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Everything posted by Ecco

  1. Yeh, keep telling yourself that! On topic: Stuff like that happened to my Volvo. Except it was aged (1988) and used quite a bit (bought it for $800). However, now, it runs great. Still has a problem with accelerating past a certain area, but that's it. Pretty good for an old beat up car. Kinda sad that Volvo's are going downhill in quality like that one. I guess that they wanted the Volvo of the 'future' to look more classy, and the mechanics were compromised.
  2. I'd wait 5-7 days, personally. maybe a bit less for that amount of money.
  3. Even Adobe PDF reader? http://get.adobe.com/reader/ Try that, if you have it already, uninstall and reinstall it. If that doesn't work, let me know.
  4. Happy birthday! All you gotta do is party like you're 21, that should do it. at least, for now.
  5. http://lulzsecurity.com/releases/chinga_la_migra_1.txt They have addresses, phone numbers, names, and other stuff. They say "We are targeting AZDPS specifically because we are against SB1070 and the racial profiling anti-immigrant police state that is Arizona." What's your thought over this?
  6. I'm willing to wait, haha. I need money, so this kinda fits in with my plans! Glad you chimed in though
  7. every vehicle i clean i pressure wash and the only way paint is going to come off is if you have paint flaking or shitty paint job. A car wash is a pressure washer. Perhaps. However, there are different pressure settings and distances.. Well, I still wouldn't risk it, since I don't know for sure haha
  8. I'd try paint lacquer. A pressure washer would prolly take off the paint. I wouldn't risk it. Otherwise, a LOT of elbow grease..
  9. The doors look kinda... weird without the molding. Ha, maybe it's just me.. Oh well, have fun with this! I'm not sure how many people actually get a new car or truck and work on it. I'm tuned in to this!
  10. That's kind of a random thing to take from a specific car. Hahah, someone must have needed one of those. But yeh, shit happens.
  11. I'll be happy when they come, but for now, my truck's stock (maybe?) bass is ok for a while longer. My level2 10" will be awesome!!
  12. Summer's officially here. And the bass is still pumping!

    1. mr.p



  13. Filled it out. haha, Those drinks at that one place are good. haha, hope I helped!
  14. I'm curious (sorry to de-rail this), but are you using a server or what? Also, best of luck! My website (intensegameplays.com) was created by me from pure HTML (pain in the ass), and I have barely any visitors. What revenue-making thing are you using? I know the most common one is Adsense, and that's what I use. Once again, sorry for going off topic, I just have a curious bone that's been itchin'.
  15. Good thing there's a pause button, this isn't a song at all..
  16. Two giant projects and three finals means no fun time. Oh wait, I procrastinate..

  17. Looks like it ended, but yeh, I'm sure it was some sort of a scam. Things like that don't really add up, especially when all of his reviews are for cheap products. You kinda gotta wonder how he has this stuff, what kind of condition is it really in, and if you'll actually get the product or just a weighted box. You never know with buying over ebay.. Some people, man...
  18. Well, good luck! Hope this will be good for ya!
  19. I have cable at my school, but I could live without it. I can watch the big football games (Oregon Ducks) on the internet, and that's all I really care about.
  20. Ecco

    Four Loko.

    Ummm, they're still legal. They just had to remove the caffeine. It still has the alcohol, so persons aged 21+ can still buy it. Now, if you put caffeine things in it after you buy it, you'll get the old Four Locos.
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