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Status Updates posted by tdsa23

  1. My Recent Topics are not updating any one else have this problem?

    1. Skullz


      Seems like it has been like that for a while now, i have to refresh it to see the updates to threads.

    2. Jessica


      yes, it is bugged atm

  2. 15% off on Fi subs

    1. Karkov


      gotta check it out, want 4 - 18" Teams......

    2. Kyblack76


      There is free shipping Miguel. Jesus. And better deals 5 years ago on the new drivers out now? Dork.

    3. Jessica


      what about 15% off delivery time?

  3. 49ers!!!!!!

    1. matt14


      What! You from the town and like the niners?

    2. tdsa23


      I like both but yea Im a Niner fan.

  4. 49ERS!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. tdsa23


      Both teams have good Offense but the Niners have a overall better D

    3. matt14


      Packers have GREAT players on defense but do not play team defense. They would rather look good individually instead of as a team

    4. Miguels


      all teams have holes in defense.. i think the 9ers was just a better team. holes are created by good offense players.. watch them play the raiders and you wont see the same mistakes

  5. Any one getting the Jordan 11's coming out on the 23?

  6. Anyone have new music need some for the car?

  7. Anyone know how high the surround is on the Sundown X V2 is?

    1. DTS909
    2. audiofanaticz


      46mm (1.81 inches) if its the original mega roll surround, that is from the surround landing on the basket to the top. Little bit less if you measure from the top of rubber gasket to the top of the surround.

    3. tdsa23


      Thanks I needed from the surround landing. I don think I can fit it.

  8. Can someone put me contact with singer? Send me a dm I'm on mobile.

    1. diegoclass2010


      singer huh? :) 270 idel? :)

  9. CUT Kyle Williams to night

  10. Did any see Duke game and that kids leg?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DubNDodge


      I thought it was somewhat amusing when the commentator said it was a dislocation. It was obvious he snapped it. Poor guy..

    3. ImaNoob
    4. WastedTalent


      6" sticking out of his leg and what's he say? "Go win this game. Let's go to Atlanta." Heart of a true baller right there. Duke fan but I give them credit. Good win to the Cards.

  11. FML Car just got hit.

    1. SnowDrifter



      Pics of the damage?

    2. deathcards


      well that makes for a shitty week

    3. Crandis16


      sucks bro. Hopefully they're insurance will cover it

  12. Get that E-40 cd it slaps.

  13. Getting metered tomorrow what number do you think I will get?

    1. Lbox88



    2. MarioB


      Ah shiet dont do it.

    3. tdsa23


      Lbox that could happen.

  14. Good day went bad. STRESSING!!

  15. Hate Comcast!!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. OrionStang


      I'm stuck with Timewarner. ATT is half the pric but doesn't cover my area. Bull Fucking Shit.

    3. tdsa23


      I was trying to get Dish but they want let me put a dish on the building.

    4. matt14


      I got Uverse, and like it. I used to have comcast, but way too expensive and always had problems with DVR or shit color from box

  16. Hate paying student loans back.

  17. Have an interview next week hope I get the job.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. ToNasty


      Zs of course. Perfect for the 5kizzle

    3. WastedTalent


      I recommend uppin your game so you can get on my level... as far as ps3 goes. Lmfao.

    4. tdsa23


      I like how the New cones look.

  18. Having surgery in the morning kinda nervous about this.

    1. SnowDrifter


      What are you getting done?

    2. tdsa23


      Surgery on my ear, had a hole in my ear drum.

  19. Hella hard to do the big 3 on my car took me 3 hours

  20. I hate when people hit your parked car and dont leave their info.

  21. I'm Loving this 5K on the havocs, DC & AA FTMFW!!!

  22. In Sacramento tonight any one want to meet up to hear each others rides? message me if so

  23. Its a great night of basketball which game are you watching?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. tdsa23


      LOL saw that too

    3. ToNasty


      Watching steph about to hit 400

    4. OrionStang


      LOL the 'sadface Jordan' cutouts in the crowd!!!

  24. Its been rainning my whole spring break.

  25. Just broke my phone screen FML!!!!!

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