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Status Updates posted by Herokight

  1. Finally... 1,000 posts... Never thought I'd see this day.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kyblack76


      want a cookie?

    3. Herokight
    4. Herokight


      Still wish most of my posts were more productive than the random picture post, but I guess that's what happens when you don't have a car. =/

  2. Ever look through old Facebook posts and feel like a jackass? I just ffound a good one I forgot about. Apparently, if I ever get a big lifted up truck, my vanity plate is gonna say "DKSMSHR."

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SnowDrifter


      I sometimes do that with old forum posts

    3. Herokight


      Haha! Same here. I came in and made myself look like a total jackass from the get-go.

    4. Omega5002


      I feel that when I look through my Myspace lol

  3. Anyone know of any good video editing software? My budget is cheap or free. Right now I'm using NCH VideoPad. It has great features, it's just so slow...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. justin0943


      I used sony vegas and PowerDirector real good program free you can get "full version for free like I did" don't tell nobody

    3. k3n12ock


      I use Sony Vegas, free and full version too LOL

    4. Herokight


      Meh. *shrug* I'll probably figure something out.

  4. Oh shit... I did miss alot...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Herokight


      I'm not even 100% sure what all I missed. I mean, I noticed the new stuff added to the site, but I was mainly talking about how far all the builds I was watching have come.

    3. DubNDodge


      health section, random picture post v2 is combined with the original. Server was updated so the site is blazing fast, if you haven't already noticed.

      And my build was one of those that got finished :)

    4. Herokight


      I definitely noticed the faster load times, even on the shitty computer and internet I'm using. Haha. Jesus. I haven't gotten around to the random picture post. I noticed the meme thread exploded.

  5. Has anyone ever used Massive Audio? If so, how are they? I'm considering a couple of their 6.5 coax sets.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Herokight


      I was considering the DX. The four channel I'm getting is 120x4 @ 4ohms.

    3. DubNDodge


      SQ came out with their coax again. I have the AQ ones. pretty damn nice.

    4. DubNDodge


      Not that I run them daily, but I installed the 100w 6x9 and it sounded good on hu power

  6. All day I've complained about the lack of skate parks in Georgia, and then I saw this. http://californiaska...nnesaw-georgia/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Herokight


      Ah.... Damn... Basically, a bunch of skating foundations have gotten together and are having a 1.2 million dollar park built about a hour or so away from me. The project starts this summer. Good thing I started back. Maybe I'll be pretty good by the time it's done.

    3. c.director
    4. Herokight


      Kennesaw. Google "new skate parks in ga" and it should be the third link.

  7. You would know that when I can't drive I'd find the truck I want, in the color I want, in like new condition, at a price I can agree on.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Borris The Blade

      Borris The Blade

      buy it and park it till you can drive.

    3. Herokight


      I totally would if I had the money. I just wanted to see what I'd be looking at price wise. Atleast I know what I can get now. =]]

    4. Herokight


      *what I can get for the price I want.

  8. I WANT A NEW CAR TO EXPERIMENT ON SO BAD.... But I still haven't been cleared to drive, and I'm on the doctor's side on that...

    1. tdsa23



      Lmao J/K

    2. purplesyrup


      good luck man!

      hope you get cleared soon

    3. Herokight


      Well, my accident happened back in August and the neurologist has said after the one year mark whatever symptoms I have is pretty m uch what I'm stuck with... =/ It sucks to be a car guy and be afraid of riding in them because of ptsd...

  9. I wish someone could explain to me how to figure out how many batteries I'd need for the setup I wanna do. From XS Power's website I'm planning on enough batteries for 19kw, but I've heard I might not be planning enough electrical for the 8kw I'm planning on...

    1. Miguels


      you need to do the math.. there is videos on YT showing how to do it

    2. DubNDodge
    3. Herokight


      I didn't know that. I've just been asking around and looking at wattage charts. I'll start watching some vids.

  10. Still looking at a year of recovery time atleast. Cognative reasoning test came back that I have been severely impaired.

