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Status Updates posted by Real96SS

  1. Anybody wanna help me design a 4th order for my Avalanche?

  2. Anybody wanna try and guess some numbers for my setup?Amps turned up but still need tuning in the 360 and its not sealed yet.

  3. Back in the USA finally!!! Hanging out in Baltimore until this afternoon when I head to Alabama.So glad to be home :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Real96SS


      Where are you located Purp?

    3. Maebros


      yeah im jealous. lol  not far behind you though man

    4. White Lightning

      White Lightning

      when you get to Alabama, hit meup sometime ... I'm in Mississippi

  4. Been down for a over a week after foot surgery.Thought i wouldn't be working on the truck but my ass been hopping around the garage still putting in work LoL!!!

  5. Ben Waage of Las Vegas is a scammer that ducks people like his name Mayweather when it comes time to produce the product he promised. Hopefully none of the SMD community has placed an order with him for an alternator bracket cause if you don't have it, then you wont get it

    1. OrionStang


      Make it a thread, and explain the situation. I, and others, have no clue who the fuck Ben Waage is.

    2. Real96SS


      Do we have a scammer section on here? Would be nice if we did but this guy is local to me in Vegas and my Team mate paid him $400 back in December for a bracket for his 07 Tahoe. As of like 3 months ago he stop replying to him. So my team mate hit me up since I was in Vegas and I told him I would help him out. Which I did by calling him out on FB where he admitted to owing money but then reported the post and had it removed.

    3. OrionStang


      Post it in the buyer/seller feedback section.

  6. Big changes on the horizon. They thought I was done LoL!!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. magillaru


      Your build was one of the reasons I decided to run Teams.....looking forward to whatever is coming!

    3. moredbs


      hmm! very interesting!

    4. Real96SS


      The Teams are awesome subs and have been doing me very good. Once I get a good start on the Van I will start another build log.

  7. Broke ass people are always trying to criticise what you do with your money.Maybe they should spend more time getting theirs and stop worrying about how others spend theirs.Broke Azz Ninja's!!!

  8. Call me a supporting member now.Well worth it!!!

  9. Can you let me know what size external fuse is best for the 200.4? Thanks

  10. Chillin in Milan instead of Paris

    1. n8ball2013


      i feel so sorry for you.

    2. Real96SS


      Yeah the wife decided on Milan instead.So I guess its Paris this summer instead.

  11. Clamped one of 9k's today with the Vital Power HHAMD-1 at the USACi IFO.6498w clamped at [email protected]

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. slamingsuburban


      what are you wired to

    3. Real96SS
    4. SPLadd1ct


      Just remember you arn't even making what the HHAMD-1 told you you were...AC volts x AC amps = VA, not watts

  12. DC 175.4 and 90.4 on the way. Time to finally have all DC amps :)

  13. Dudes be like "Yo I bought these DC subs now Im Team DC FTW" LoL Really

  14. Everything out of the truck and ready to ship back stateside.Feels so good knowing Im almost done overseas and will be back on American soil :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Real96SS


      LoL man I think everything will be getting sold when I get back except the 9k, steg amps and probably the alternators if I can have them rebuilt to 370xp's

    3. IBleedMusick


      Whhhhaaaaatttt? I thought you finally had it where you wanted. I must've missed something in the build log about restarting.

    4. Real96SS


      Yeah I had it where I planned to have it a couple months ago and have just been gaining more and more.Started with a 149.8 and ended with a 152.9. I think thats pretty damn good for my first build and doing it all myself pretty much.Next setup will be built for Lightweight Bassboxing as long as the rules or classes dont change

  15. Fi Audio will be making people smile here soon :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. REVOofRustler


      Is that for the "X" series of subs?

    3. tdsa23


      What new lineup?

    4. Real96SS


      I know of the X sub but all the others have been kept secret.Check out their FB page and you will see some convos about the new lineup

  16. Finally did something I have been wanting to do for awhile.Purchase my first motorcycle. 2009 Honda CBR 600RR. Now I just got to take the class and get the license hopefully next week.

  17. Finally found a house and had Cox hooked up. Can you say 50mb's? Fastest internet next to fiber optics FTW!!!

    1. OrionStang


      You found a house that quick? Renting?

    2. Real96SS


      Yeah Im renting and I looked at a couple houses before settling for this one. Its perfect except I didnt get a 3 car garage :( But getting 3100sqft a monster master bed bath and walk in closet and the perfect kitchen for $1400 a month....winning.Were still looking for a house to buy though that has everything we want.

  18. Finally made E-6 today.For those that dont know its a military rank and a hard one to get.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Real96SS


      Thats not funny at all and sorry to hear that.Were you EOD?I knew you were prior military but wasn't sure what branch and what happened?

    3. OrionStang


      Army. EOD escort mission. Last humvee in line, IED buried in the asphalt blew up right under the front bumper. Few more feet would have been lights out. I have to laugh at it. Try and get all the schools you can, get that 7 in a couple years.

    4. Real96SS


      Damn man thats jacked up.I have 3 classes left to get my CCAF and then I start my bachelors.Been slacking lately but hopefully I can make 7 in 2 years if I keep my same scores from this year should make it off the TIG and TIS.

  19. Finally this gay Exercise is over but the works not done yet

  20. Finally touchdown in Las Vegas!!!

    1. BeatBox


      have fun! im going there in march

    2. Real96SS


      Yeah man I plan too. I'm stationed here for the next couple years.

  21. First basketball game in a year was today and I think the 15 5 6 I dropped show that I still got it LoL!!!

  22. First basketball game in a year was today and I think the 15 5 6 I dropped show that I still got it LoL!!!

  23. Funny how Im not the only person that feels that way about your smart&$$

  24. Going on 4 weeks and still no batteries.2 got held up in NY for some reason and the other one.......I have no clue

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Real96SS


      Yeah Im thinking thats what it is but I have ordered batteries within the past 6 months and they got here within 3 weeks.The tracking shows they were accepted in NY but nothing since the 22nd.Sucks cause the other I have no tracking for since I bought it from a forum member

    3. OrionStang


      NY's as far as you can track anyway. The MPS has it now, because they are heavy, it may take a while.

    4. Real96SS


      I hope they still arrive cause i was looking forward to having them to finish the rear when the new box is done.Hopefully they get here in one piece

  25. Good time yesterday at the MECA/IASCA event. Truck is still getting louder and also set a record in PnP for AZ/NV :)

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Real96SS


      PnP 135.7 but started at a 136.x and my window rolled down on me LoL. Mod 5 was a 159.1

    3. MarioB
    4. Real96SS


      Thanks man.Both were an increase over my last scores.

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