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Everything posted by IBleedMusick

  1. where is said thread http://www.stevemead...mount-amp-dyno/ Thanks How the hell did the Ninja miss that thread? You're slipping usually you're lurking in the shadows of all threads that have the potential to end in butthurt.
  2. Let the Psyph album play out while I completed a clients website and it definitely vibes. Couldn't stop to change tracks so listened cover to cover very good album. It beat the hell out of those Aerial7's I got from Meade but they took the bass well and actually sounded pretty damn good this was played amped and through iTunes

    1. meade916


      i been telling people to start at song one and go all the way to the end....something about the way the songs are arranged just works.  Thanks bro - i will pass on the message to Psyph.  

  3. Got the Psyph album waiting for it to download now and then I am going to let it bump in the garage while I do some work on the Civic.

  4. Mr. Dubois, Mr. I wanna lock ppl up for peeing. What's the Statute of limitations against bed wetting???

    1. IBleedMusick


      Riley no one is going lock you up for peeing.

    2. Omega5002


      Dafuq did I just read

    3. IBleedMusick


      I take it you're not a Boondocks watcher.

  5. I didn't notice this sooner but where in the hell did Adam go? He just vanished like a juiced up body builders penis.

  6. I love the google copy and paste point he didn't make. I don't think he even read what he posted before he did so. Just goes to show the comprehension levels of this generation. Then when he gets called on it he actually says "yeah thats what I meant".
  7. Geebus I can feel your mind working from here and its giving me a migraine. I'm surprised you didn't try and buy a box truck and do a massive blowthrough.
  8. Sooooooo where's the 4 channel to push these bishes you guys have anything coming stronger than the 85.4?
  9. That there is sexy. Tell Will to get off his ass and get these in his SUV lol Ryan too.
  10. Wouldn't the SA-8, e-8, SD-8 or even the pending X-8 serve that purpose? Too many companies make 6.5" woofers that really don't get looked at often. I actually just bought a Kicker 6.5" Single 1 ohm CVT for shits and giggles just to kick around
  11. This final build should be a nasty lil sumbish. I feel sorry for the civic already because I am about to beat the shit out of her with 2 12's and a SAZ 4500 :peepwall:

  12. Anyone know if that thread for free VIN checks is still around. I need to have a VIN number checked and its not important enough to pay for a car fax.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. bass_stalker


      i retract that statement the link no longer works

    3. IBleedMusick


      ^That would work as well.

    4. IBleedMusick


      Well that sucks donkey balls I am not trying to pay car fax to see a little vehicle info.

  13. I foresee DC in the Tahoe in the future when I get the scratch. They make some sexy ass woofers I am loving what CJ just did to his.
  14. Seriously what the hell do you see. You can't say damn she got ass and I look and she don't have no ass. WTH gettin my mind ready to see some butt and there is no butt.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jeep0312


      where is the like button?

    3. Socky


      I love a women with a nice ass, gotta love them :D

    4. SnowDrifter


      Roses are red, tires are black, why is your ass as flat as your back..

  15. Shit I want in on that deal I think I need to email dude and see what his payment plan is like.
  16. I saw a Dodge Magnum police car, never seen that before atleast not one that wasn't DT or Jump Out. I wonder how it handles and whether it has the same mods as the police chargers.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. KillaCam


      Probably taken from a drug dealer.

    3. IBleedMusick


      :lol2: I remember there was a mustang the police were using and the jackasses couldn't prosecute the drug dealer they took the car from until they went to get the car serviced and found coke stuffed in every nook and cranny of the car so they were riding around with the evidence the whole time.
    4. Leo1103


      we have some undercover F-150's in Boston... basterds

  17. Considering the commute to my new office is 2 hours and my old commute to my old office was 45 minutes without traffic I can honestly say as long as your whip is fuel efficient don't move anywhere its not worth it.
  18. Just got named Forensics Examiner & Office Manager for my company. Youngest in the companies history feels GREAT :good:!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. cjvue
    3. OrionStang


      Good job, man. Wish I had the same luck.

    4. IBleedMusick


      Thanks everyone. Ken, believe me man its long overdue. I have been with this company for 6 years and I have been overlooked quite a few times and shafted way more. Luckily new management understood my value.

  19. For the life of me I will just never understand big rims on fast cars its just idiotic. Why would you destroy the point of the car by making it incapable of turning quickly or going really fast or hell just able to fully lock your wheel for a u turn. But to each his own.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. IBleedMusick


      Oh naw I don't knock anyone for what they do to their property thats why I ended my comment with to each his own. I just said I will never understand it. Personally it's more like if you're going to do it do it right or dammit buy a car that can fit em with no expensive mods.

    3. iwannabeloud


      what kills me is the poeple who talk shit about cars with big rims, then they get truck and lift them and have never been off pavement. As long as the vehicle gets you from point a to point b who cares what it looks like. also it's illegal to go fast on public roads, and its dangerous too

    4. IBleedMusick


      A lot of people care how their vehicle looks including me the point wasn't modding it, it was simply me not understanding why do it to certain cars. The last bit about going fast on public roads being illegal, I hope is a failed attempt at trolling because if not your comment was completely asinine.

  20. Too each his own. I have seen far too many well built systems sound 10 times louder than a car like that. I just don't understand what would posses someone to want to put speakers outside.
  21. Its ignorant as hell and it sounds like shit. The new fad around here is horns in the grill so them dumb asses are super loud and the bass can't keep up with the music. They do actually sound like a ghetto ice cream truck to be honest.
  22. You may want to think about looking at a used one from a reputable dealership in town. Last thing you need to do is sink a ton of money in a lemon that can't be returned. I would honestly do a shit ton of research about where to go and what place can be trusted. Since you don't really have credit you will need you dad for co signing and since you're buying used check to see if your banks rates are lower for car loans than the dealer you're buying from. I would also do a credit check on you and your father right before you walk into any dealer and hand it to them so they don't have to run your credit again. Also rethink the above 100k notion you don't want a truck from 07 with 100k + on it. The normal consumer only drives 12-15k a year if the truck has anything more than 76k then that person drove it and drove it hard. Even if its all highway you still don't want that many miles on something that is only 5 years old.
  23. Looking for 2 full cone dutcaps to fit a pair of 12's asap. Checked PSI but they look a little too expensive right now. If anyone has a pair I have cash ready not looking to spend an arm and a leg on dustcaps so be reasonable. PM with anything thanks.
  24. I like soundstream don't feel or look as cheap as they did a while ago and I have the tx1300 tx2600 and rub1.2500 I like em all the tx1300 can be had for around 170 new and it is beating the hell out of my single 12. I would love to clamp them and eventually I will just so I can finally answer of whether these do rated. After a google search and some reading I did find a forum where someone clamped the rubicon 2500 and got rated but I am not sure how true that is. What I can say is the line has been revamped after it was taken under new management.I dunno so far I am very happy with the amps.
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