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Status Updates posted by Real96SS

  1. Man last DC 9k shipped today. That makes 3 and now the wait for my last alternator.Then we should be GTG :). Like my man Will say BassLife

    1. Kyblack76


      Your shit is gonna be sick dude... love the build

    2. Real96SS
    1. Autruche


      I was about to close the video and they pulled out light sabres... Wtf?

    2. Real96SS


      Yeah exactly what I did LoL.You gotta admit you did not see that coming though

  2. So I ordered 2 Kinetik batteries from Audiosavings over a month ago.Today i find out they received batteries back 7 days afterthey shipped yet I never was notified and was constantly told to wait 30days for them to arrive.Guess it never crossed their minds to actually check what the fuck was going on with the order.So now I'm without batteries that I needed and still have to wait to receive a damn refund. I'm DONE!!!

    1. meade916


      have you called them? They are usually VERY good at taking care of customers, even when mistakes happen.

    2. Real96SS


      Yes sir and was told basically it doesn't matter if they shipped them before,once they get returned they wont even try again.Also contacted them by email more than once.To only receive an email back stating I needed to wait 30 days for them to arrive when they already had the batteries back at their werehouse.Batteries shipped on the 22nd of June and were returned to them on the 29th but i was never notified

  3. Finally touchdown in Las Vegas!!!

    1. BeatBox


      have fun! im going there in march

    2. Real96SS


      Yeah man I plan too. I'm stationed here for the next couple years.

  4. Got my IM-SG today. Thanks Steve. Now to get some numbers on these Team Fi subs since nobody seems to have any.

  5. Let's just call it a wrap and hand Alabama the trophy LoL!!!

    1. OrionStang


      At least one team came to play.

    2. Real96SS


      Glad to see a TD this time around and LSU just looked beat from the get go

  6. Chillin in Milan instead of Paris

    1. n8ball2013


      i feel so sorry for you.

    2. Real96SS


      Yeah the wife decided on Milan instead.So I guess its Paris this summer instead.

  7. Time to upgrade Alts so getting rid of the DC Power 270xp's.Should have a for sale thread soon but if you want send me a PM

    1. purplesyrup


      270amp alts? what do they bolt to

    2. Real96SS


      Came off my 2007 Avalanche and I put up a for sale thread for them with all the info

  8. Broke ass people are always trying to criticise what you do with your money.Maybe they should spend more time getting theirs and stop worrying about how others spend theirs.Broke Azz Ninja's!!!

  9. If everybody's saying their Team or Brand is FTW, then who's actually winning?Must be the biggest tie in the history of anything LoL

    1. Kyblack76


      Team no one, low budget, fuck off......

      Only one member.. wanna join?

  10. Make the impossible possible by getting off your azz and making it happen.

  11. DC 175.4 and 90.4 on the way. Time to finally have all DC amps :)

  12. SP4's and Teams on sale at Fi. http://store.ficaraudio.com/team-series/

    1. Miguels


      it was a great deal.. couldnt let it pass

  13. Anybody know what kind of numbers Alphasig's F-150 was putting up with the 6 18's?

    1. CJ18


      I want to say 56-58 range with horse shit voltage, I think 11v range.

  14. Well found out today me and the wife will be having our first son.Since were having a new edition had to get a bigger vehicle. So the X5 took my money :( and now my build will really be slow.Baby bedroom build time LoL

  15. So funny seeing Irragi argue with someone on FB saying he has never screwed anyone over and has always taken care of his customers. ROTFL That topic is just all laughs and to think people will still end up buying Alts from him.

    1. pa-pa-platypus


      im waiting for tenney to try and pull the same thing

  16. Yo if yall not in the live stream for System of the Month get in there NOW!!! http://www.ustream.tv/channel/smd-system-of-the-month-drawing-live

    1. CNF Kevosinn

      CNF Kevosinn

      shit I was there at the end hahaha

  17. I have never dealt with Debit card fraud until 3 days ago. Some low life in Canada thought it would be a good idea to take all my money and then go eat Chinese and Mcdonalds. Still the bank has not refunded me anything. Wat to start the weekend with no access to money :(

    1. Tarball


      did you report it within 48 hours (i think its a 48 hour threshold they use) ?

  18. Where are all the videos of the new lvl 5 and 6's?

    1. CJ18


      Check out corona_jeff's build log for the Level 5 15s

      Chode has the LEvel 6 18s

  19. Miami>Dallas Chicago>Lakers

    1. Real96SS


      Guess I'm 2-0.Let's go Bulls!!!

  20. Video footage of the windshield tapping out uploading. Posting in the build log here shortly

    1. Kyblack76


      cool and the gang... in for chaos

  21. Finally this gay Exercise is over but the works not done yet

  22. Let's see if we can get some IASCA shows out here in Vegas

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