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Team Bassick - Kimo

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Status Updates posted by Team Bassick - Kimo

  1. Heading to Modesto tomorrow for our annual Toys for Tots toy drive Car Audio Comp @ Liquid Trends 500 Glass Lane Suite # 7.

    1. tdsa23


      Damn I forgot all about that show

  2. I can not believe a year ago today was to be one of the greatest days of my life. It is finally here. As we get ready to leave on our trip back home to Hawaii I can not help but, reflect back on two years ago. Hard to believe it has been two years since you left us. However, I know you have been here the whole time enjoying every moment of this past year with us. Love and Miss You Aunty..........

  3. I don't know why I am awake. Must be my nerves. Being a niner fan its been 18 years since they have been to the game. Its been that long since I have enjoyed watching them as I have these past two seasons. However, just being a fan and not being able to sleep I can just imagine how the team and everyone in the organization is doing. On both sides of the fence. Ravens camp must be just as amped.Fuck It, it is game day.LETS GO NINERS!!!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. tdsa23
    3. MarioB


      I don't usually like the Ravens, but when I do there playing the niners

    4. OrionStang


      LOL Mario! Exactly!

      Go Raiders.

  4. I don't often do this but a friend had a good point, so I thought I would try it.....It occurs to me that for each and every one of you on my friends list, I catch myself looking at your pictures, sharing jokes and news, as well as support during good and bad times. I am also happy to have you among my friends. We will see who will take the time to read this message until the end. If you appreciate your friends from all over the world, go ahead and copy this into your status too, even if it's...

    1. IBleedMusick


      even if it's....if it's I'm on the edge of my seat. I read it til the end though.

    2. cjvue


      ... even if it's just continuing this sentence? :D

  5. I forgot.......damn its good to be back home on Kauai.

  6. I guess it is time to upgrade my computer.

  7. I hear there are only steers and queers in Rio Linda? Last time I checked you had no horns.

  8. I must pubically retract my statements preseason that Kaepernick isn't all that. HE IS!!! a bag of chips, dip and 6 pack (beer or abs your pick). 60 MPH pass.....

    1. Baydestrian
    2. Hotdog


      is he playing in the second half? :)

    3. tdsa23
  9. I remember when we had Prodigy and had to dial in. LOL

  10. I swear I'll return the pink tutu a.s.a.p. but I lost the key to the handcuffs.

  11. I went quietly, no kicking and screaming. Twilight series gets better every time. Still dont care for the first.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. OrionStang


      you haz teh ghey?

    3. HatersGonnaHate


      Wal Mart is having black friday special on balls next week. Pick some up lol.

    4. __d_a_v_i_d__


      LMFAO @ the comments

  12. I'd like to take this time to thank in advance to Bing Xu Joey Knapp Shawn Beaman Justin Zot-Zee and Fred Lynch for making this weekend possible. Without Fred's training and without Bing, Shawn, Justin and Joey stepping up to judge the 2013 California MECA State Finals this event wouldn't happen.

  13. I'd rather be golfing.........

  14. Interesting debate. Obama did not look very presidential. Romney looked sharp. Both candidates only raise more questions.

    1. Azagtoth502


      and both are full o chit.

    2. ChevyBoy95


      when are politicians not full of shit?

  15. is at Le Boulanger Pruneyard using free wifi via wavespot the new social wifi

  16. IT'S ALOHA FRIDAY, NO WORK TIL MONDAY........So can't wait until noon to get this weekend started. But, first hitting the gym. Wondering what is in store for us today.

  17. It's been a great year! Thanks for being a part of it.

  18. It's my first Daddy Day and I am eager to get home and see my little girl. I've been ready for the past 24 hours. Vegas was fun but, I miss my little girl. HAPPY DADDY DAY EVERYBODY!!!!!!!

  19. Just used my boobs to get out of a speeding ticket.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. hdorre


      Id think YOUR fine would get doubled hahah

    3. Ninja_v1.0


      better get that liver ready son.. countdown has begun!!! gonna need more than boobs to get you out of the trouble that is bound to happen

  20. Just wanted to say thank you for all the b-day wishes yesterday......I swear every year it gets harder on FB to keep up.

  21. KIMO STUCK IN VEGAS UPDATE!!!!!!!LOL, I know it may seem like all fun times in sin city but, for those of you who have been here for the past week for C.E.S. I sincerly feel your pain. I am going back to the airport in the morning and see if I can get an earlier flight out with another airlines or something. I don't want to wait 24 hours just to have my flight cancelled again. On a follow up a note to my earlier post about Vegas while I was enjoying the Niners win (YAH!!!!!!). It has been...

  22. Last show of the season. Reno bound for 3X Iasca and Meca.

    1. Real96SS


      I thought that was this past weekend?

    2. matt14
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