    1. SnowDrifter


      Dammnnnn  :(

      What happened?

    2. Bigsix


      Bogus, and Im with SnowDrifter, what happened

    3. Herokight


      Check the build log. I was in a wreck.

  11. What happened to youtube channel post? I started a new channel and was gonna share it.

  12. I wanna go to some shows next year... Meet some guys off here and actually get a little more involved in the car audio scene...

    1. tdsa23


      where do u stay?

    2. Herokight


      Georgia. I'm in Smyrna with family now. The main problem is gonna be getting to shows because I've been in a wreck and haven't been cleared to drive yet.

  13. Jesus. Haven't checked out the forum in a looooooooong time. Well, atleast i have plenty of reading to do.

  14. I don't usually bitch too much about it, but homelessness sucks.

    1. WastedTalent


      True that. I experienced it for awhile.

    2. Herokight


      I'm lucky enough to have family to give me a bed to sleep in, but it's still hell. It's not my own place with all my stuff. Plus the place is a wreck.

  15. Damn. I feel like I'm blowing this place up lately. Hell, It's all I really have to do these days though....

    1. pa-pa-platypus


      eh someones gotta be the post whore..may as well be you lol

    2. Herokight


      Hell back when I had a car and system I hardly ever posted, now I don't have either and I'm blowin' it up. lol

  16. Maybe one day most of my posts will be in a build log instead of the random picture post.... But I doubt it.

    1. Kyblack76
    2. boom50cal


      I don't think I'll get there either :)

  17. Did not enjoy that E.E.G today... Probably because I found out I'm mildly allergic to the jelly stuff they use to put the sensors on... >.

    1. SnowDrifter


      Lol I had one today too. Wayy too easy to fall asleep

    2. Herokight


      Did they use the bright ass strobe light on you too?

  18. Today I rode in a Chevy Express van, and all I could do was lstare at the back and wonder how many speakers would fit in it.

    1. Neckbeard


      Me and my dad are painting a 1963 dodge dart, I think the same thing when ever i look at the trunk lol

    2. 95legwagon


      i drive an astro @ work, with no seats in it except the drivers seat....... it kills me knowing what that van could be doing....but will never do.

  19. A friend might be able to get me on as a shop hand at a dealership whenever I get off workers comp. That's really making me consider mechanic school since I'd already have my foot in the door...

    1. Amart88


      Hell yeah man. Good luck.

    2. Herokight


      It seems like my best shot. Judging by what I'd make as a shop hand, I'm really stating to wonder what techs make.

  20. What do you guys think about passing around cigars to all the guys that smoke as a Christmas present? I figured maybe I should start acting my age, and I've never bought anything for the men in the family...

    1. Herokight


      Good point. Hell, I already act alot more mature than most people my age. Atleast the ones I've seen and know of. It'd definitely surprise them.

    2. Herokight


      I smoke every once in awhile too, so it wouldn't be as awkward. I haven't smoked in awhile though... I quit because the cheap cigarillos I could afford started tasting bad.

  21. How It's Made hasn't taught me how to make ANYTHING.

    1. Purplehaze


      Totally your fault ;)

    2. kirill007


      It's: how it's made.

      It's not : How can you make it ;)

  22. Finally... My dad got a real job and he starts Monday. Now if they could just figure out what's wrong with me, things will be moving in the right direction.

    1. sayhuh?


      Apple doesnt falll far from the tree? :P

  23. You know, I think my favorite part of this forum is that it's basically a bunc of guys alll interested in the same things just hangin' out. Or is it just me?

    1. Maebros


      no homo  but yeah i love the fact that this place is pretty much a hangout  and not  just  a  car audio specific forum.

  24. Jesus Christ everything is such a clusterfuck right now.

  25. Give that bitch a subwoofer. Bitches love subwoofers. Well, I did give that bitch a subwoofer, and she loves it. BUT SHE WANTS ME TO MAKE A NEX BOX. Sigh...

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