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Everything posted by Karkov

  1. Been waiting for this day (chicken to want to caddy back) Love this ride and glad everything is getting redone given the circumstances of what shape it was in. Tuned in for more
  2. I wish those modules were ready now. I bring nothing to the table but want to run caps. I run 10 XS power batts. right now...
  3. shizz, RMS rating going up on ZV4 and cost going up...I like the updates but those two things change being able to run them.
  4. wow.... keep your voltage up and that thing is a straight BEAST. will go look at pricing now
  5. Have seen other threads like this on here. Have read through all of them too. In the end. I have and use my DD-1 (and CC-1).
  6. 4 - 15" more motor force than 2 - 15" between those two options
  7. Great test. Thanks Steve for taking the time to Amp dyno this, or any other amp for that matter. love seeing amps go on the amp dyno. =)
  8. Was able to snag up 4 SQ3500.1's today. =)

    1. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      Did you buy them new? I see they dropped the price for a little while

    2. 2loud4uboyz


      I'm Jealous. You got yourself some Power nice nice,

    3. Karkov


      Yes, new. 599 each and free shipping. 4300x1@1

  9. trying to decide if I want to spend money on beer or audio equipment after work...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Karkov


      lol, yea, was thinking that after posting this. I knew someone would chime in to just buy both. Maybe I will need the beer to make the audio purchases. =O

    3. Broke_Audio_Addict


      Wow can't allow that man, you might make a bad decision while under the influence and buy boss or something.

      audio first then beer.

    4. Kyblack76


      That's a thought one.

  10. Think I will spend time on youtube tonight catching up on ya'll videos...

  11. Yesterday I was on desktop and site seemed like it was lagging. I thought it was just me but *perhaps* there was something more. You were on mobile though but there is too great a coincidence.
  12. 2 ZV4 12" will fucking slam man. Nothing to be disappointed with there.
  13. Did this ever get resolved? What was this issue that fixed it? Curious..
  14. If I plan on putting the music on USB and using it in my ride what is the best format to choose? (digital copy) I had ordered digital copies of his old album and chicken hill off your site but don't remember if it gave options of which to choose or not, and if it did I don't remember what i picked.
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