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Status Updates posted by Wood

  1. It's OFFICIAL !! Got the Tracking info for my Alternator :D Should be here by Wed!!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tecomah


      congrats! always a good feeling

    3. Wood


      Thanks guys!!

      @Sgunnem LMAOO!! GRINCH!!

      @Kylar Thanks bro! You got the Ninja Pic haha

  2. Just dropped the first vid documenting the current status and the rebuild of Red Ruby!! Tomorrow, I'm going to drop another video for everyone who is following my progress and showing love!!

  3. Just finished the Retrofit DIY thread... Everyone go check it out... :) Hope ya'll like!!!!!!

  4. Just Ordered my SHCA for my big 3 upgrade... Life is great right now lol

  5. Looking at different build logs, excited to know that I'll be starting mine next week!!!

    1. Tecomah


      get at in man! buildings the fun part

    2. Wood


      Yes it is brother, Yes it is!!!

  6. LOTS of Updates!! Super excited how everything is turning out and it's all coming to an end!!

    1. scooter99


      Looks great! Home stretch!!!

    2. Wood


      Thanks bro!! I'm SUPER excited!! Can't wait to fire it up!!

  7. Material cost for fiberglass projects can get costly!! Just finish purchasing the rest of my necessaties.. Everything should be shipped by Tues, so I'll FINALLY be able to start my door panels!

  8. Meet with Jeff (Swordboy) this weekend, and He's cool as hell.. And BECAUSE of him, I REALLY wanna upgrade now -.- (I've only had my shit running for about 2months lol)

    1. Keith77


      What took you so long LOL

    2. Wood


      LOL aye I was trying to enjoy what I have but now I NEED MOAR!!!!!

  9. Once my pictures finish uploading, I'll be updating my BL :)

    1. pioneerforlife


      hell ya man that's what im talkin about. tuned in.

  10. Only if I could afford that Mobile Solutions Smart template kit! :'(

    1. rockFord_Expedition


      That would be sweet to have.

    2. rockFord_Expedition


      I do have a router and table, a few different bits, and lots of time on my hands. Oh the things I could do with one of those kits lol.

    3. Wood


      Bro!! I would go ape shit on my build LOL

  11. Patience is THE HARDEST thing when it comes to being a basshead!

  12. Please go check out my BL, trying to get SMD involved :) I need votes on Tweeter baffles I designed for my A Pillars

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Phaeton


      i like putting ham and cheese on my waffles as soon as they come out of the toaster, so i get a waffle sandwich that is all warm cause it just came out of a toaster. Also he asked, begging is repeated and whatnot.

  13. Posted a new video in my BL... Check it out!!!

  14. Quick question, If I have a H/O Alternator but a stock battery, will I be ok to run a 2k rms (total) system for a month?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Miguels


      i never noticed the battery was shot because my other batteries would start the car. for a month it should be okay if you want to save money get a deka group 34. it cost $160

    3. Wood


      @Miguels I had no idea about deka! I was looking into XS Power Group 34s and if I can save $100 I'm all for it!!! Thanks bro

    4. justin0943


      yeah deka are good battery's I've seen them perform they hold better then stock

  15. Quick question, whats the purpose for running dual inputs to amplifiers?

    1. ROLEXrifleman


      to meet the current consumption of the amp

    2. Wood


      thanks guys! I've seen it but never knew the purpose...

  16. Quick Question!! Most of you know, I plan to run to Sundown Sa 12s. My question is, If I dont have bracing, but I fiberglass the inside with chop mat and resin, will it be equally stronger?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Miguels


      you need to brace the box if you want it to last.. get a few broom sticks from your neighbors and cut them to size.

    3. SnowDrifter


      Fill it with concrete. All the bracing you could ever ask for. But for real: For some SA-12s, all you should need are some 1.5" dowels. Not sure you'd see any benefit from glassing

    4. Wood


      Ok, so if I get the dowels can I just glue and glass them into place? And as far as glassing the seams you dont think it would make it stronger?

