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Status Updates posted by Baydestrian

  1. weren't*

    thats stupid you can't edit your comments

  2. ‎"I am not a hot head, I am Columbian. We get excited. My country is COVERED in coffee!" -Gloria from Modern Family

  3. "Irregular activity with PSN accounts" is the word from Sony

  4. 2 hrs of sleep and now working a 12 hr shift...fuuuuuu

    1. WastedTalent


      Awh, poor wittol baby. I do 16 hour shifts basically on 2-3 hrs sleep a day.

  5. 20 min Rush game on Canals was about to end, need to defend 10 more tickets on the last MCOM. I'm beasting it AND these high winds in Cali knock out my power for 10 fucking seconds. Good thing the kills save

    1. littlebuck1919


      it sucks when ur about to finish ur first winning round after being swapped to the losing side for the last 6 games, then everything freezes (i use xbox) or when u finally get to unlock something by killing someone in some assinine way then getting booted.....so u dont get what u unlocked....

    2. n1ghtsn1p3r


      Or you have a beast Squad DM team and you only need 2 more wins for an unlock challenge. only to have them leave after we finally lose a match.

      I need 8 more MCOM arms for another challenge. And getting a kill with that darn EOD bot sucks.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Baydestrian


      hahaha umadbro? this was a close one though

    3. KillaCam


      Don't forget your free taco from taco bell on tuesday.

    4. Trey_Dog650

    1. OrionStang


      Making Chicago look bad. I expected a better game.

    2. OrionStang


      I've seen better offensive lines on HS teams than what the Bears line is showing right now.

    3. Miguels


      i like the classic ones. jet lee did lots of good ones

  8. Anybody else with AT&T not able to get Mobile Network right now? TXTs still work, just no internet. My sister is experiencing the same thing on her device

    1. HatersGonnaHate


      Mines working just fine. Might just be a west coast issue.

    2. Baydestrian


      Yeah, I'm looking through comments on AT&T FB and ppl are complaining of slow speeds but mine won't connect then it randomly will for 30 secs and have 4mb/s speed then die again

    3. Baydestrian


      It was a problem in Cali, it is fixed now

  9. Ariel Castro committed suicide in prison...he took the easy way out like a bitch

    1. PaulPumpsBass


      Well... I think the women are indifferent about the whole thing. On one hand - He's dead, they no longer have to worry about him, no re-trails or parole. He's gone forever, never to harm them again. On the other hand - The were imprisoned for years and tortured and violated, him being in jail... he would have been treat very similar, giving them a feeling that some justice was served. But... he wasn't as strong as they were, he couldn't take it so he took the pussy way out. B...

  10. aye bro, I saw you have an Incredible...I think that's the one my dad has thru Virgin. I'm too lazy to look thru the user guide, how the heck do you delete apps that are on the home screen or w/e?

  11. Been working this courier job for the past 3 weeks, never on the net anymore since the computer job had me on it the whole shift lol

  12. Burning in my Audio Technica M50s LE. Playing everything from Eagles to Jeezy to Leann Rimes to Willie Nelson. Music has never sounded so good!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LT.Smoke


      You can break in head phones???

    3. Omega5002


      Yes, when they are very high quality headphones, it took me a month to break mine in, usually on average, takes about 40 hours of playback to break them completely.

    4. Baydestrian


      Yeah I read that for some reason the LE's sound better than the regular ones even though its the same drivers so I grabbed them, only $140 on Amazon and came within 3 days. I listen to them for a good 5-6 hours last night and did notice a bit of change from when I first started listening. I had my parents listen to them and my dad was loving them so I told my mom, "well i know what to get him for xmas" and she said "let's order them now" haha $30 credit on he...

  13. Canelo is done for....man, who is gonna beat Mayweather?!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. TRTC360


      Pacman is the last person that can give mayweather a shot at this point imo. People can talk as much shit as the want, bitch and moan about how he runs around the ring a lot. But sadly the truth is he is currently the best in his weight class, and will more than likely retire undefeated.

    3. Miguels


      he run and all but anyone would do that. . he is a smart fighter and the only way he can be beat if you fight smarter

    4. n8ball2013


      The thing that makes mayweather great is you will fight his fight. Hes a master psychologist. Hes in your head before the fight even starts. Once you starting fighting it the way you want its a wrap.

  14. Credit limit on my CC got bumped up to double what it was....maybe I can finally put something in my damn car. Been bassless pretty much since January

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Baydestrian


      Actually just remembered I believe I need new tires...that's $500 right there, gonna need to take care of that soon

    3. WastedTalent


      Listen to Ken. Unexpected shit comes up and if you add audio into it, you'll just constantly rack up that bill. I'll pay mine off within a year (as long as this GAP works) but $500 bill turned into $8000.

    4. WastedTalent


      And no, not 8 grand of audio. Down payment, tune up, yada yada yada.

  15. damn bro, too bad you never finished the caddy build! I got a 99 STS (I paid $500 for the new water cooled alt to be put in FML) and I'm not sure how to do the big 3 since the battery is under the rear seat :(

  16. Due to heart palpitations from anxiety I couldn't fall asleep last night b/c I was feeling my heart beat when I laid down, which lead to more anxiety therefore I fell asleep at 6am and woke up at 7am since I'm now at work and have to work at 12hr shift.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Keith77


      you may be a perfect candidate for some medical marijuana. Not sure where you are from. Start smoking may help.

    3. SLAYER1805


      My girlfriend uses natural remidies for her anxiety attacks or when its really high. She takes herb pills, she says they feel like a mild xanax, it relaxes you but you don't have the other side effects. She also drink a herbal tea, she'll sometimes have a cup a few days out of the week because it calms her down. MMJ is a good option too, there are some strains that are great for anxiety. If you want me to get the names of the herb pills and tea that my girlfriend uses I'll be more...

    4. Baydestrian


      Yeah whats the name of the herb pills? I stopped smoking weed back in September b/c they were causing my anxiety, weed increases my heart rate to above 100bpm since I am out of shape so I'd just focus on my racing heart and get anxiety. I'm still getting them occasionally since after having quite a few of them now I think about "crap am I going to get one" constantly. It sucks.

  17. Ending to this amazing SF game was on some biblical looking shit!!

  18. Finally leaving this BS security job. I almost want to just quit after this Thursday but returning my uniform would be awkward lmao

  19. Find a random video on YT, plays in HD no problems....try to play video from my sub box and it changes to 240p and doesn't play. WTF

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Baydestrian


      Did some Googling and tons of other ppl are having issues with YouTube today

    3. Krakin


      Have you seen if the song is on soundcloud?

    4. Baydestrian


      Go to PurpleSyrup's vids and they insta-play in 480p and not problems switching to 1080p mid video. YT is so weird

  20. First Ghosts patch is out, can finally mute ppl!

  21. Food poisoning sucks...really shouldn't have ate that Don Miguel burrito from the gas station that I had in my work fridge for a week

    1. Hotdog


      It does.. I remember my wife and I got food poisoning while on vacation in Florida many years ago eating at Olive Garden in Orlando.

    2. Baydestrian


      Luckily I didn't really have any nausea but the pain in my stomach like a severe cramp was terrible. Drank some lemon juice at 11pm last night and by 12am the pain subsided and is barely noticeable still

  22. Forza 5 is only $40 on Amazon right now...is it worth it? I see a lot of mixed reviews


    1. tdsa23


      NINERS  YA BISH!!!

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