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Ahmed Johnson

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Status Updates posted by Ahmed Johnson

  1. Feeling blessed I never smoked meth

    1. WalledSonic


      Have you really even lived then?

    2. Broke_Audio_Addict


      Sometimes you're just really tired but need to be up for 8 days straight, dont judge.

  2. The killing on AMC is damn good

    1. audiolamb6


      yeah it was a good show to bad it only has 3 seasons

    2. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      I'm on season 3 now. I think there's one season left but its super short

  3. I wanna ask my kindergarten teacher if I could start over

  4. R.I.P Bing Bong

    1. Bump4life


      haah. bing bong bong bong bing. good movie. well done.

    2. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      Lol, it was a good movie.

  5. R.I.P. Opie II

    1. thefourth


      Opie 2? I haven't started the new season yet.

    2. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      Well, that was a spoiler alert for sure then. If you saw the last season then you know who I'm talking about. I don't know his name.

  6. Man fuck this shit, y'all be easy

    1. mcfalcon


      Umm... just woke up but what?

    2. _paralyzed_


      I'll be as easy as my mom. :)

  7. S.O.A. started the final season right.

    1. swishahouse22


      great first episode last night sad its the last season lol my ol lady don't think its going to be the last season

    2. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      Bro that's what was going through my mind as I was watching it. I can't believe it's coming to an end. Atleast it looks like it's going out with a bang.

  8. Somebody is about to overpay James Shields.

    1. Skullz


      Whatcha gettin?

    2. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      Old ass regular season champ and a playoff flop.

  9. Always remember, never pick a bar fight with the dude who has cauliflower ear.



      crazy people can fight too !!!

    2. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      Lol, yeah they can

  10. Caramel sauce and oreo cookies..............

  11. Muscles don't prevent beatdowns

    1. moredbs


      aint no muscle in your chin! lol

    2. Ahmed Johnson
    1. Skullz


      stupid is as stupid does and he paid with his life.

      He won the darwin award for his effort, and now sadly his family has to pay the price for his stupidity.

    2. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      Lol!!! I would've put this in things that make me smile, but him dying kind of fucked it up. He not only won the award nbut set a new benchmark of excellence.

  12. Time to put the Sox hat on the shelf and dust off the Cubs hat.

    1. bolanorthhighlands
    2. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      Yep, might as well support a winner.

  13. I'm watching supernanny with the wife..... I'd beat these kids ass!

    1. Kyblack76


      gonna beat your ass for watching such a shit show...

    2. Ahmed Johnson
  14. It's time for a coaching change in Atlanta

  15. I really wanted to see a Gronk vs Kuechly matchup

    1. audiolamb6


      holly ass kicking batmam

    2. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      lol, that shit would've been tough though.

  16. .......How about those Cubs, lol

    1. Miguels


      Dodger pulled it off.. one game to go

    2. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      I want them to play with the Mets. Even if the Cubs face the two headed monster in LA, I think Mattingly might fuck it up.

  17. My dun son just turned one son

  18. WTF are the Bears thinking. Pryor and Clinton-Dix was still available.

    1. ToNasty
    2. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      lol, that just pisses me off how good that worked. Nice one!

  19. Ozark is excellent and Defenders was trash

    1. SkarredSierra


      Ik cant wait for more ozarks. Started narcos a week or so ago. If you havent watched it u should.

    2. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      I watched a couple episodes of Narcos. I hear it's good but it starts off boring as shit, lol

  20. Happy halloween guys

    1. ToNasty


      I got champagne and my pinky ring on. Cone through with that loud pack bruh bruh

    2. Ahmed Johnson
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