  17. Quick question... when sealing off... do you have to seal the bottom of the box also?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wood


      Shouldn't be when I screw it down to my false floor..

    3. evermaxx


      My beauty panel covers all sides.

      but, if your box is screwed to the bottom, I wouldnt worry.. Put it in, and see.. Only real way to see.

    4. BigManAC


      My false floor meet the rear deck that the box sat on when i did mine. Just for good measure I put some deadened on it though.

  18. Quote of the Day: Appreciate what you have, because everyone is not able!

    1. tdsa23
    2. KillaCam


      If you're in America. You've got it in you to succeed. You just have to face that sweat and blood to get there.

    3. Wood


      Thanks you guys, I figure I would try to motivate after seeing someone complaining (not gonna call any names) ... but as long as there is a roof over your head, clothes on your back and food on the table, nothing else matters... the extras are nothing but a bonus and thats where hard work comes from!!

  19. S/O to Goodvibes, Tecomah and Swordboy!!! They ALL have helped my build SIGNIFICANTLY!! I definitely appreciate it fellas!! Thanks!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wood


      @Tecmah Although the time hasn't came yet, what you're doing for me will definitely help out in a big way!

    3. WastedTalent


      I haven't? Well that's just a bit rude there wood. I believe I made your day once. You are welcome. JK. Keep calm

    4. Wood


      @WT Lolololol!

  20. SHCA don't sale 0ga any more only 2/0?? Or is it just currently out of stock?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Soccerballzs


      Look at SHCA ride he used every foot in the USA. Love it!

    3. Wood


      Lol like a drug dealer using his own product hahaha

    4. Jbarrera93


      No problem, lol

  21. Should I fiberglass the inside of my enclosure with Fiberglass and mat? Or would it not make much of a difference? I ask because I have everything glued except the top piece and all joints are strong yet I want to be sure my box doesn't come apart in the future.

    1. White Lightning

      White Lightning

      strong bass has a tendacy to "find a way" to destroy a enclosure over time ... just a nature of the beast ...

    2. Wood


      Well with 2k rms would this be a good "preventitive" or would I be ok with the standard wood glue and screws?

    3. SnowDrifter


      I like to throw a few 6" strips in corners

  22. So I entered the world of Front Stage only because of SMD and enjoyed saving $$ while keeping the sound quality with no rear fill... well I heard a setup that has rear fill but was active and tuned with the proper TA and OMG its sounds AMAZING!!! Esp considering it had 4 15s with only rear coax and a 3way front stage... hmmm too do or not to do!!! (not in the rear deck, just in my rear doors.. say no to 6x9s lol)

    1. Soccerballzs


      Where you been Friend? Car looking good!!

    2. Wood


      Hey whats up SB!!!! Been a minute, had to take a break so I could get my school stuff situated but I'm good now :) Thanks for checking out the progress.. I got more in store coming soon!!! If you want bro, PM me!!

    3. Soccerballzs
  23. So obviously, This WHOLE day I thought it was Tuesday smh..

  24. Stuck between rear fire or sealing off.... urgghh!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tecomah
    3. Wood


      Overall Design wise, sealing off is the better option, but when I have passengers and have to lift my seats up then My system is useless.. at least with rear fire, sound can go thru the rear deck speaker holes :/

      @Tecomah and thats another thing, I don't want to go thru a whole seal off just to be disappointed! I've heard other members cars sealed off, but honestly the bass doesn't sound as "full" as rear fire. I mean the bass is there don't get me wron...

    4. Swordlordboy1234
  25. The amount of knowledge on this forum is unreal, BUT what good is it if you going to bash people for not knowing what you know? INSTEAD OF TALKING DOWN, HOW ABOUT YOU GROW TF UP AND ACTUALLY SPREAD THAT KNOWLEDGE!!

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