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Status Replies posted by Soccerballzs

  1. Just found an old credit card, has a $750 limit and no balance. So tempting!!!

  2. this "new" generation knows soo much about audio, son I have subs that are older than you, when I hear a system that has a cat litter box full of distortion & clipping I wanna just adjust it & make it right, INSTALLERS LIFE!

  3. A little alcohol poisoning never killed anyone.

  4. whats a good space heater for a garage? anything 100 or less. 50 or less? lol im cheap

  5. So I dont have to rely on people's help anymore with my build (i dont have the space or tools), I am in the process of buying the tools I need in order to do it all myself, pawn shops and online deals, here I come.

  6. anyone watchin bonnie and clyde

  7. Where do you guys get your aeroports?

  8. This DUMBASS Texas Weather is keeping me from progressing! Went to go solder terminals to connect to the fuse holder, it was so damn cold outside, my torch couldn't heat the terminal enough for the solder to melt -.- it would pull this shit before turkey drag!

  9. This DUMBASS Texas Weather is keeping me from progressing! Went to go solder terminals to connect to the fuse holder, it was so damn cold outside, my torch couldn't heat the terminal enough for the solder to melt -.- it would pull this shit before turkey drag!

  10. got my batteries today. 1 d3400 and 2 d3100s. wire will here this week. now begins the waiting game for my subs,amps and alt

  11. There's alot of repeat threads lately.

  12. Crazy weekend for football, Lions beat the packers, Auburn wins game with a 109 yard return in the final play, 3 players ejected from Mich/OSU game.

  13. Go for 2 ?!?!!? WOW !!.. and a PIC !!!.. WOW !!. .what a fucking game.. shit

  14. Before you file a complaint and tell me your SMD SunFlash didn't work or took too long to work on a "hot and sunny Florida day", please make sure every weather station on the web isn't reporting "71 degree's and mostly cloudy" for your city. SMMFH. CUSTOMERS UHHHHGGGG.

  15. Before you file a complaint and tell me your SMD SunFlash didn't work or took too long to work on a "hot and sunny Florida day", please make sure every weather station on the web isn't reporting "71 degree's and mostly cloudy" for your city. SMMFH. CUSTOMERS UHHHHGGGG.

  16. Sorry guys this wasnt meant for all of you, just the ones that was talking bull you know who you are. Migauil thanks for your help, when I bought the SS Trailblazer it came with the 200 amp alternator the owner before me had sounds in it but took the subs and amps out. Im going to have the alternator check out today to see why my volts jump that high after the Big3 upgrade.

  17. Was curious about what the effect of cold weather is on your subs? Is it okay to play them with little volume or just nout use them at all?

  18. Working away on refinishing this chest for my Mom's Christmas gift

  19. I know its not my build, but I just can't come to a positive reasoning as to why Trippi's Hummer is getting Iraggi alts. The track record of bad equipment, zero CS, and most importantly, fucking people out of money and product. Doesn't make any sense to me.

  20. Get your helmet and flak on. I foresee alot of shots fired tonight.

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