the Commander now!

    3. scooter99


      Oh Im' aware!! I was talking with him about the TFE's and I had to have my wife get the defibrillator to revive me! I'd love a pair of those, but it's not in the budget. I'm anxious to see yours, whatever pieces you'll show us, when the build is done. But I'm definitely not comparing wallets. I can't compete with that.

    4. audiolamb6


      good to hear scott

  9. Damn I wish I could afford new amps!! Decisions decisions!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. OrionStang


      Sell them now. Value is only going to go down. Cut your losses.

    3. scooter99


      Yep, it's happening. I'll be posting all my stuff up for sale tonight or this weekend sometime. Andrew's customer service is on POINT!! Sad, to sell all the stuff I've been working hard to acquire the last few months, but if I'm going to make the switch, like ken said, now is the time!!

  10. Girl Scout cookies are a day late. A girls father was selling them here at work. DUDE I'M FAT, I WILL HUNT YOUR ASS DOWN WHERE THE FUQ ARE MY COOKIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. SnowDrifter


      I swear they put crack in them

    2. Kyblack76


      Thin MINTS ftmfcsdlmfasw !!

      i have 5 boxes a coming.. lol

    3. OrionStang


      You guys order them?

      The Girls Scouts have been out in front of the grocery store for the past week, with cases and cases of every variety.

  11. Ruh Roah, someone has power on the way to his doorstep!!! Project "gear up" is almost complete. Build estaimated start date - May 30th. Could possibly happen earlier though!

  12. Has anyone ran the new Crescendo Marine PWX's yet? Is there any real difference other than they're white instead of black, and $5 more? I'm considering them, to be different, but also that the 4ohm 8's are out of stock in the black ones. What do you guys think?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. scooter99


      Speaking of paint, anyone think paint would affect the performance. So if I got the white marines, and I didn't like the white or couldn't come up with a way to hide them, I could paint them black. Honestly thought about painting the center dust cap orange and slapping a new sticker on them. Thoughts on those ideas?

    3. Broke_Audio_Addict


      Painting the frame wouldn't be a big deal but the cone and surround I wouldn't do.

  13. Ok guys, designs are up in the enclosure section. Vote for which one you all think is best. http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/195885-4th-order-design-options-poll-vote/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. scooter99


      Yeah I hear you, but all that bed space taken up. I don't know. I'll have to think about it. I guess it'll be up to me since no one else seems to want to vote. I mean I know it's up to me anyway, but it would've been nice to have some input either way.

    3. ToNasty


      well im smart and good looking so do what i say :). Im sure i can figure out a way to put the batts underneath the truck

    4. scooter99


      I have a couple of ideas if I go this route.

  14. Ok, design time. Google sketchup here we go!!

  15. Guys I've posted up in the for sale thread, but I'm going to throw it out here to. If you have something post in that thread so we do business there. I'm looking for a blown amp, in the Crescendo symphony line or a bc2000.1 as well. It's for a special project idea I have. I don't see blown amps for sale too often and I wonder how many folks have them sitting around because they don't know what to do with them. Let me know.

  16. http://instagram.com/p/yxhrsKq09U/ A day later than I thought, but my wallet is empty again and I'm all excited about it!
    1. Wicks
    2. n8ball2013


      One of my favorite non insane power woofers

  17. Today should be a good day! Making progress already!

  18. Well, day came and went and no purchases made. Feeling a bit irritated before bed. Oh well, tomorrow is a new day I guess.

    1. goodvibez


      slow and steady bro.

    2. scooter99


      Yep I just took a large step back. Gonna slow down. Not going to be building anytime soon, but you know how I love to have everything in hand when I am building. I hate to have to wait for something.

    3. scooter99


      Well, just as I said this, the night wasn't a total loss. An old friend is coming home to me. Thanks Evermaxx! Funny how things work! LOL

  19. Hmm, might be a big purchase kind of day!

  20. It works. Check out my video!

  21. Apparently, and I didn't know this, the paragraph is becoming a lost art! They must be so wrapped up in the Common Core Method in school they can no longer teach how to write in paragraphs anymore. So sad.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. SnowDrifter


      Never taught me any rhyme or reason to paragraphs. I remember asking the teacher and their response was "when it looks good"

    3. Broke_Audio_Addict


      It's comical how bad the spelling and grammar is in the news.

      It doesn't help that a lot of the people teaching kids english are bad at English, they just stick teachers wherever there is a spot to fill they don't care what they have a background in.

    4. Lbox88


      Sad part too, areas that refuse the shitty common core program risk losing their federal and state aid.


    1. ToNasty
    2. scooter99


      Neither does he. Just not in the mood for more of the same people, who ask for help and then bitch when they get it and don't like what they hear. That's all. I'm just going to get off the forum. I've been in a mood all day that's just enough to potentially get me in trouble. I'd like to keep my zero warning rating in tact. I don't know why we even try anymore. That is all.

    3. ToNasty


      its ok xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

  23. Family going out of town this weekend. The Beast350 is going to get ALOT of attention!! WOOT!!

    1. ToNasty


      same with my truck, this weekend i have to myself

      Truck is getting worked on

    2. scooter99


      Yeah I figured no interruptions from the family and honey do's, and there's no real football game on worth watching, so why not grab the bottle of captain, and some wrenches and handle some buidness!! I gotta truck to sell and a build to pay for!! TIME TO DO WERK!!!

    3. ToNasty


      well ill be laying on the couch all day sunday haha but saturday is me time, interior out, deadener and wire ran

  24. Damn the ideas are flowing today. Just wish I had time to get them all started and built!

    1. Nates_Veloster


      ...and the money! lol

  25. Rockford Fosgate Question, are the bass knobs, and the peq knobs as notchy as the knob for the 360.3? Or are they smooth?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. scooter99


      price. I'm glad you didn't have any troubles with yours, being who you are, and being who you are with Fosgate, congrats on the authorizations btw.

    3. Kyblack76


      to each their own

    4. meade916


      i have 4 of them hooked up right now and none have any of the problems you describe. Oh well sorry for the bad luck. maybe it will be better by the .4 lol

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