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Everything posted by pioneerforlife

  1. It's been a while lol.....Still up to the same old stuff, tryin to get louder and louder.

    1. Ninja_v1.0


      well quit typing and get to work 





    2. pioneerforlife


      Car is in storage for the winter.  Gotta go pull the door panels off though so I can work on them.

  2. Completely destroyed my second windshield a local show today. Luckily, got it all on video. Just posted them in my build log.

    1. Kyblack76


      beast dude.......

  3. anyone ever have an amp get hot just being on?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. pioneerforlife


      Yeah idk my 15k has been fine all winter but now that its hot out I cant keep it cool

    3. RainStryke


      Yeah, mine sat in the sun for a while since I had my seats down, it was too hot to even turn on until I turned on the A/C for a bit.

    4. Bayuk89


      On a 30 minute drive i didnt play any music but radio and amp were on, touched amp and it was slightly warm. No issues with the amp but yes i have had this happen too.

  4. outputs got broken off of the 15k in shipping....fml

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. OrionStang


      Shitty deal man.

    3. Amart88


      Been in your shoes with ampmedics before. Was not a 15k but same point. No packing, amp was in bad shape.

    4. Lakeshow94


      Good to know. Its nice having a community for car audio so we can avoid bs like this. Sucks that you can't be reimbursed but posts like this will eventually put them under.

  5. Someone fix my amp. It's only a little fucked up.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. pioneerforlife


      Its not the amps fault at all. This would have happened to any amp I had on the back of that c pillar. That c pillar shook and flexed so much I'm surprised it lasted as long as it did.

    3. hdorre
    4. dangaranga


      #sssooouuunnnndddssttrreeaaammmmm. J/k I saw what that thing went through and it's definitely not the amps fault Lmao it broke every screw we could find and mount it with

  6. the B pillar has started. pics are in the build log

    1. ToNasty


      Love the build and can't wait to get my alts from daniel

    2. pioneerforlife


      Yeah i have put my alt through hell and it works just as good as when i got it.

  7. well i have decided to be done with the c pillar. it was fun while it lasted, but a b pillar will do me better. so the b pillar is going to be built this winter.

  8. i smell a rebuild in the future....

  9. The guy with the loud avenger

  10. the 15k is being sent out to repair tomorrow. going to get it done right this time.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Broke_Audio_Addict


      I was just curious because the first 55+ vehicle I heard was a local guy with a xxx15k on two soundstream xxx 18's

    3. pioneerforlife


      Yeah I know that guy. He is/was on team Soundstream. I almost bought his from him

  11. the 15k is being sent out to repair tomorrow. going to get it done right this time.

  12. subs are blown. only lasted one week

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. pioneerforlife


      Oh yeah it was definitely my fault. It help when both coils of the sub is hooked up lol. That's why I think once I recone they will last for a bit. Just need to last until like November when I rebuild

    3. pioneerforlife


      The other sub I perfectly fine. Except there are slight signs of the surround starting to tear. These were pre owned before me so who knows what the old owner did to them

  13. does anyone know if the dd1 acts up with a batt thats low it?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kyblack76


      what does "act up " mean?

    3. pioneerforlife


      Like telling you the amp is distorted when the gain is barely up. The (without touching the gain) the distortion light slowly fades away

    4. Sergeant_Skyrim


      Yeah I think I even had that experience with a cheap batt like Keith said. Put a proper battery in there, you'll definitely notice a difference in where you can set the gain lol

  14. posted a quick vid of the system in the build log

  15. 16,000 watts on the way!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. pioneerforlife


      haha yeah. im curious to see how (or if) these 9515's will take it. going from 6k to 16k lol

    3. SlamminBeats


      8K on one those will fry it. Dan said his got stinky on an M3 which is 3.5-4K

    4. pioneerforlife


      dan also dropped to 11 flat lol. i plan on keeping voltage high and clipping low lol

  16. had an awesome time at slam. gave hundreds of demos an met tons of great people. even tapped out for the first time but reclaimed myself later haha. can't wait for next year

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. DubNDodge


      hahaha ricco got you good. I'll pass out before I tap lol

    3. pioneerforlife


      Haha. It just caught me way off guard. I had never heard anything like it before. It didn't hurt my ears or anything, it was my body. Whenever I would breath in there was a sharp stabbing pain in my chest lol. It was worth it though. It sounded awesome.

    4. dangaranga


      that jeep was straight up retarded lol

  17. I need more power....

    1. audiolamb6


      yep more power another sub

  18. So one of my 9515's randomly started making this coil rubbing sound. But only when its powered. It is on 1/3 rated power with no clipping at all which pisses me off. Not sure what the issue is

    1. REMT15


      mine took a beating from a crescendo 3500 daily for 8 months before any issues. I was surprised it lasted that long playing decaf

  19. So i was running the xxx on a single bank of caps, added a second bank, and holy shit. its so much louder

  20. Sooo are there seriously no shows in michigan this year. what the hell

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. OrionStang


      Same thing here is South California. North California has a couple each month though. And yes, I feel its two separate states.

    3. pioneerforlife


      i'll probably be coming down to ohio for a couple this year. but yeah I think we should have some huge show. that would be pretty cool.

  21. updated the log with pics of the wall build. Also, a 270 amp hairpin alt will soon be going in.

  22. so, insurance cut me a check for all my amps plus some. funny thing is, all the amps that broke in the accident were temperary amps anyway. i already relaced them. so now i have a bunch of money to spend on whatever.

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