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Everything posted by Krakin

  1. So Far Cry 4 comes out in less than two days, how many people are either planning on buying or have it on pre-order?
  2. Grandmother just had a stroke; I'm not really sure what to expect given that she is 98 years old.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Krakin
    3. Call Me Dubstep

      Call Me Dubstep

      Will keep her in our prayers.

    4. Hotdog


      Sorry to hear about your Grandmother. Hope she gets to feeling better.

  3. 8 minutes to getting our first SEC win in a LONG TIME!

  4. Air can only represent one instant of motion at one time, yet we can still differentiate between multiple audio sources. Can anyone answer why this is?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. SnowDrifter


      Waves move in a direction. Our ears can pick up on that. Sound coming from the left will be slightly louder in your left ear

    3. Krakin


      The answer to my query is, while each of two different systems of waves simultaneously attempts to impress its own shape upon it, we are able to suppose in the above sense that the two systems coexist and are superimposed, by considering the actual elevations and depressions of the surface to be suitably separated into two parts, each of which belongs to one of the systems alone. It is true that two different degrees of density, produced by two different systems of waves cannot coexist in the...

    4. Krakin


      same place at the same time; the condensations and rarefactions of the air can be added, exactly as the elevations and depressions of the surface of the water.

  5. Sometimes I wish I had an easier physics TA, He graded my lab assignment down to the 0.25 points /50. My buddy turned his in to another TA and just got completion points...

    1. DubNDodge


      Other TA is lazy as fuck. I spend 4 hours grading a single hw assignment for 2 sections of a basic engineering class.

    2. ROLEXrifleman


      Your getting your $ worth in education. Push through, it'll be worth it.

  6. You can EQ a speaker, you cannot EQ a car.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. _paralyzed_


      Neither can speakers. I'm pretty sure the eq manipulates the signal.

    3. Ahmed Johnson
  7. I spent the last 10 minutes examining my speakers because I thought my right tweeter was acting up, turns out it was just a defected recording...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Krakin


      I now refer to them as twooters.

    3. audiofanaticz


      I was going to put twoooter but wasnt sure you would catch on, and it needs 3 o's since its 1 additional o from the correct spelling for subwooofer

  8. Arkansas 10-0 against Miss St.? Hmm?

    1. OrionStang


      They're fighting hard, but the Dogs just took the lead.

    2. OrionStang
    3. Krakin


      Hell yeah it was.

  9. The human ear can on average hear over 7 octaves of frequencies and in extreme cases over 11 octaves. The human eye on the other hand can barely see over 1 octave of frequencies.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. hoit


      fascinating guys! :-)

    3. Hotdog


      the Guinness record for the widest vocal range is held by ultra-low bass singer Tim Storms, who also holds the record for the lowest note in the world produced by the voice: a brown-note-busting 8 Hz! 8Hz is actually lower that we can hear, but it can be detected by some audio equipment. A man named Charles Kellogg who claimed to have a vocal range of an incredible 12.5 octaves could accurately imitate birdcalls. The birdcalls went up past the range of hearing (on the high end). Unfortuna...

    4. Krakin


      Hotdog has too much information for SMD to handle.

  10. We do not have anything that is aluminum reinforced sooooo not exactly sure what your asking I thought someone asked what the AR cone was for and I assumed it was an acronym for Aluminum reinforced cones. I didn't originally see it said AR surrounds.
  11. I always have my window open when I play my music and I have gotten multiple compliments everyday this week.

    1. _paralyzed_


      I always have my fly open. No compliments as of yet.

    2. Krakin


      Give it some more time.

  12. Santoprene rubber is my favorite surround. Very rarely used in car audio. I've never heard of Kevlar surrounds?
  13. Aluminum reinforced. Edit: I noticed that says AR surround, not too sure how it would be aluminum surround.
  14. Finally back to college after fall break. can't believe I would ever want to leave home that bad.

  15. I walking and then suddenly slipped in my socks and stubbed the shit out of my toe. DIDN'T drop my Raman, but the moral of the story is to not wear socks..

  16. It is expected by 2050 the largest source of electricity will be from solar sources per the IEA.

    1. Kyblack76


      I told my neph to go to school to service those, and or wind .........

  17. Fuck my economics class, all the answers are opinions and the only thing that has been taught as a fact is the law of demand and supply.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Afficionado


      that's a lot of UNI classes. Just gotta figure out what the teacher wants to hear.

    3. Krakin


      I can't figure out what he wants though lol.

      I did for one form of question on the first exam, but for the same one on the midterm it was a different answer.

  18. Life's not a bitch, life is a beautiful woman, you just mad 'cause you can't get that pussy.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Marquisboys


      Sluts will do anything with you and a bitch wont join.



      Sometimes i would love to fuck life right in her pussy though.

    4. jdshott
  19. Then say you asked for no mayo and show the burger to them, but keep it so you get two burgers.
  20. It's been taken care of. You could have just looked at Jacob's post to know that.
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