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Status Updates posted by dankmans-rb26

  1. Feeling really good right about now!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HatersGonnaHate


      Surprised you can type while your hands are full of cock.

    3. OrionStang


      There he is LOL

    4. HatersGonnaHate


      I was waiting for DJ to take this one, surprised he looked the other way.... SO HE COULD TAKE IT IN THE ASS.

      I need a beer.

  2. Ugh I think I'm pregnant trying to eat takis an there giving me hart burn!!

    1. KillaCam


      So now you've impregnated yourself?

    2. OrionStang
    3. MrSkippyJ


      i seriously doubt you had a though.

  3. Omg I just witnessed the nastiest thing ever homeless lady on the corner digging at her chacha and then sniffs her fingers....

    1. Mile High Guy

      Mile High Guy

      damn that just ruined my dinner! lol jk but that's some nasty ass shit poor lady

    2. n8ball2013


      yesterday ghetto court. Today this. You need to move.

    3. Emmet


      Dude... few weeks back I saw a junkie fella come on the luas (like a tram) drop his pants and just shit in the middle of the aisle. Theres worse things to see....

  4. Have you ever had the best sexy of your life and then realized your were by yourself the hole time..... Yea me either

    1. Crandis16
    2. Neckbeard


      you know....({}) <====3.....

    3. 97Jetta1637


      i don't know and that picture doesn't help. please elaborate upon this conundrum.

  5. Time to slip in to something sexy and take advantage of myself and hopefully I walk away with a kick ass STD!!!

    1. kickass audio

      kickass audio

      don't fuck with the mods. lol

    2. KillaCam
    3. TylerParrish



  6. When a female thinks it funny to have no self respect and uses alcohol as an excuse to be a straight up hoe don't matter how fine you are that's fucking nasty and makes no man want but only to use you like a piece of trash. How about have some self respect close your legs cuz your breath stinks douche your shit and go to church cuz god for gives all sluts even the nastier ones with a blue waffle.. Random thought for the day..

    1. OrionStang


      Blue waffle is unforgiveable

    2. KillaCam


      Don't let the cat out of the bag, those chick make the world go round.

    3. Keith77


      picture of said hoe?

  7. About to go get white girl wasted!! Hope this idea pans out

    1. OrionStang


      You know what 'white girl' is, right?

      Be safe.

    2. MrSkippyJ


      Didn't he just bitch about women getting drunk and slutty?

    3. KillaCam


      He has also contracted an STD from himself.

  8. It's sad that some mothers are more worried about going to the club or when there going to have the next drink then what is going on with there own child. grow up and be a mother not a regular at the bar or who ever is having a party, be a regular in your child's life and make an impact in there life not the bars tab.

    1. tdsa23


      Wheres the LIKE button.

    2. KillaCam


      You talking about your "baby mama"?

  9. Why am I not tire I'm only on 3hrs of sleep and I have to be up @6 again tomorrow is definitely gonna suck ass.

    1. WastedTalent


      I've had those days. Get very little sleep the night before and the next day, can't sleep or at least not tired. Not fun but do-able man.

    2. MarioB


      CR is one hell of a drug.

  10. When your told you have extensive nerve damage and only 45% range of motion and it will never be more then that. Fucking awesome life time of pain and next to no feeling in my leg plus the nerve that going from your back to your leg will always cause you back pain yay me totally loosing this battle...

    1. OrionStang


      Get over it, some of us got worse.

    2. SnowDrifter


      Sorry to hear that. There is no chance of it ever getting better? :(

  11. Wtf really what the fuck is wrong with ppl?? Who the fuck does that totally killed my day.

  12. Getting this BBQ started..

    1. DTS909


      Chickens in the grill.

    2. DTS909


      Chickens in the grill.

  13. Damn there is some good in evil ppl. Satan is letting me have Damian for 2 weeks straight I wanna say she is doing it to be nice but in reality it came down to her not finding some one to pawn him off to so that she can go be a drunk for 2 weeks cuz of New Years and yes that still makes her a pos that shouldn't have her kids...

    1. Miguels


      she don't deserve the child.. many girls dont mature and like to party even when they have responsibilities

    2. MrSkippyJ


      so glad it's only girls who do that.

  14. Omfg if it's not one thing it's another with this pos waste of space. B/c she fails to support my kid and get him the things he needs and I do she now wants to take me back to court over a hair cut and trying to keep my son from me. Ugh I just wish she would go away and let me and my son be happy

    1. Emmet


      I have yet to meet a grown man that says "omfg"

    2. OrionStang
  15. Zero sleep hands and back are killing me and my day isn't even close to being over.

    1. SnowDrifter


      Blah blah whine complain blah blah

    2. BeatBox


      someone call the waambulance!

  16. Being hungover and possibly re-breaking my foot today has sucked ass..

    1. KillaCam


      I really look forward to making fun of your future status updates.

  17. Si it looks like I have court on the 15th because I gave my son a hair when he needed one when the waste of space failed to do so. God I can't wait tell this is over with and I get my son back and away from an unwanted environment.

    1. OrionStang


      Good luck, custody case rulings make absolutely no sense sometimes. Hope they do the right thing for you.

  18. Ugh so pissed I'm shacking right now. What a damn joke this has become.

    1. OrionStang


      Where you shacking at?

  19. Finely got damian to play cars like we use to... :)

    1. KillaCam


      huh? o.O

      Seriously explain. I'm captivated.

  20. Damn have to do a skype interview for the job in Guam this Sunday are time witch is Monday there time. Maybe I should just take the job and good change is well needed.

    1. HatersGonnaHate


      Your Facebook timeline has got to be about as depressing as the holocaust.

  21. My buddy has a set of 15" fi sp4s for sale asking $500 for the pair. Hit up Phillip or me for more info

  22. Totally for got I have physical therapy at 730 in the morning this is going to suck....

    1. Leo1103


      pt sucks when your doing it but trust me it's well worth it

  23. Wow how in the hell do you have two kids you don't take care of and come to court trying to act high class with your new b/f that your are now Pregnant by Lmfao that screams ghetto 3 kids 3 baby daddy's damn

    1. n8ball2013


      And you know this because one of them is your kid.

  24. Fuck sense the union is taking there sweet ass time looks like I'm going back to bridge building in two weeks

  25. Getting damian ready then I'm off to Dallas.

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